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 Egypt 2011

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عضو فعال

عدد المساهمات : 3882
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009

Egypt 2011 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Egypt 2011   Egypt 2011 Icon_minitimeالإثنين أكتوبر 17, 2011 8:29 am

Egypt 2011
    Jan 1, In Egypt a powerful bomb, possibly from a suicide attacker, exploded in front of a Coptic Christian church in Alexandria as a crowd of worshippers emerged from a New Years Mass, killing at least 21 people and wounding nearly 80. The Gaza-based Army of Islam was later said to be behind the planning and execution of the attack. The attack sparked three days of Christian rioting in Cairo and several other cities.
    (AP, 1/1/10)(Reuters, 1/4/11)(AP, 1/23/11)
     Jan 10, Egypt said it aims to generate 12% of its electricity needs by wind power and will initiate wind-farm projects with a capacity of 2,690 megawatts over the next five years.
    (AFP, 1/10/11)
    Jan 11, In Egypt an off-duty Muslim police officer, Amer Ashour Abdel Zaher, opened fire on a train, killing one Christian (71) and wounding 5 others. Zaher was arrested after he fled the scene.
    (SFC, 1/12/11, p.A2)
    Jan 12, In Egypt hundreds of Christians demonstrated near a Cairo slum, blocking a major highway and clashing with police following the Jan 11 shooting death of a Christian man.
    (AP, 1/12/11)
    Jan 17, Two men set themselves on fire in Egypt and Mauritania, raising to three the number of self-immolation attempts apparently influenced by a similar action in Tunisia that helped trigger a popular uprising. In Cairo Abdou Abdel-Monaam Hamadah (48) was taken to the hospital with light burns. In Nouakchott Yacoub Ould Dahoud (43) torched himself in his car and was rushed to a hospital.
    (AP, 1/17/11)
      Jan 18, In Egypt Ahmed Hashem el-Sayed (25), an unemployed man, died in a hospital after setting himself on fire the previous evening in the port city of Alexandria. Two men attempted to set themselves on fire in downtown Cairo. Both survived.
    (AP, 1/18/11)
    Jan 20, Egypt's highest Islamic authority, al-Azhar, said it was freezing all dialogue with the Roman Catholic Church over what it called Pope Benedict's repeated insults toward Islam.
    (Reuters, 1/20/11)
     Jan 23, North Korea's leader Kim Jong Il held talks with an Orascom Telecom Executive Naguib Sawiris, an Egyptian telecoms magnate. In 2008 Orascom set up and began operating an advanced mobile phone network in North Korea.
    (AP, 1/24/11)
   Jan 25, In Egypt thousands of anti-government protesters, some hurling rocks and climbing atop an armored police truck, clashed with riot police in the center of Cairo in a Tunisia-inspired demonstration to demand the end of Hosni Mubarak's nearly 30 years in power. A loose coalition had issued a Facebook call for a “day of rage” to coincide with Police Day, recently declared a national holiday. The interior minister said authorities have arrested 19 Arabs suspected of having links to al-Qaida en route to Iraq. Habib el-Adly said the suspects were taken into custody before Jan 1.
    (AP, 1/25/11)(Econ, 1/29/11, p.43)
    Jan 26, Thousands of Egyptians defied a ban on protests by returning to Egypt's streets and calling for President Hosni Mubarak to leave office, and some scuffled with police. Police quickly moved in and used tear gas and beatings to disperse the demonstrators. The crackdown saw hundreds detained and left six people dead over two days.
    (AP, 1/26/11)(AFP, 1/27/11)
    Jan 27, Egyptian police fought protesters in two cities in eastern Egypt and Nobel Peace Prize winner Mohamed ElBaradei headed back to the country to join demonstrators trying to oust President Hosni Mubarak. Egyptians torched a police post in the eastern city of Suez over the killing of protesters in anti-government demonstrations earlier in the week. Activists outraged over unemployment and repression kept up the momentum of the largest anti-government protests in years, taking to the streets for the third straight day. Mubarak's ruling party said it is ready to open a dialogue. Egypt's stock exchange suspended trading temporarily after a sharp drop, amid the largest anti-government protests in the country in three decades.
    (Reuters, 1/27/11)(AP, 1/27/11)(AFP, 1/26/11)
    Jan 28, Egyptian security officials said police have put Nobel Peace laureate Mohamed ElBaradei under house arrest. Dozens of people were wounded as police and demonstrators fought running battles on the streets of Cairo in a fourth day of unprecedented protests by tens of thousands of Egyptians demanding an end to President Hosni Mubarak's three-decade rule. Looters broke into the Egyptian Museum during anti-government protests late in the day and destroyed two Pharaonic mummies. The “Friday of Rage” witnessed a heavy police crackdown on tens of thousands of protesters. Policeman Mohammed Abdel-Moneim was later sentenced to death for shooting 20 protesters. In 2012 his death sentence was overturned.
    (AP, 1/28/11)(Reuters, 1/28/11)(Reuters, 1/29/11)(AP, 3/7/12)
   Jan 28, British-based Vodafone said the Egyptian government has ordered all mobile telephone operators to suspend services "in selected areas" of the country. Egypt's four primary Internet providers, Link Egypt, Vodafone/Raya, Telecom Egypt, Etisalat Misr, and all went dark at 12:34 a.m.
    (AP, 1/28/11)
     Jan 29, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak (82) named his intelligence chief and close confidant Omar Suleiman as vice president, his first VP since coming to power nearly 30 years ago. Tens of thousands of Egyptians snubbed Mubarak's promised reforms and took their deadly revolt to the streets for a fifth day. An enraged mob killed three police in the Sinai town of Rafah, bringing the overall death toll from the nationwide protests to at least 48 since Jan 25. Two Cairo mobile phone networks came back on line, a day after all Egyptian operators were told to cut services. State TV said wealthy business Ahmed Ezz, a close confidante of the president's son and one of the targets for protester criticism, has resigned from ruling party. The military declined to block the latest rally and soldiers showed solidarity with demonstrators.
    (AP, 1/29/11)(AFP, 1/29/11)(Reuters, 1/29/11)(SSFC, 1/30/11, p.A5)
    Jan 29, Saudi Arabia's stock exchange tumbled by over 6 percent, setting the stage for other regional markets to drop as concerns mounted about the violent protests in Egypt.
    (AP, 1/29/11)
    Jan 30, Egyptian fighter jets swooped low over Cairo in what appeared to be an attempt by the military to show its control of a city beset by looting, armed robbery and anti-government protests. Gangs of armed men attacked at least four jails before dawn, helping to free hundreds of Muslim militants and thousands of other inmates. The official death toll from five days of growing crisis stood at 74, with thousands injured. Al-Jazeera said that Egyptian authorities ordered the closure of its Cairo news hub. 
    (AP, 1/30/11)
     Jan 30, Israeli officials agreed to allow Egypt to move several hundred troops into the Sinai peninsula for the first time since the countries reached peace three decades ago.
    (AP, 1/31/11)
