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 أحداث السنوات من سنة 200 م إلي سنة 209 م

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
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عدد المساهمات : 3882
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009

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أحداث السنوات من سنة 200 م إلي سنة 209 م


موسوعة لآلئ

موسوعة ويكيبيديا

وكالة أنباء أسوشييتد برس

وول ستريت جورنال

مصادر أخري

عدل سابقا من قبل البدراني في الأحد مارس 25, 2012 11:13 pm عدل 1 مرات
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عدد المساهمات : 3882
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009

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سنة 200


بلغ عدد سكان كوكب الأرض 257 مليون نسمة تقريباً


سنة 200
اليهود في بابل يستقلون عن يهود فلسطين. ظهور وظيفة رأس الجالوت (المنفى) بينهم كما تظهر بينهم طبقة من العلماء الدينيين والكثير من الحلقات التلمودية.

ـ الشراح (أمورائيم) حتى عام 500.

سنة 200
موت (توما ) المولود عام 140م

وهو صاحب انجيل توما
Death of Claudius Galen (physician)

The first Runic inscriptions that have survived to the modern day dated from around this time. The Runic alphabet, also known as Futhark, consists of 24 letters, 18 consonants and 6 vowels.

The Forma Urbis Romae was a 60 by 45-foot map carved out of marble that detailed every building, room and staircase in 2nd century Rome.
(Wired, 11/98, p.117)

Romans began making glass objects that included windows, bottles and drinking vessels.
(SFEC, 6/20/99, Z1 p.8)

The Mishna, a section of the Talmud consisting of a collection of oral laws, was edited by Rabbi Judah Ha-Nasi in the Jewish city of Sepphoris.
(WUD, 1994, p.916)(AM, Mar/Apr 97 p.64)

Pope Zephyrinus assigned his deacon, Calixtus (a former slave), to administer the large underground complex beneath the Appian Way. The subterranean graveyard had existed from about 150CE. This first official Christian cemetery probably originated as the private open-air burial ground of the noble Cecili family of Rome. From this time on it became known as the Catacombs of St. Calixtus. It extended over an area of 20 km., one 3-5 levels, and includes some 500,000 tombs.
(ITV, 1/96, p.59)

West African people called Bantu, which means "the people," migrated into central and southern Africa.
(ATC, p.24)

Barbarian invasions and civil wars begin in the Roman empire.
(ATC, p.33)

A Roman bathhouse was constructed in Milan and its columns still stood in the 20th century.
(SFEC, 7/13/97, p.T3)

The Chinese scholar Wang Bi wrote an extensive commentary on the I Ching. He lived only to the age of 23. His commentaries dominate Chinese thinking on the I Ching until the Confucian revival in the 11th century. In 1997 an English translation by Richard John Lynn was published.
(NH, 9/97, p.12)

Diophantus, a 3rd century Hellenistic mathematician, wrote a series of classical texts on Algebra called Arithmetica.
(SFEC, 4/5/98, Z1 p.8)(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diophantus)

In Laos evidence has indicated the presence of a Hindu Shrine at Wat Phu with prehistoric levels below.
(AM, Mar/Apr 97 p.F)

Campeche (Mexico), from the 3rd century, was the principal town of the Maya kingdom of Ah Kin Pech (place of serpents and ticks).

(SSFC, 1/25/09, p.E4)
200-300 The original Polynesians arrived at Hawaii probably from the Marquesas. They brought with them edible plants and animals.
(SFEM, 2/8/98, p.10)

A giant statue of Buddha was made at Bamiyan some 100 miles west of Kabul. It was destroyed by the Taliban in 2001.
(AM, Jul/Aug ‘97 p.19)(SFC, 2/12/02, p.A16)

Sealed royal tombs were found in 2 pyramids at the Yaxuna Maya site in Mexico.
(AM, May/Jun 97 suppl. p.H)

Christianity spread rapidly in Numidia and the diocese of Lamiggiga was established. It was later abandoned and just the name was used as an honorary jurisdiction for Catholic auxiliary bishops.
(SFC, 9/19/98, p.C1)

In Cambodia at Angkor Borei excavations were proceeding on what might have been the capital of the ancient kingdom of Funan.
(AM, Mar/Apr 97 p.A,D)

The Fremont people lived in Utah and etched into rock designs of animals and people.
(SFEC, 3/14/99, p.T8,9)

The Hohokam people lived in the area of Tucson, Arizona.
(SSFC, 3/31/02, p.C6)

Silk, porcelain and tea exported to west on Silk Road

التاريخ الروماني:


c. 200
الامبراطور الروماني (سبتميوس سيفيروس) يقوي دفاعات الجبهة في شمال أفريقيا بسلسلة من القلاع والخنادق ( الأخاديد) الطويلة
Roman emperor Septimius Severus strengthens frontier defences in North Africa with chain of forts and long ditches



  • Palestine, benefiting from the benevolent policies of Severus, sees a significant economic revival.


