| | أحداث السنوات من سنة 180 م إلي سنة 189 م | |
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البدراني عضو فعال
عدد المساهمات : 3882 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009
| موضوع: أحداث السنوات من سنة 180 م إلي سنة 189 م السبت فبراير 18, 2012 7:31 am | |
| أحداث السنوات من سنة 180 م إلي سنة 189 م
| المصادر: موسوعة لآلئ موسوعة ويكيبيديا مصادر أخري |
| | | البدراني عضو فعال
عدد المساهمات : 3882 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009
| موضوع: أحداث سنة 180 الجمعة مايو 25, 2012 5:56 pm | |
| سنة 180مفاوضات و معاهدة حلف بين الملك (علهان نهفان) وابنه من جهة وبين (جدرت ) ملك أكسوم والحبشة من جهة أخريالمصدر: المستشرق (فون وزمن) هدف الملك ( علهان نهفان ) من التفاوض مع جدرت لعقد صلح := تحالف الطرفين لضمان مساعدة الحبش له في حربه مع منافسيه وخصومه. ملك الحبشة جدرت جاء اسمه في النصوص على هذه الصورة: (جدر نجش اكسم ) . ومعناها :جدر نجاشي أكسوم وورد على هذه الصورة: (جدرت ملك حبشت واكسمن) في النص الذي وسم ب Jamme.ومعناها :جدرة ملك الحبشة وأكسوم. و كان يحتل جزءاً من العربية الجنوبية في ذلك الوقت بدليل العثور علي نص تاريخي عنه فيه جملة ( واقول وقدمن واشعب ملك حبشت،أي واقيال وسادات وقبائل ملك الحبشة)
وقد نجح علهان في عقد تحالف ً مع الحبش، وفيما يبدو فإن تاريخ عقد هذا الحلف كان بعد انتهائه من الحرب التي أعلنها على حمير. في تلك الحرب تحالف الحبش مع أهل حضرموت للقضاء علي حمير . ولما عقد علهان معاهدة الحلف مع الحبش، كان ابنه شعر أوتر قد اشترك معه في الحكم . تعقيب : لم يدوم الحلف الذي عقد بين علهان وابنه شعر أوتر من جهة والحبش من جهة أخرى، إذ سرعان ما نقض ووقعت الحرب بين ( شعر أوتر بن علهان ) وبين (ملك الحبش) . إلا أنه لم يتمكن من القضاء علي الحبش ، ولم يستطع اخراجهم من اليمن، بل بقوا في المناطق الخاضعة لهم بالجزء الغربي من اليمن. ملحوظة : خالف بعض الباحثين في زمان حكم هذا النجاشي (جدرت ) وقدره بحوالي السنة 250 (المصدر : جواد علي ، المفصل في تاريخ العرب قبل الاسلام ) -------------------------------------------- 180بداية انحدار الامبراطورية الرومانية Beginning of the decline of the Roman Empire --------------------------------------------
17-3-180 Antonius Marcus Aurelius, [Marcus Verus], Emperor of Rome, diedوهو من مواليد 121م ومات عن 58 عاماً وبضعة أشهر— Marcus Aurelius — ---------------------------------------------- 17-3-180 Christenen Cittinus Donatus Natzalus Secunda Speratus Vestia was sentenced to death in Carthage— ---------------------------------------------— 17-7-180— — Twelve inhabitants of Scillium in Numidia are executed in Carthage (also in North Africa) for being Christians (known as the Scillitan Martyrs) — they had refused to swear an oath to the Emperor (MC 7/17/02) -------------------------------------------------- c180 أول كتيب إرشادي للسياح Pausanius, traveler and geographer, wrote a description of Greece which we have and it is, so to speak, the first guide book known. (WUD, 1994 p.1058)(AM, Mar/Apr 97 p.58)(SSFC, 12/1/02, p.C3) --------------------------------------------------- 180 A Roman military transport ship was built about this time, as Marcus Aurelius passed the throne to the emperor Commodus. It later sank in the Rhine. In 2003 archeologists in the Netherlands unveiled the preserved ship (AP, 5/15/03) --------------------------------------------------- 180 وباء الجدري يضرب روما ، ومصرع عدد يتراوح في التقدير مابين 3.5 مليون نسمة إلي 7 ملايين نسمة كان من ضحايا الوباء الامبراطور ماركوس أوريليوس. أطلق علي الوباء اسم (طاعون أنتونين ) A smallpox epidemic hit Rome and killed 3.5 to 7 million people including Emperor Marcus Aurelius. It was dubbed the Plague of Antonine. (NW, 10/14/02, p.46)
==================================180Roman Empire : The praetorian prefect Tarutenius Paternus achieved a decisive victory against the Quadi180· Commodus succeeds his father Marcus Aurelius as Roman Emperor. The Era of the Five Good Emperors ends 180Rome creates a 4 mile wide buffer zone by the Danube180· Work begins in Rome on the building of a column to commemorate wars conducted by Marcus Aurelius on the Danubian border· 180–395 — Late Empire in Rome· --------------------------------------· 180· Porta Nigra is built in Germanian Trier===================== 180Europe : The Goths reach the banks of the Black Sea==================== 180China : This year is often suggested as the first year of the Three Kingdoms period of China==============================180New Zealand :Lake Taupo erupts, forming ash clouds as far as China and Europe============================180Arts and Sciences : In his Methodus Medendo, Greek physician Galen describes the connection between paralysis and the severing of the spinal cord · Galen's popular work on hygiene is published..--------------------------------------------------180 Commodus creates an official cult of ( Mithra ) which is worshipped by Zoroastrian -------------------------------------------------- 180Birth of Sima Fu, younger brother of Sima Yi (d. 272)=======================================Deaths in 180 · Aulus Gellius, Latin author and grammarian (approximate date(· Gaius, Roman jurist )approximate date(· Lucian (approximate date) · Maximilla, Montanist heresiarchess · Melito of Sardis, bishop of Sardis · St. Miggin (martyred in Numidia) · St. Namphamo and consorts (martyred) · St. Symphorian) martyred( ######################### بعض المرادفات:الحبش = الأحباش = الأثيوبيونحبشت = الحبشة= طاعون أنتونين Plague of Antonine. ================