    Jan 31, Egypt’s Pres. Mubarak named a new government, but the lineup dominated by regime stalwarts was greeted with scorn by protesters camped out for the fourth day in the capital's central Tahrir Square. A coalition of opposition groups called for a million people to take to Cairo's streets Feb 1 to demand the removal of Mubarak.  The official death toll from the crisis stood at 97, with thousands injured, but reports from witnesses across the country indicated the actual toll was far higher. Mubarak appointed General Murad Mowafi, former north Sinai governor, as head of Egyptian intelligence. The military promised on state TV late in the day that it would not fire on protesters answering a call for a million people to demonstrate the next day. Vice President Omar Suleiman, appointed by Mubarak only two days earlier in what could be a succession plan, went on state TV to announce the offer of a dialogue with "political forces" for constitutional and legislative reforms.
    (AP, 1/31/11)(AFP, 1/31/11)(AP, 2/1/11)
    Feb 1, In Egypt more than a quarter-million people flooded Cairo's main square in a stunning and jubilant array of young and old, urban poor and middle class professionals, mounting by far the largest protest yet in a week of unrelenting demands for President Hosni Mubarak to leave after nearly 30 years in power. A coalition of opposition groups told Egypt's government that they would only begin talks with the military on a transition to democracy once President Hosni Mubarak stands down. Mubarak went on national television and rejected demands he step down immediately and said he would serve out the remaining seven months of his term.
    (AP, 2/1/11)(Reuters, 2/1/11)(AP, 2/2/11)
    Feb 2, In Egypt several thousand supporters of President Hosni Mubarak, including some riding horses and camels and wielding whips, attacked anti-government protesters as the upheaval took a dangerous new turn. In scenes of chaos and pitched fighting, the two sides pelted each other with stones, and protesters dragged attackers off their horses. Egyptian troops fired warning shots in a bid to end clashes with regime supporters and the protesters reacted jubilantly. The government said three people were killed. The government began to reinstate Internet service after days of an unprecedented cutoff, and state TV announced the easing of a nighttime curfew. As many as 11 people were killed and over 1,000 wounded.
    (AP, 2/2/11)(AFP, 2/2/11)(Econ, 2/12/11, p.28)
    Feb 3, Egypt's embattled government announced a slew of measures aimed at defusing a bloody revolt and taking back the initiative, as protesters battled pro-regime militants for control of Cairo's Tahrir Square and spurned an offer for talks. Egypt’s military rounded up journalists after they came under attack from supporters of President Hosni Mubarak who have been assaulting anti-government protesters. An army tank moved against supporters of Mubarak as they hurled rocks at anti-Mubarak protesters in central Cairo, prompting cheers from demonstrators battered by overnight fighting that killed six. State news agency MENA said Egypt's public prosecutor has issued a travel ban on some ministers from the former government and at least one former ruling party official, and froze their bank accounts. Vodafone accused the Egyptian authorities of using its network to send pro-government text messages to its subscribers, without clear attribution.   
    (AFP, 2/3/11)(AP, 2/3/11)(Reuters, 2/3/11)
    Feb 4, In Egypt protesters demanding President Hosni Mubarak's ouster packed Cairo's central square by the tens of thousands, waving flags, singing the national anthem and cheering, appearing undaunted and determined after their camp withstood two days of street battles with regime supporters trying to dislodge them. At least 8 people have been killed in the fighting and more than 800 injured. , Finance Minister Samir Radwan said Egypt has created a 5 billion Egyptian pound ($854 million) fund to compensate people for property damaged during the political protests that have rocked the country. An Egyptian reporter who was shot during clashes a week ago died of his wounds.
    (AP, 2/4/11)(Reuters, 2/4/11)
2011        Feb 4, The New York Times reported that US and Egyptian officials were discussing a plan for Mubarak to turn power over now to a transitional government headed by Vice President Omar Suleiman.
    (AFP, 2/4/11)
    Feb 5, Leaders of Egypt's unprecedented wave of anti-government protests held talks with the prime minister over ways to ease President Mubarak out of office, but the government appeared to be digging in its heels. The top executive committee of Egypt's ruling National Democratic Party (NDP), which includes Mubarak's son Gamal, resigned en masse. Secretary-general of the ruling party, Safwat el-Sharif, resigned in a gesture to protesters carrying out a 12-day-old wave of anti-government demonstrations. It was decided to name Hossam Badrawi secretary general of the party.
    (AP, 2/5/11)(AFP, 2/5/11)
     Feb 5, Unknown saboteurs attacked an Egyptian pipeline supplying gas to Jordan, forcing authorities to switch off gas supply from a twin pipeline to Israel. Egypt supplies about 40 percent of Israel's natural gas. The attack came after Israel expressed concern that its natural gas supplies from Egypt could be threatened if a new regime takes power in Cairo.
    (AFP, 2/5/11)
    Feb 6, Egypt's VP Omar Suleiman met a broad representation of major opposition groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood, for the first time and agreed to allow freedom of the press, to release those detained since anti-government protests began nearly two weeks and ago and to lift the country's hated emergency laws when security permits.
    (AP, 2/6/11)(AFP, 2/6/11)
2011        Feb 7, Egypt's embattled regime announced a 15% increase in salaries and pensions in the latest attempt to defuse popular anger amid protests demanding Pres. Mubarak's ouster. The regime appeared confident in its ability for the moment to ride out the unprecedented storm of unrest, and maintain its grip on power, at least until September elections. Mubarak's new cabinet held its first full meeting since an uprising started nearly two weeks ago.
    (AP, 2/7/11)(Reuters, 2/7/11)
2011        Feb 7, In Egypt Wael Ghonim (30), a Google Inc. marketing manager, was released from 12 days of detention and gave an emotionally charged television interview, sobbing at times over those who have been killed. He dubbed the protests "the revolution of the youth of the Internet." He was a key organizer of the online campaign that sparked the first protest on Jan 25.
    (AP, 2/8/11)
2011        Feb 8, In Egypt a massive crowd of anti-government protesters poured into Cairo's Tahrir Square again, joined for the first time by Wael Ghonim, a young leader of the campaign the day after he was released from detention. Egypt's military was not allowing foreign journalists without credentials to enter Cairo's Tahrir Square, part of what an international press watchdog called new obstacles in covering the ongoing crisis. Foreign journalists already with credentials were allowed into the square.
    (AP, 2/8/11)
2011        Feb 9, Egypt's anti-government activists pushed to expand their protests and sought to drum up labor unrest as thousands launched strikes at state firms and offices around the country, in defiance of the vice president's warning that demonstrations calling for President Hosni Mubarak's ouster would not be tolerated for much longer.
    (AP, 2/9/11)
