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 أحداث السنوات من سنة 350 م إلي سنة 359 م

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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عدد المساهمات : 3882
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009

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أحداث السنوات من سنة 350 م إلي سنة 359 م


Enc. of Africa, 1976
موسوعة ويكيبيديا

مصادر أخري

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عدد المساهمات : 3882
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009

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سنة 350



ـ المسيحية دين الدولة الرومانية.



فترة الصياغة ( النهائية ) للتلمود الفلسطيني ـ وإن كانت عمليات الإضافة والتفسير استمرت بعد هذا


في القرن 4 م

ـ تزايدت أعداد ( يهود الفلاشا ) في إثيوبيا قبل أن تعتنق أسرة أكسوم الحاكمة الديانة المسيحية.


The “Codex Sinaiticus,” the world’s oldest Bible, was created about this time. For most of its history it resided at St. Catherine’s Monastery built (527-565) on Mt. Sinai.
(Econ, 3/26/05, p.80)
In Teotihuacan 3 men were buried amid lavish goods about this time. Their graves were discovered in 2002 in a tomb at the top of the 5th of 7 layers of the Pyramid of the Moon near Mexico City.
(SFC, 11/22/02, p.J2)
A new state with its capital at Axum in the Ethiopian mountains grew and controlled the coast of Eritrea and the sea trade route to southern Arabia. The rulers spoke a Semitic language and about this time conquered Kush, which broke in two, the kingdom of Dongola and the kingdom of Alwa. By the mid 500s, Alwa, Axum and Dongola had become Christian.
(Enc. of Africa, 1976, p.169)
The Huns invaded Persia.
(ATC, p.33)

Roman Empire:
Magnentius is proclaimed emperor by the army in Autun.
January 350
Roman Empire:
Emperor Constans is killed by Magnentius, an usurper.
Roman Empire:
Nepotianus proclaims himself Emperor and enters Rome, leading a group of gladiators.
Roman Empire:
Nepotianus is defeated and killed by Marcellinus, a general sent by Magnentius.


Ref :
Roberts, J: "History of the World.". Penguin, 1994.

The city of Anbar is founded
The Wei-Jie war breaks out in North China


Church of Santa Constanza, Rome, is finished

  • ====================

[350] Births


Jan 350

Death of Constans, Roman Emperor

Death of Eutropia — Nepotianus' mother
Death of Shi Jian

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سنة 351



@ Roman Empire

Constantius II elevates his cousin Gallus to Caesar, and puts him in charge of the Eastern Roman Empire



: Roman Empire

At the battle of Mursa Major, Constantius defeats Magnentius.



: Roman Empire

Jewish revolt (known as War against Gallus) breaks out


China 351

Shi Zhi is killed by Ran Min's forces, an action that sets the stage for Wei's victory in the Wei-Jie war.

351@ Science
In India, a new process makes possible the extraction of sugar from sugar cane


351 @ Church Hist

Macedonius is restored as Patriarch of Constantinople.


351- Births


351- Deaths

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عدد المساهمات : 3882
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009

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سنة 352

Liberius began his reign as Catholic Pope replacing Julius I.
(MC, 5/17/02)


الألمان والفرنكيون يهزمون الجيش الروماني ويستولوا علي 40 مدينة

The Alamanni and the Franks defeat the Roman army, taking control of 40 towns between the Moselle and the Rhine



قمع ثورة اليهود علي الامبراطورية اليونانية

Jewish revolt (known as War against Gallus) is put down


352 @ Asia

War begins between the Huns and the Alans


:352 @ Asia
Ran Wei is destroyed by a Xianbei invasion, which also reaches the Yangtze river in the terroritory of the Jin Dynasty


:352 @ Sciences

The earliest sighting of a supernova occurs in China


352- 366
بابا الكنيسة الرومية رقم 35= ليبيريس
أصبح البابا في يوم 17-5-352

Pope Liberius succeeds Pope Julius I as the 35th pope.


352 @ Deaths


Maximinus van Trier, bishop of Trier, saint, died.
(MC, 9/12/01)

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عدد المساهمات : 3882
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009

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سنة 353



- توحدت الإمبراطورية تحت حكم ( قسطنطيوس )عام 353 – 361م بعد موت ( قسطنطين الثاني) ، ومقتل ( قنسطانس )
ووجد قسطنطيوس الفرصة سانحة لفرض المذهب الآريوسي الذي يؤمن به على جميع أجزاء الإمبراطورية شرقاً وغرباً
St. Paulinus, poet and Bishop of Mola: "For it is after the Solstice, when Christ born in the flesh with the new sun transformed the season of cold winter, and giving to mortal men a healing dawn, commanded the nights to decrease at his coming with advancing day."
(WSJ, 12/18/98, p.W15)


:Roman Empire

  • Constantius II becomes the sole Roman emperor


353- Deaths

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عدد المساهمات : 3882
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009

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سنة 354


ثيوفيلس نصَّر عرب اليمن في حوالي السنة 354 م، إذ أنشأ كنيسة في ظفار.
وقد صار رثيس أساقفة ظفار يشرف على الكنائس التي أنشئت في اليمن ومنها كنيسة نجران والكنائس الأخرى التي بنيت في العربية الجنوبية إلى الخليجْ
( جواد علي ،المفصل )