اقليم نوميديا يصبح مقاطعة امبريالية

The province of Numidia is taken from the African proconsul and made an Imperial province


[] تاريخ الصين:

سنة 200
تاريخ الصين
معركة بين (تساو تساو ) و ( يوان شاو) في قواندو بخنان
وكان تعداد قوات ( يوان شاو) أكثر تفوقاً بكثير من حيث ميزان القوي حيث تزيد عن 100 ألف مقاتل مما جعله يستخف بخصمه ويتراخي في الاستعداد
وفي غضون ذلك انضم أحد مستشاري ( يوان شاو) إلي (تساو تساو ) وأرشده إلي المواقع الاستراتيجية لغريمه ( يوان شاو)
بل وتقدم إلي (تساو تساو ) بخطةرائعة للايقاع بخصومه
تسلل جيش (تساو تساو ) المؤلف من 5000 مقاتل إلي مؤخرة جيش ( يوان شاو) وأحرقوا مخازن تموينه لإيهام الجيش بوقوع هجوم مباغت من الخلف
حدث ارتباك في صفوف جيش ( يوان شاو) فترك المقاتلون استحكاماتهم ومواقعهم
وعندئذ طاردتهم قوات تساو تساو وقتلت منهم أكثر من 70 ألف جندي وهرب قائدهم (يوان شاو) بعد أن انكشف عنه الجيش تحت
تعقيب : سعي ( تساو تساو) بعد هذا النصر لتوحيد شمال الصين والقضاء علي الكيانات العسكرية القائمة فيه ، ونجح فعلياً في ذلك خلال سنين قلائل


من تاريخ اليابان:

  • In Japan, Himiko, whose capital is situated in Yamatai, extends her authority over a number of clans.


[] من تاريخ الأمريكتين:


[] من تاريخ الفن:


[] ًمن التاريخ اليهودي

Jewish Eretz Yisraeli scholar Judah ha-Nasi compiles tracts of the Mishnah, beginning the creation of Talmudic law.

من التاريخ المسيحي:

من التاريخ الهندوسي:


[] Births

[] Deaths

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عدد المساهمات : 3882
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009

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سنة 201
سنة 201

أقدم أثر يشير إلي القرغيز في آسيا


نوفمبر 201

فيضان في إديسا يدمر كنيسة مسيحية ويقتل أكثر من2000 شخصاً

ِ a flood in Edessa destroys a Christian church, killing over 2,000 people.


سنة 201

أول ولاية تعتبر المسيحية دين الدولة

Osroene becomes the first state which adopts Christianity as its official religion




  • Possible death of Galen

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تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009

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سنة 202


:Roman Empire

* Septimus Severus returns to Rome after a five year absence. Festivals are held to celebrate his six year reign

* A Roman law bans female gladiators

* An edict bans conversions to Christianity and all Christian propaganda.

* Pantheon is restored


In order to avoid Septimus Severus' persecution of Christians, Clement of Alexandria seeks refuge with Alexander in Cappadocia.




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سنة 203


Lucius Septimus Severus (d.211), emperor of Rome, returned to visit home at Leptis Magna, Libya
(SSFC, 6/27/04, p.D12)
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سنة 204

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
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عدد المساهمات : 3882
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سنة 205


الفترة 205-270
Plotinus was an Alexandrian philosopher in Rome and founder of Neo-Platonism, which strongly influenced the later Augustine, who taught of a mystical union with the Good through the exercise of pure intelligence. He founded Neo-Platonism, a religion that for a time rivaled Christianity. Neo-Platonism developed out of the philosophical doctrines of Plato in the fourth century B.C. Plotinus developed the spiritual side of Plato's thought into a mystical philosophy teaching reunion with the One and that material things are unworthy. Saint Augustus, formerly a Neo-Platonist, brought some of his ideas into Christian theism.
(V.D.-H.K.p.93)(HNQ, 5/11/98)

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عدد المساهمات : 3882
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سنة 206

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
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عدد المساهمات : 3882
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سنة 207

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عضو فعال

عدد المساهمات : 3882
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سنة 208


@ بارثيا
Vologases VI of Parthia (in Persian: بلاش ششم Balash) succeeded his father Vologases V of Parthia (191–208) to the throne of the Parthian Empire in 208. Soon after his accession his brother Artabanus IV (216–224) rebelled against him, and became master of the greater part of the empire. However, Vologases VI maintained himself in a part of Babylonia: his dated coins reach down to 228.

Meanwhile Ardashir I (226–241), the founder of the Sassanid Dynasty, had defeated and killed Artabanus IV in 226 and conquered the eastern provinces of Parthia. Over the next few years, Ardashir I further expanded his new empire, and must have driven out or defeated Vologases VI soon after 228.
( Ref : Encyclopædia Britannica, 11th Edition)

سنة 208
@تاريخ الصين :
زحف ( تساو تساو) بجيشه الجرار إلي جنوب الصين واستولي علي أجزاء من (جينتشو) التي كانت تحت حكم ( ليو بي "162-223م")
وقد مني ليو بي بهزيمة ساحقة وانسحب بفلول جيشه البالغ حوالي 10 آلاف مقاتل إلي مدينة أهتشنغ شرق مقاطعة هوبي
سنة 208
تاريخ بريطانيا
Severus goes to defend Britain, and repairs Hadrian's Wall


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سنة 209


تاريخ بريطانيا
St. Alban, first British martyr, was killed for his faith in one of the few persecutions of Christians ever to take place on the island, during the governorship of Gaius Junius Faustinus Postumianus (there is controversy about the date of Alban's martyrdom. Some believe it occurred during the persecutions of Diocletian, in the next century, although we opt for the earlier dating).


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أحداث السنوات من سنة 200 م إلي سنة 209 م
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