2011        Feb 10, Egypt’s state television reported that the state prosecutor has launched a formal corruption investigation against three former government ministers and a former ruling party leader. In a late night speech President Hosni Mubarak handed most of his powers to his vice president but refused to step down. Shock that Mubarak did not step down turned to rage the next day, and protests escalated.
    (Reuters, 2/10/11)(AP, 2/10/11)(AP, 2/11/11)
2011        Feb 11, Egypt's powerful military tried to defuse outrage over President Hosni Mubarak's refusal to step down, assuring it would guarantee promised reforms. But hundreds of thousands only grew angrier, deluging squares in at least three major cities and marching on presidential palaces and the state TV building for a Day of Martyrs. Mubarak flew to the Sinai resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, some 250 miles away from the turmoil. Mubarak stepped down as Egypt's president following 18 days of mass protests, handing over to the army and ending three decades of autocratic rule. Vice President Omar Suleiman named a military council to run the country's affairs. Cairo erupted in a cacophony of celebration: fireworks and car horns and gunshots in the air. Defense Minister Hussein Tantawi (75) took power from Mubarak. CBS correspondent Lara Logan was beaten and sexually assaulted by a mob while covering the jubilation in Cairo's Tahrir Square. She was saved by a group of women and an estimated 20 Egyptian soldiers. About 23,000 of the nation's 80,000 prisoners escaped during the 18-day uprising that lead to the ouster of President Hosanna Mubarak. 
    (AP, 2/11/11)(Reuters, 2/11/11)(AP, 2/12/11)(AP, 2/16/11)(Reuters, 2/16/11)(Econ, 2/12/11, p.28)(AP, 3/11/11)
2011        Feb 11, Switzerland froze any assets belonging to Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak or his family.
    (SFC, 2/12/11, p.A5)
2011        Feb 12, Egypt’s ruling military pledged to eventually hand power to an elected civilian government and reassured allies that Egypt will abide by its peace treaty with Israel after the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak, as it outlined the first cautious steps in a promised transition to greater democracy. Human Rights Watch documented 302 deaths thus far, many of them victims of police gunfire on the nights of Jan 28 and 29.
    (AP, 2/12/11)(Econ, 2/12/11, p.27)
2011        Feb 12, At least 13 Egyptians died and nearly two dozen were injured when a 6-storey building collapsed in the southern tourist town of Luxor.
    (AFP, 2/12/11)
2011        Feb 13, Egypt's military leaders dissolved parliament and suspended the constitution, meeting two key demands of protesters who have been keeping up pressure for immediate steps to transition to democratic. The military said they would govern only for six months or until elections took place, following the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak.
    (AP, 2/13/11)(Reuters, 2/13/11)
2011        Feb 14, Egypt's 470,000-strong military delivered an ultimatum to dozens of committed protesters in Tahrir Square, nerve center of a movement that toppled Hosni Mubarak, to leave and let life return to normal or face arrest. Military rulers called for an end to strikes and protests as thousands of state employees, from ambulance drivers to police and transport workers, demonstrated to demand better pay. Officials said Egypt's stock exchange will remain closed through the end of the week, as a strike by public sector bank workers added to the challenges facing the country since the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak.
    (AP, 2/14/11)
2011        Feb 14, A senior US official said the US has received requests from Egypt's new government to freeze the assets of officials who worked for ousted Egyptian Pres. Mubarak.
    (AFP, 2/15/11)
2011        Feb 15, Egypt's military regime warned that a wave of strikes sweeping the country was "disastrous", as it gave a panel of civilian experts 10 days to revise the constitution. The long banned Muslim Brotherhood said it intends to form a political party once democracy is established, as the country's new military rulers launched a panel of experts to amend the country's constitution enough to allow democratic elections later this year.
    (AFP, 2/15/11)(AP, 2/15/11)
2011        Feb 16, Egypt’s ruling military council issued its 2nd statement in 3 days calling for an immediate halt to all labor unrest. Airport employees protested for better pay, but did not disrupt flights. Textile workers struck to demand a corruption investigation and residents of a Suez Canal city pressed for closing a chemical factory they say is dumping toxic waste into a lake.
    (AP, 2/16/11)
2011        Feb 16, International migration officials said nearly 100 Egyptians have arrived in Italy in two boats, as fears rose about a wave of people trying to reach Europe because of turmoil in the Arab world.
    (AP, 2/16/11)
2011        Feb 17, At least 1,500 Egyptian workers from the Suez Canal Authority protested for better pay in three cities straddling the strategic waterway.
    (AP, 2/17/11)
2011        Feb 18, In Egypt hundreds of thousands of flag-waving Egyptians packed into central Tahrir Square for a day of celebration to mark the fall of longtime leader Hosni Mubarak a week ago and push their new military rulers to steer the country toward reform.
    (AP, 2/18/11)
2011        Feb 19, An Egyptian court licensed the Al-Wasat Al-Jadid (the New Center), a moderate Islamic party founded in 1996, after its application for legal status was turned down four times by the former Egyptian government.
    (AP, 2/19/11)
2011        Feb 20, Egyptian banks opened after a week-long closure as the economy struggled to get back on its feet after political turmoil caused by the uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak and subsequent labor protests. Workers at Misr Spinning and Weaving, Egypt's largest factory, ended a strike and went back to work after the strikers' main demands were met.
    (Reuters, 2/20/11)(AFP, 2/20/11)
2011        Feb 21, Egypt asked Britain for its support in seeking debt forgiveness from Europe, in the latest push to boost an economy bruised by weeks of protests that toppled Pres. Mubarak. Egypt owed the EU member states about $9 billion. According to central bank figures the country's total foreign debt stood at about $34.7 billion as of the end of September 2011.
    (AP, 2/22/11)
2011        Feb 21, Egypt's prosecutor general requested a freeze on the foreign assets of Hosni Mubarak and his family, 10 days after the longtime president resigned in the face of a popular uprising.
    (AFP, 2/21/11)
2011        Feb 22, Egypt's foreign ministry told its embassies in the Arab world and Western countries to seek a freeze on the assets of former President Hosni Mubarak and his family. Massive labor protests and strikes turned violent, with the deputy head of one public sector company being beaten to death by irate workers.
    (Reuters, 2/22/11)(AP, 2/22/11)
2011        Feb 23, In Egypt a security official said hundreds of low-ranking police have set fire to parts of the security headquarters in Cairo after four days of protests to demand better salaries. The killing of a Coptic Christian priest in southern Egypt triggered street demonstrations by several thousand Christians.
    (AP, 2/23/11)
2011        Feb 24, Egyptian authorities arrested the country's former information minister and the chairman of state TV and radio on corruption allegations.