| | | البدراني عضو فعال
عدد المساهمات : 3882 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009
| موضوع: أحداث سنة 181 الجمعة مايو 25, 2012 6:04 pm | |
| Roman Empire · The Antonine Wall is overrun · Roman cavalry general Lucius Artorius Castus possible source for the Arthurian legends) is assigned to Britannia. =========================================181 New Zealand· The volcano associated with Lake Taupo in New Zealand erupts, one of the largest on Earth in the last 5,000 years. The effects of this eruption are seen as far away as Rome and China================================================ ================================================ 181 in China: Births in 181· Chen Shi general of Shu · Emperor Xian of Han China d. 234) · Zhuge Liang, celebrated advisor of Liu Bei Deaths in 181· Tan Shi Huai, leader of the Xianbei tribes (see Wu Hu) ######################################### |
| | | البدراني عضو فعال
عدد المساهمات : 3882 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009
| موضوع: أحداث سنة 182 الجمعة مايو 25, 2012 6:06 pm | |
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عدد المساهمات : 3882 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009
| موضوع: أحداث سنة 183 الجمعة مايو 25, 2012 6:19 pm | |
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عدد المساهمات : 3882 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009
| موضوع: أحداث سنة 184 الجمعة مايو 25, 2012 6:25 pm | |
| ==============================
184 Lucius Artorius Castus, commander of a detachment of Sarmatian conscripts stationed in Britain, led his troops to Gaul to quell a rebellion. This is the first appearance of the name, Artorius, in history and some believe that this Roman military man is the original, or basis, for the Arthurian legend. The theory says that Castus' exploits in Gaul, at the head of a contingent of mounted troops, are the basis for later, similar traditions about "King Arthur," and, further, that the name "Artorius" became a title, or honorific, which was ascribed to a famous warrior in the fifth centurySource: (http://www.britannia.com/history/romantime.html) =========================184Roman Empire: The Antonine Wall is permanently abandoned.=============================Asia in year 184· The Yellow Turban Rebellion breaks out in China. · Last (6th) year of Guanghe era and start of Zhongping era of the Chinese Han Dynasty · The Emperor Gogukcheon of Goguryeo repels Han Dynasty China's invasion force, sent by the governor of Liaodong · Beolhyu of Silla ascends the throne ِAsia ِِِDeaths :· Adalla of Silla · Bo Cai · Han Zhong · Ma Yuanyi beheaded by He Jin · Zhang Bao, younger brother of Zhang Jiao · Zhang Jiao · Zhang Liang, younger brother of Zhang Jiao · Zhang Mancheng · Zhao Hong
| | | البدراني عضو فعال
عدد المساهمات : 3882 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009
| موضوع: أحداث سنة 185 الجمعة مايو 25, 2012 6:36 pm | |
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7-12-185 Emperor Lo-Yang of China saw a supernova (MSH15-52?). (MC, 12/7/01)
#########################################185Roman Empire: Pertinax quells the mutiny of the British Roman legions 185Roman Empire: Perennis, his family and many others are executed for conspiring against Commodus ==========================================185 Asia · Reign in India of Vasudeva, Kushan emperor · Zhi Yao, a Kushan Buddhist monk of Yuezhi ethnicity, translates Buddhist texts into the Chinese language during the Han Dynasty. =========================185Arts and sciences· Cleomedes discovers the refraction of light by the Earth's atmosphere · Chinese astronomers note in the Astrological Annals of the Houhanshu sight supernova now identified as RCW 86, the earliest identified supernova===========================185(appr.date)إيرينايوس يتحدث عن وجود أربعة أناجيل!Christian Religion: Irenaeus writes that there are only four Gospels =========================185Births· Cao Zhen d. 231) · Liao Hua, approximate date (d. 264) · Origen, Christian apologist (approximate date) · Wang Xiang d. 269) · Xiahou Shang, approximate date (d. 225)=================185Death of S. Datus, bishop of Ravenna =========== |