Augustine (Aurelius Augustinus, d.430) was born in Tagaste, North Africa (modern Souk Ahras, Algeria). Augustine of Hippo, Church Father and philosopher, held that as long as the fetus was "shapeless" homicide laws did not apply because it had no senses and no soul. "Total abstinence is easier than perfect moderation." He fused the New Testament with Greek philosophy. "Nothing is so powerful in drawing the spirit of a man downwards as the caresses of a woman."
(http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/jod/augustine.html)(AM, Mar/Apr 97 p.13)(HN, 11/13/98) (SFC, 3/16/02, p.A3)
Winter, Emperor Julian the Apostate came ashore at Hissarlik, the site of ancient Troy, and found a fire still burning on an altar to the Trojan hero, Hector.
(Nat. Hist., 4/96, p.50)
Pope Liberius decided to add the Nativity to the Church calendar and selected December 25 to celebrate it.

(WSJ, 12/21/07, p.A19)


:Roman Empire



أول ذكر للبلغار

The Bulgars are first mentioned in extant European chronicles



Fu Sheng (Fou Cheng), king of the Shanxi (Chen-si), reigns in North China.


:Church Hist

Libanius becomes a teacher of rhetoric in Antioch; his students include John Chrysostom and Theodore of Mopsuestia



Birth of Augustine of Hippo, saint and theologian (d. 430)



Birth of Paulinus of Nola, bishop


354 Deaths

Constantius Gallus, Caesar of the East

Princess Pei

Xie Ai

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سنة 355


Donatus, bishop of Casae Nigrae in North Africa, died.
He taught that the effectiveness of the sacraments depends on the moral character of the minister. In other words, if a minister who was involved in a serious enough sin were to baptize a person, that baptism would be considered invalid.
بابا الكنيسة الرومية = فيليكس الثاني
مات 365


:Roman Empire

Arbitio and Lollianus Mavortius begin their term as Roman consuls
Claudius Silvanus, accused of treason, proclaims himself Roman Emperor. After 28 days, Ursicinus arrives from Rome and has Silvanus murdered
In Mediolanum, Roman Emperor Constantius II raises his cousin Julian to the rank of Caesar of the West
The Lentienses are fined by the Roman commander Arbetio under Emperor Constantius II for several riots against the Roman Empire
The Franks besiege Cologne for ten months

Church Hist :

For refusing to sign the condemnation of Athanasius of Alexandria, Pope Liberius is forcedly relegated to Beroea in Thrace. Felix II becomes bishop of Rome

355 -Births


355 - Deaths

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سنة 356

Constantius II visited Rome for the first time.
(HN, 4/28/98)
Flavius Claudius Julianus, the cousin of Constantius, beat the Alamanni in a Battle at Strasbourg. Chonodomarius was caught.
(PCh, 1992, p.48)(HN, 8/25/99)


:Roman Empire
Roman authorities make an attempt to arrest Athanasius on the accusation of supporting the usurper Magnentius. Athenasius eludes them, fleeing to the desert to hide amongst the monks of Mount Nitria
:Roman Empire
Julian is defeated by the Alemanni at the Battle of Reims
:Roman Empire
Rhaetia is invaded by the Alemanni
:Roman Empire
The veneration of non-Christian images is banned in the Empire
:Roman Empire
Constantius II publishes a decree ordering the closure of all pagan temples throughout the Empire

356 @Asia
Naemul becomes king of the Silla dynasty
Church Hist :
Construction begins on the first basilica of Saint Peter in Rome
356 - Deaths

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عدد المساهمات : 3882
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سنة 358

358 @ Roman Empire

  • The Franks capitulate to Julian in Belgium


Church Hist in 358 :



Death of Princess Duan

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عدد المساهمات : 3882
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سنة 359

الحرب الثانية في عهد شابور الثاني الفارسي بين الفرس والروم.
روما تـُعيد الأقاليم عبر دجلة وتتنازل عن نصيبين وسنگارا للفرس.

تدوين التقويم الدائم الخاص باليهود.

Christians allegedly established a camp in Skythopolis, Syria, to torture and execute pagans from around Europe. This can only be a reference to the Arian Bishop of Scythopolis, Patrophilus, who cruelly abused Christian bishops exiled to his see under Constantius. These included Eusebius of Vercelli. It was not a death-camp, nor did it last 30 years, nor were pagans the victims
(Arch, 1/05, p.70)(www.tektonics.org/af/crimeline.htm)



:Roman Empire
Battle of Amida: Shapur II of Persia conquers Amida from the Romans

:Roman Empire
The first known Prefect of the City of Constantinople, Honoratus, takes office
:Church Hist @
The Council of Rimini is held. Its purpose is to, once again, try to resolve the Arian controversy. Given Saint Jerome's comment that, "The whole world groaned in astonishment to find itself Arian", it appears to have failed
:359 - Births

Godgisel, king of the Vandals

Gratianus, Roman emperor

Stilicho, Roman general

:359 - Deaths

Barbatio, Roman general

Zhang Guan

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أحداث السنوات من سنة 350 م إلي سنة 359 م
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