    (AP, 2/24/11)
2011        Feb 25, In Egypt tens of thousands rallied in Cairo's Tahrir Square, trying to keep up pressure on Egypt's military rulers to carry out reforms and calling for the dismissal of holdovers from the regime of ousted President Hosni Mubarak.
    (AP, 2/25/11)
2011        Feb 26, Egypt's ruling military council apologized after military police a day earlier beat protesters in Cairo's Tahrir Square. activists called for fresh protests to denounce violence by the authorities. A judicial committee formed to draft changes to Egypt's constitution proposed capping to eight years the time a president can stay in office and loosening the rules that curbed competition for the post.
    (AFP, 2/26/11)(Reuters, 2/26/11)
2011        Feb 27, Villagers in southern Egypt blocked the Assiut-Cairo highway with burning tires and set fire to three government buildings to protest official corruption. More than 2,000 employees of the Assiut provincial government went on strike.
    (AP, 2/27/11)
2011        Feb 28, Egypt's top prosecutor seized all the funds of ousted leader Hosni Mubarak and his family and banned them from travel abroad.
    (AP, 2/28/11)
2011        Mar 3, Egypt's military rulers said the prime minister appointed by ousted President Hosni Mubarak has resigned, meeting a key demand of the opposition protest movement. The military chose former Transport Minister Essam Sharaf as the new prime minister and asked him to form a new caretaker Cabinet to run the government throughout a transition back to civilian rule.
    (AP, 3/3/11)
2011        Mar 4, Egypt's top archaeologist, Zahi Hawass, warned that the country's antiquity sites were being looted by criminals amid the country's political upheaval as he announced he would no longer serve in his ministerial post in the government. Hundreds of protesters attempted to storm a building belonging to the internal security service in Alexandria in an outpouring of anger at the agency blamed for some of the worst human rights violations during ousted President Hosni Mubarak's rule.
    (AP, 3/4/11)
2011        Mar 5, Egyptians turned their anger toward his internal security apparatus, storming the agency's main headquarters and other offices seizing documents to keep them from being destroyed to hide evidence of human rights abuses. Christian and Muslim families have clashed south of Cairo in a dispute over a romance between children from the two families. The fathers from both families have been killed and a crowd of Muslims torched a church in Soul.
    (AP, 3/5/11)
2011        Mar 8, An Egyptian court rejected an appeal by ousted President Hosni Mubarak and his family against a top prosecutor's move to seize funds that could total in the billions of dollars. Clashes also broke out when a Muslim mob attacked thousands of Christians protesting the burning of a Cairo church. At least 13 people were killed and some 140 wounded.
    (AP, 3/8/11)(AP, 3/9/11)
2011        Mar 8, In Egypt a protest by hundreds of women demanding equal rights and an end to sexual harassment turned violent when crowds of men heckled and shoved the demonstrators, telling them to go home where they belong.
    (AP, 3/8/11)
2011        Mar 9, In Egypt attackers, said to be pro-Mubarak thugs, armed with knives and machetes waded into hundreds of pro-democracy activists in Cairo's Tahrir Square, as insecurity raged. Military authorities detained women in Tahrir Square and forced 18 of them to undergo “virginity tests.”
    (AFP, 3/9/11)(SFC, 6/1/11, p.A6)(SFC, 6/28/11, p.A2)
2011        Mar 11, Egyptian officials said 4 top security officials have been jailed for ordering police to shoot and kill protesters during the country’s 18-day uprising.
    (SFC, 3/12/11, p.A3)
2011        Mar 14, In Egypt young militants who spearheaded the pro-democracy revolution called for a "no" vote in next weekend's referendum on constitutional reform. They called for a new constitution and an extension of the transitional period with the formation of a presidential council.
    (AFP, 3/14/11)
     Mar 15, Egypt's interior minister dissolved the country's widely hated state security agency.
    (AP, 3/15/11)
    Mar 18, In Egypt pro-democracy activists flocked to Cairo's iconic Tahrir Square for a new protest to urge a "no" vote in a weekend referendum on the military's plans for the future after Hosni Mubarak's ouster.
    (AFP, 3/18/11)
     Mar 19, Egyptians lined up by the hundreds to vote on constitutional amendments sponsored by the ruling military. Voters overwhelmingly approved changes in the constitution, opening the way for parliamentary and presidential elections within months. Over 14 million voted yes  versus some 4 million voting no. The turnout was about 41% of eligible voters.
    (AP, 3/19/11)(AP, 3/21/11)(Econ, 3/26/11, p.55)
     Mar 20, In Egypt 3 men kidnapped and raped a woman (24) after stopping a vehicle at gun point. She was driving with a male relative. In April a military court in Ismailiya ordered the execution of the three men who were convicted of the kidnapping and rape. In Qena province Muslim vigilantes arrested Anwar Mitri (45), a school administrator and Coptic Christian, for renting a flat to a woman they claimed was a prostitute and for allegedly having sex with her. Mitri was tried and had his ear lopped off. 
    (AFP, 4/11/11)(Econ, 4/2/11, p.21)
   Mar 21, The European Union froze the assets of ousted Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and 18 people in his inner circle.
    (AFP, 3/21/11)
     Mar 22, In Egypt the Interior Ministry in Cairo was set on fire during a protest by police officers demanding more pay and better working conditions. The fire largely gutted one wing of the 7-story building.
    (SFC, 3/23/11, p.A2)
    Mar 23, Egypt's stock market plunged almost 9 percent, with foreign investors leading a sell-off in the market's first session in nearly two months following a shutdown linked to the mass protests that toppled former President Hosni Mubarak. The military government handed down new constitutional rules easing curbs that choked political life under Mubarak, opening the door for the formation of new parties that will compete in elections this year.
    (AP, 3/23/11)(Reuters, 3/24/11)(SFC, 3/24/11, p.A2)
     Mar 23, Amnesty International condemned the "shocking" treatment of 18 women protesters in Egypt after serious allegations that the army subjected them to torture and forced "virginity tests."
    (AFP, 3/23/11)
    Mar 28, Egypt's Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), a group of 24 senior officers, said on its website that ousted president Hosni Mubarak and his family are under house arrest, denying that the former leader had fled to Saudi Arabia. Members of an ultraconservative Muslim sect clashed with villagers south of Cairo over demands that a liquor store and coffee shops be closed a sign of the increasing assertiveness of the fundamentalist Salafi movement.
    (AFP, 3/28/11)(AP, 3/29/11)(Econ, 10/8/11, p.59)
    Mar 30, Egypt's military rulers issued an interim constitution under which the transitional administration will run the country until elections allow power to be returned to an elected government. The military rulers said that the country's first presidential elections since the ouster of longtime ruler Hosni Mubarak will be held by November.
    (AP, 3/30/11)
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عضو فعال