| | | البدراني عضو فعال
عدد المساهمات : 3882 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009
| موضوع: أحداث سنة 186 الجمعة مايو 25, 2012 7:02 pm | |
| ===========================186Roman Empire : · Peasants in Gaul stage an anti-tax uprising under Maternus ----------------------------------------------------------4-4-186تاريخ مولد الامبراطور الروماني كاراكالا وقد مات سنة 217 كاراكالا = Caracalla ======================186New Zealand : The Hatepe volcanic eruption extends Lake Taupo and makes skies red across the world---------------------------------------186China Births in year 186 · Liu Ba d. 222) · Ma Liang d. 222)======================186Death of ٍSt. Apollonius Christian martyr =============
| | | البدراني عضو فعال
عدد المساهمات : 3882 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009
| موضوع: أحداث سنة 187 الجمعة مايو 25, 2012 7:05 pm | |
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=========================== Roman Empire· Septimus Severus, born Leptis Magna), is named legate of Lyonnaise Gaul · Another plague hits Rome. · Albinus defeats the Chatti, a highly organized German tribe that controlled the area that includes the Black Forest =====================================187in China: Rebellion of Zhang Chun and Zhang Ju. First case of Wuhuan soldiers within the Chinese army joining a rebellion. =======================187 Olympians succeeds Pertinax as Patriarch of Constantinople ================================= Asian Births in 187 · Cao Pi, first emperor of the Kingdom of Wei (d. 226) · Guo Huai (d. 255) · Wu Can, general of Wu (d. 248) · Zong Yu, general of Shu and good friend of Zhang Fei #########################################
| | | البدراني عضو فعال
عدد المساهمات : 3882 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009
| موضوع: أحداث سنة 188 الجمعة مايو 25, 2012 7:06 pm | |
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4-4-188 Caracalla, [Marcus Aurelius Antonius], well-bathed Roman emperor (211-217), was born
#########################################188Roman Empire : Pertinax becomes consul of Africa ==========================188in Japan:· Himiko aka, Pimiko) is said to have begun her reign in Japan =======================================188 · Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun are defeated by Han forces under Liu Yu =========================================188Birth of Sun Shao, general of Wu (d. 242=============================
| | | البدراني عضو فعال
عدد المساهمات : 3882 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009
| موضوع: أحداث سنة 189 الجمعة مايو 25, 2012 7:08 pm | |
| =========================== 189 - 199 بابا الكنيسة الرومية رقم 13 = فيكتور #########################189in China:· The Prince of Hongnong succeeds Han Lingdi as Chinese emperor of the Han Dynasty Dong Zhuo has the Prince of Hongnong poisoned and installs Han Xiandi as emperor One general slaughters 2,000 eunuchs in the palace and takes the Han emperor captive. ========================189Arts and Science· Galen publishes his "Treatise on the various temperaments" (aka On the Elements According to Hippocrates).=============================189Christianity : · Pope Victor I succeeds Pope Eleuterus as the fourteenth pope, the first from Africa · Demetrius of Alexandria becomes Patriarch of Alexandria · Pantaenus, who was sent by the bishop of Alexandria to India to preach Christianity, meets with little success-------------------------------------------- Births in 189 :· March 7 — Geta, younger son of the future Roman Emperor Septimius Severus · Ling Tong — general of the Chinese Kingdom of Wu (d. 237) · Cao Zhang — Chinese general, son of Cao Cao (d. 223)================================Deaths in 189· Bao Zhong, slain by Hua Xiong · Ding Yuan, general of Han Dynasty, killed by his foster son, Lü Bu · Empress Dowager Dong · Pope Eleuterus · He Jin, Han Grand General (assassinated) · Empress He, Emperor Ling's second wife · Jian Shuo · Han Lingdi and the Prince of Hongnong, Chinese emperors of Han Dynasty (b. 156) · Zhang Chun and Zhang Ju, Chinese rebels · Zhang Rang, one of the Ten Attendants · Zhao Zhong======================Fictional Ref. :The Battle of Sishui Pass, between the Imperial forces of Dong Zhuo and the coalition forces commanded by Yuan Shao, takes place in the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms.============================ |
| | | | أحداث السنوات من سنة 180 م إلي سنة 189 م | |
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