عدد المساهمات : 3882
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009

Egypt 2011 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Egypt 2011   Egypt 2011 Icon_minitimeالإثنين أكتوبر 17, 2011 9:00 am

    Apr 1, In Egypt thousands of people filled Tahrir Square to call for Egypt's military government to harshly punish members of ex-President Hosni Mubarak's former administration.
    (AP, 4/1/11)
    Apr 3, In Egypt gunmen abducted Zeina Effat Sadat (12) the grandniece of the late leader Anwar Sadat, in the upscale Cairo suburb of Heliopolis. They released her nearly 24 hours later for 5 million pounds (about $840,000) in ransom on the desert road from Cairo to the Mediterranean city of Alexandria. Police on April 4 arrested six men for their alleged part in the kidnapping. A briefcase with 2 million pounds (about $340,000) was found on the men.
    (AP, 4/4/11)
   Apr 4, Egypt's foreign minister said Cairo is ready to re-establish diplomatic ties with Tehran after a break of more than 30 years signaling a shift in Iran policy since the fall of President Hosni Mubarak.
    (Reuters, 4/4/11)
    Apr 6, In Egypt authorities arrested Mohammed Ibrahim Suleiman, the former housing minister (1993-2006), on suspicion he was involved in the illegal sale of state lands for cut-rate prices. Suleiman's successor, Ahmed Maghrabi, was also being investigated.
    (AP, 4/6/11)
    Apr 8, In Egypt tens of thousands waved flags and shouted slogans in Cairo's central Tahrir Square, demanding that Hosni Mubarak and his family be put on trial over allegations of corruption in one of the biggest protests since Mubarak was ousted two months ago.
    (AP, 4/8/11)
   Apr 9, Egypt’s military stormed Tahrir Square to disperse some 2000 protesters. At least one demonstrator was shot dead and 71 others injured.
    (SSFC, 4/10/11, p.A7)
    Apr 10, In Egypt more than 1,000 protesters ignored an army order to leave Cairo's main square, extending into a third day their calls for a quick move to civilian rule and a deeper purge of corrupt officials.
    (AP, 4/10/11)
     Apr 11, In Egypt A few hundred protesters defied an army demand to quit Cairo's Tahrir Square, vowing to stay until the ruling military council heeds their demand for civilian rule and a deeper purge of corrupt officials. A military court jailed blogger Maikel Nabil Sanad (26) to three years in prison for criticizing the armed forces. Safwat al-Sherif, head of Egypt's former ruling party and a longtime stalwart of the regime of ousted Pres. Mubarak, was detained on charges of corruption.
    (Reuters, 4/11/11)(AFP, 4/11/11)(AFP, 4/12/11)(SFC, 4/12/11, p.A2)
    Apr 12, Egypt’s former Pres. Mubarek was hospitalized after suffering an alleged heart attack. State media indicated the hospital visit may have been a ploy to escape legal problems.
    (SFC, 4/13/11, p.A3)
    Apr 13, Egypt's ousted President Hosni Mubarak was put under detention in his hospital room for investigation on accusations of corruption, abuse of power and killings of protesters. His sons Alaa and Gamal were taken to Tora Prison outside Cairo.
    (AP, 4/13/11)(SFC, 4/14/11, p.A3)
    Apr 15, Egypt's top prosecutor ordered deposed President Hosni Mubarak to be moved from a hospital at a Red Sea resort to a military hospital for questioning about the deaths of protesters and allegations of corruption and abuse of power.
    (AP, 4/15/11)
    Apr 16, An Egyptian court ordered the dissolving of the country's former ruling party and the confiscation of its assets, meeting a major demand of the protest movement that ousted President Hosni Mubarak.
    (AP, 4/16/11)
     Apr 17, Egypt put two former top ministers on trial, widening a crackdown on graft as the ruling generals seek to show their seriousness about ending the corruption that led to President Hosni Mubarak's ouster.
    (Reuters, 4/17/11)
    Apr 19, An Egyptian government fact-finding mission said at least 846 people were killed and over 6,400 injured during the popular uprising that toppled longtime president Hosni Mubarak.
    (AP, 4/19/11)
     Apr 22, In southern Egypt tens of thousands, led by hard-line Islamists, protested the appointment of a Coptic Christian governor in Qena province.
    (AP, 4/22/11)
     Apr 25, Egypt's premier suspended Emad Mikhail, a Christian governor linked to the ousted Mubarak regime, after his appointment sparked protests in restive Qena province.
    (AFP, 4/25/11)
     Apr 27, In Egypt masked gunmen blew up a natural gas terminal near the border with Israel, sending flames shooting into the air in the early hours of the morning and forcing the shutdown of the country's gas export pipeline to Israel and Jordan. Suspicion immediately fell on Sinai Bedouins angered by what they see as the neglect of their areas by the central government or Muslim militants opposed to the export of natural gas to Israel.
    (AP, 4/27/11)
    Apr 28, Egypt's new foreign minister, Nabil al-Araby, said that the closure of the key Rafah border crossing with the Palestinian Gaza Strip was about to end, calling the decision to close the crossing "a disgusting matter" in an interview with Al-Jazeera.
    (AP, 4/29/11)
    Apr 29, An Egyptian soldier of the border guard unit was killed in an exchange of gunfire with tunnel smugglers near the border with Gaza.
    (AFP, 4/29/11)
    Apr 29, In Egypt at least 20 people drowned in the Nile while on a trip to visit the grave of a relative. 5 people were also missing after a minibus hired for the traditional graveyard visit slipped from the ferry that carried it across the river in Beni Suef province.
    (Reuters, 4/30/11)
   Apr 30, Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, the country's best organized movement, announced the formation of a party to contest up to half of parliament's seats in a September election.
    (AFP, 4/30/11)

     May 2, The Swiss government said it has identified potential assets belonging to Libya’s Moammar Khadafy and his entourage amounting to $415 million. Assets of $473 million were also found linked to Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak and $69 million to Tunisia’s Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali.
    (SFC, 5/3/11, p.AA2)

   May 4, In Egypt hundreds of diehard supporters of ousted president Hosni Mubarak clashed with his foes in central Cairo leaving dozens injured.
    (AFP, 5/5/11)
    May 4, Rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas proclaimed a landmark, Egyptian-mediated reconciliation pact signed in Cairo aimed at ending their bitter four-year rift. Hamas chief Khaled Meshaal said that his Islamist movement would work to achieve the "Palestinian national goal" of a sovereign state on the Gaza Strip and West Bank. Gaza's Hamas rulers executed a man convicted of collaborating with Israel. His execution was the 11th in Gaza since Hamas violently wrested control of the territory in June 2007.
    (AP, 5/4/11)(AFP, 5/4/11)(AP, 5/5/11)(Econ, 5/7/11, p.51)

2011        May 5, In Egypt former President Hosni Mubarak's top security official was convicted of corruption and money laundering and sentenced to 12 years in prison.
    (AP, 5/5/11)

   May 7, In Egypt 13 people died in clashes in a Cairo suburb sparked by unconfirmed suspicions that Christians had abducted a woman who converted to Islam. On May 9 authorities said they have arrested the "mastermind" behind the sectarian violence.
    (Reuters, 5/8/11)(AFP, 5/10/11)(SFC, 5/10/11, p.A2)

     May 8, Egypt's army said that 190 people would be tried in military courts over sectarian violence a day earlier that left 13 people dead.
    (Reuters, 5/8/11)(SFC, 5/10/11, p.A2)

     May 9, Egyptian authorities detained 23 more people in connection with recent clashes between Muslims and Christians, including two people suspected of sparking riots over the weekend that left a Cairo church torched and 13 people dead. Hundreds of Christians continued their sit-in outside Egypt's state TV building, saying they fear an Islamic state is in the making.
    (AP, 5/9/11)(SFC, 5/10/11, p.A2)

     May 10, An Egyptian court convicted the country's ex-tourism minister of corruption and sentenced him to five years in prison, making him the second high-ranking official to be found guilty since President Hosni Mubarak's ouster.
    (AP, 5/10/11)

   May 12, In Egypt Abeer Fakhri , a Christian woman whose affair with a Muslim sparked deadly sectarian clashes, was detained and faced charges that included polygamy.
    (AP, 5/13/11)

   May 13, Egyptian authorities on ordered the detention of Suzanne Mubarak, wife of deposed President Hosni Mubarak. Thousands of Egyptians took to the streets to push their military rulers to do more to help Palestinians.
    (AP, 5/13/11)(Reuters, 5/13/11)

     May 14, In Egypt Bothaina Kamel (48) a political activist, TV presenter and a candidate for president, was hauled in for questioning because of her outspoken criticism of the nation's military rulers and said she is facing allegations of slandering a top official and the military. Clashes between Muslims and Christians in the center of Cairo left 51 people wounded, as Coptic Christians pursued a sit-in protest against the violence.
    (AP, 5/14/11)(AFP, 5/15/11)

      May 15, Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil al-Araby was elected the new secretary-general of the Arab League.
    (SFC, 5/16/11, p.A2)

    May 15, Egypt's Pope Shenouda, head of the Orthodox Coptic church, called on Christians to abandon a demonstration against attacks on their community after a clash overnight left 78 wounded.
    (Reuters, 5/16/11)

     May 16, Egyptian riot police fired tear gas and live ammunition overnight to disperse thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters outside the Israeli Embassy in Cairo, and a security official said that at least 185 demonstrators were arrested over allegations of attacking police and vandalism
    (AP, 5/16/11)

2011        May 16, An Egyptian military court sentenced the 17-year-old and three other men to be hanged for kidnapping and raping a young woman.
    (Reuters, 5/18/11)

     May 17, Egypt's Justice Ministry ordered the wife of former president Hosni Mubarak released from custody without bail. Suzanne Mubarak was released after handing over her assets to the state, as her husband pledged to do the same in a bid to secure an amnesty.
    (AP, 5/17/11)(AFP, 5/17/11)

   May 18, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood said the party it formed to contest elections has chosen a Christian intellectual as vice president and numbers almost 100 Coptic Christians among its founding members.
    (AFP, 5/18/11)

     May 19, Amnesty International said Egyptian authorities continue to restrict freedom of assembly, torture detainees and try civilians in military courts, highlighting the urgent need for reform.
    (AP, 5/19/11)

    May 22, An Egyptian court condemned a policeman to death for killing 20 protesters, in the first such sentencing of a security forces member for the murder of demonstrators during a January-February revolt.
    (AFP, 5/22/11)

     May 24, Egypt’s ousted leader Hosni Mubarak and his two sons were referred to a criminal court on suspicion of graft and ordering deadly fire against anti-government protesters.
    (AFP, 5/24/11)

     May 24, World Bank Pres. Robert Zoellick said it will provide up to $6 billion to Egypt and Tunisia to help them modernize their economies as they undertake democratic reforms after the ouster of their longtime presidents.
    (AP, 5/24/11)

     May 25, Egypt decided to end its blockade of Gaza by opening the only crossing to the Hamas-ruled Palestinian territory on May 28, easing the isolation of 1.4 million Palestinians there.
    (AP, 5/25/11)

     May 26, In Egypt a Cairo criminal court sentenced former housing minister Ahmed al-Maghrabi to five years in prison on corruption charges and fined him over an illegal land deal.
    (AFP, 5/26/11)(Reuters, 5/26/11)

     May 27, In Egypt thousands of protesters returned to downtown Cairo's Tahrir Square for what they called a "second revolution," calling for Egypt's military rulers to speed up the pace of democratic reforms in a country that is still charting its political future.
    (AP, 5/27/11)

     May 27, Pres. Obama and other G8 leaders wrapped up a 2-day summit in France and announced plans for a $40 billion in aid to support democracy in Egypt, Tunisia and the rest of North Africa.
    (SFC, 5/28/11, p.A3)

    May 28, An Egyptian administrative court fined ousted President Hosni Mubarak and two former officials 540 million Egyptian pounds ($91 million) for cutting off mobile and internet services during protests in January. Egypt charged former Information Minister Anas el-Fekky with "deliberately causing financial harm" to the state-run Radio and Television Union.
    (Reuters, 5/28/11)

     May 28, Egypt lifted a four-year-old blockade on the Gaza Strip's main link to the outside world, bringing relief to the crowded territory's 1.5 million Palestinians but deepening a rift with Israel since the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak earlier this year.
    (AP, 5/28/11)

    May 31, Egypt’s transitional government imposed a quote of no more than 400 passengers a day for crossing into Egypt at Rafah. A blacklist of 5,000 Gazans, who would not be allowed to cross, was reinstated.
    (Econ, 6/4/11, p.58)

    May 31, Mahmoud Abdel Salam Omar (74), former chairman of Egypt's Bank of Alexandria, was arrested in NYC for allegedly assaulting a hotel maid the previous evening. On June 24 Omar pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor sexual abuse charge, acknowledging he kissed the woman on the lips and neck and touched her breasts after she brought tissues to his room at the posh Pierre hotel. He completed five days of community service in a soup kitchen, and his case will be closed without jail time or probation if he stays out of trouble for a year.
    (AP, 5/31/11)(http://tinyurl.com/3mjbkkf)(AP, 6/24/11)

    Jun 4, An Egyptian court convicted former finance minister Youssef Boutros-Ghali in absentia and sentenced him to 30 years in prison for profiteering and abusing state and private assets. Egypt's public prosecutor referred 48 people to trial for their involvement in deadly Muslim-Christian clashes last month. Hundreds of angry protesters pelted a Cairo police station overnight and torched an armored vehicle. Police fired tear gas to disperse the crowd. Officials said they're investigating the death of bus driver Mohammed Nasr, who was beaten following a fight with a police officer. A truck driver drove through a checkpoint in the northern Sinai city of el-Arish, killing three soldiers and badly injuring a fourth as they slept in their tent.
    (Reuters, 6/4/11)(AFP, 6/4/11)(AP, 6/4/11)

     Jun 4, Egypt shut its border crossing with Gaza for the first time since opening it on a routine basis last month. Angry Palestinians stormed the gates in protest. An Egyptian security source said the terminal was shut for maintenance and may reopen in a day.
    (Reuters, 6/4/11)

    Jun 5, The International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreed a $3 billion financing deal with Egypt and praised the policies of an interim government struggling to stabilize the economy after the popular uprising.
    (Reuters, 6/5/11)

    Jun 12, In Egypt Ilan Grapel, an Israeli legal aid worker, was arrested in Cairo on suspicion of spying. In October Israel’s government announced plans for his release in exchange for 25 Egyptian prisoners. The exchange took place on Oct 27.
    (SFC, 10/25/11, p.A2)(SFC, 10/28/11, p.A4)

    Jun 13, Egypt’s military told human rights advocates that at least 7,000 civilians have been sentenced to prison terms by military courts since the ouster of Pres. Hosni Mubarek.
    (SFC, 6/14/11, p.A2)

   Jun 16, Spain’s National Police arrested Hussein Salem, an Egyptian associate of ousted president Hosni Mubarak, in Mallorca. Police the next day said he had obtained money illegally in Egypt and sent it to accounts in Spain held by his family. Spain froze euro33 million ($47 million) in accounts held by Salem, who is also wanted back home.
    (AP, 6/17/11)

    Jun 22, In Egypt unidentified assailants have killed two policemen and wounded another two when they opened fire on their patrol in northern Sinai.
    (AP, 6/22/11)

    Jun 23, An Egyptian state security court sentenced Tareq Hassan, an Egyptian businessman, to 25 years in prison for spying for Israel. Two Israeli citizens were also sentenced in absentia to 25 years in jail.
    (AP, 6/23/11)

    Jun 25, Egypt’s Finance Minister Samir Radwan said Egypt said it will not borrow from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund after revising its budget and cutting the forecast deficit, even though a loan had been agreed.
    (Reuters, 6/25/11)

    Jun 25, An Egyptian court sentenced Rachid Mohammed Rachid, the country's former industry and commerce minister, to five years in prison. Rachid, who was convicted in absentia of embezzling public funds, fled Cairo after the uprising that forced Mubarak from power.
    (AP, 6/25/11)

     Jun 26, In Egypt hundreds of protesters angry with the delays in the trial of ex-interior minister Habib Adly clashed with anti-riot police outside the courtroom.
    (AFP, 6/26/11)

     Jun 28, An Egyptian court ordered the dissolution of more than 1,750 municipal councils, seen as one of the last vestiges of Hosni Mubarak's rule. Security forces clashed with some 5,000 protesters in Cairo’s Tahrir Square. Protesters demanded that the country's military rulers speed up the prosecution of security officers responsible for February protester deaths.
    (AP, 6/28/11)(SFC, 6/28/11, p.A2)

    Jun 29, Egyptian security forces clashed with hundreds of youths for a second day in Cairo over demands that the country's military rulers speed up the prosecution of police officers accused of brutality during mass protests that forced Hosni Mubarak to step down.
    (AP, 6/29/11)


عدل سابقا من قبل البدراني في الثلاثاء نوفمبر 15, 2011 3:29 pm عدل 1 مرات
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عضو فعال

عدد المساهمات : 3882
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009

Egypt 2011 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع:    Egypt 2011 Icon_minitimeالإثنين أكتوبر 17, 2011 9:10 am

    Jul 1, In Egypt hundreds rallied in Cairo's landmark Tahrir Square demanding speedy trials for former regime figures and policemen accused of killing protesters during the 18-day revolt earlier this year.
    (AP, 7/1/11)

    Jul 3, In Egypt the trial began of 48 people accused of involvement in deadly Muslim-Christian clashes on May 7 that left 12 people dead. Police and soldiers arrested around 50 people from the shanty town of Ezbet Abu Qarn in a drugs raid.
    (AFP, 7/3/11)(AFP, 7/5/11)

    Jul 3, Egypt's Nabil al-Arabi formally replaced his compatriot Amr Mussa as secretary general of the Arab League.
    (AFP, 7/3/11)

    Jul 4, In Egypt saboteurs bombed a gas pipeline in the Sinai peninsula, sending flames into the sky and cutting supplies to Israel and Jordan. 7 policemen charged with killing protesters were ordered released on bail. Angry families stormed a station where the suspects from Ezbet Abu Qarn were being held, triggering clashes with security forces in which an 18-year-old boy was killed.
    (AFP, 7/4/11)(AP, 7/5/11)(AFP, 7/5/11)

    Jul 5, An Egyptian court acquitted three Hosni Mubarak-era ministers of corruption charges while finding a fourth guilty in absentia. Judge Mohammed Fathi Sadek found not guilty Ahmed Maghrabi, Yousef Boutros-Ghali and Anas el-Fiqqi, former ministers of housing, finance and information, respectively. The court found former Trade Minister Rachid Mohammed Rachid and two businessmen guilty of squandering public funds and profiteering. Rachid and one of the businessmen were sentenced in absentia to five years in prison.
    (AP, 7/5/11)

    Jul 5, The EU announced action against Egyptian bean and seed imports, after tests indicated that a 15-ton batch of Egyptian fenugreek seeds imported in 2009 to Germany and then distributed elsewhere was at the root of an E.coli outbreak that killed 50 people.
    (AFP, 7/14/11)

    Jul 6, In Egypt hundreds of protesters pelted the security headquarters in the city of Suez with rocks, angered by a court's decision to uphold the release of seven policemen facing trials for allegedly killing 17 protesters in Suez during Egypt's uprising. In a bid to defuse rising anger, the Interior Ministry announced that hundreds of high-ranking police officers will be sacked for their role in the harsh crackdown.
    (AP, 7/6/11)

     Jul 8, Egyptians held one of their biggest protests in months as tens of thousands took to the streets in Cairo and other cities to demand justice for victims of Hosni Mubarak's regime and press the country's new military rulers for a clear plan on transition to democracy.
    (AP, 7/8/11)

    Jul 9, Prosecutor in Egypt's second city Alexandria ordered the arrest of 12 police officers accused of torturing to death Sayed Belal, a Salafi fundamentalist and suspect in a deadly New Year's church attack. PM Essam Sharaf pledged to meet the demands of protesters with a series of measures. Sharaf soon called for Interior Minister Mansour el-Issawi to fire 400 police officers accused of killing protesters. El-Issawi balked saying firing them would be illegal.
    (AFP, 7/9/11)(AFP, 7/10/11)(SFC, 7/12/11, p.A3)

     Jul 10, In Egypt protesters camped out at a central Cairo square blocked access to the Egyptian capital's largest government building and threatened to lay siege to the nearby Interior Ministry and state TV building if their demands are not met. The protesters demanded justice for the nearly 900 protesters killed by security forces during the 18-day uprising that toppled longtime leader Hosni Mubarak in February.
    (AP, 7/10/11)

    Jul 12, Egypt's ruling military council insisted that it will not cede control over the transition from ousted president Hosni Mubarak's regime amid mounting anger over its handling of it. Anti-government protesters said about 30 assailants carrying knives and sticks stormed their tent camp in Cairo's central square, injuring six people. The official MENA news  reported that saboteurs have bombed a gas pipeline in the Sinai peninsula for the fourth time since February, cutting supplies to Israel and Jordan.
    (AP, 7/12/11)(AFP, 7/12/11)

    Jul 13, Egypt’s transitional military government announced the early retirement of 600 senior police officers in an effort to mollify protesters. 54 lower ranking officers were shifted to jobs where they no longer interact with civilians.
    (SFC, 7/14/11, p.A2)

     Jul 14, Switzerland suspended imports of some seeds, beans and sprouts from Egypt, after the EU blamed Egyptian fenugreek seeds for E.coli outbreaks in Germany and France. The temporary ban would expire in October 31, 2011, in line with the EU's suspension.
    (AFP, 7/14/11)

     Jul 15, In Egypt thousands of protesters rallied across the country, capping a week of nationwide sit-ins to demand political change as anger grows with the military rulers over the slow pace of reform.
    (AFP, 7/15/11)

   Jul 17, Egypt's PM Essam Sharaf named 12 new Cabinet members in a reshuffle under pressure from protesters demanding a purge of remnants of the former regime.
    (AP, 7/17/11)

    Jul 19, Egypt's interior minister ordered 54 police officers, on trial for killing protesters, be transferred to desk jobs in the ministry.
    (AFP, 7/19/11)

     Jul 20, In Egypt Maj. Gen. Mamdouh Shaheen presented a new law barring foreign monitors for upcoming parliamentary elections. He said Egyptian election monitors will observe the process instead.
    (AP, 7/20/11)

     Jul 23, In Egypt groups of men armed with knives and sticks attacked thousands of protesters trying to march to the headquarters of the military rulers, setting off fierce street clashes and leaving more than 300 injured. The identity of the pro-army vigilantes could not immediately be determined.
    (AP, 7/23/11)(Econ, 7/30/11, p.41)

   Jul 29, In Egypt tens of thousands of people filled Cairo's central Tahrir Square for a rally that turned into a show of force for ultraconservative Salafi Muslims and other Islamists in their growing rift with liberal activists. 150 men in trucks and on motorbikes rampaged through El-Arish, firing assault rifles in the air, driving terrified residents into their homes. 3 civilians, an army officer and a police officer were killed in clashes that followed, and 19 people wounded. Armed forces arrested 12 men, including 3 Palestinians, suspected of involvement in the attack.
    (AP, 7/29/11)(AFP, 7/30/11)

    Jul 30, In Egypt unidentified gunmen attacked a terminal on the gas pipeline to Israel for the fifth time since February.
    (AFP, 7/30/11)

    Aug 5, Egyptian army troops wielding batons and firing in the air dispersed dozens of activists holding a traditional Ramadan meal in Cairo's central Tahrir square.
    (AP, 8/6/11)

    Aug 7, In Egypt a Coptic Christian was killed and four Muslims were wounded in clashes in the southern province of Minya after clashes triggered by a road accident.
    (AFP, 8/8/11)

     Aug 9, Dozens of Egyptians angered by the absence of police protection in their town set fire to a police station In Garga after looting its armory and freeing jailed inmates. The crowd stormed the police station in protest at what they said was the police's failure to protect them from attacks from a neighboring village. The trouble between Garga and the neighboring village of Nagaa Uweis began Aug 7 after a fight between two drivers, one from Garga and the other from Nagaa Uweis, escalated into a gunfight.
    (AFP, 8/9/11)

     Aug 12, In Egypt hundreds of protesters rallied in Cairo's Tahrir Square, briefly scuffling with riot police and defying the military rulers who are eager to prevent any demonstrations in the iconic square since forcefully clearing a weekslong sit-in by youth activists last week.
    (AP, 8/12/11)

    Aug 13, Egypt's largest political group, the Muslim Brotherhood, warned the country's military rulers not to interfere in the writing of a new constitution.
    (AP, 8/13/11)

     Aug 15, Egyptian troops, backed by armored vehicles, carried out five raids in el-Arish, the provincial capital of North Sinai. In one location, they clashed with gunmen, killing one. Ten suspects and six wanted criminals were also arrested. A Cairo judge stopped live TV broadcasts of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's trial.
    (AP, 8/15/11)

     Aug 17, An Egyptian military tribunal sentenced two young activists to 6-months in prison after convicting them of insulting the army.
    (SFC, 8/18/11, p.A2)

    Aug 18, In southern Israel assailants armed with heavy weapons, guns and explosives launched three attacks in quick succession near the border with Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, killing 8 people and wounding about a dozen more. Israeli security forces tracked down some of the assailants and are engaged in an ongoing gunbattle with them. 3 Egyptian security personnel died as a result of the gunbattles. 2 more died from wounds the next day. A 6th died from wounds in September. Israel responded hours after the border attack with an airstrike in Gaza that killed five members of the Palestinian group that Israel said was behind it, an organization known as the Popular Resistance Committees. The dead included the group's leader.
    (AP, 8/18/11)(AP, 8/19/11)(AFP, 9/11/11)

    Aug 20, Egypt said it would recall its ambassador from Israel to protest the deaths of at least 3 Egyptian troops killed in a shootout between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian militants.
    (AP, 8/20/11)

     Aug 27, National carrier Egyptair resumed direct flights to Iraq after a break of 21 years.
    (AFP, 8/27/11)

     Sep 3, Witnesses said Egypt's military has started to close smuggling tunnels to Gaza, amid Israeli warnings of plans by Gazan militants to attack the Jewish state through Egyptian territory.
    (AFP, 9/3/11)

   Sep 6, Egyptian football fans clashed with police in a Cairo stadium, injuring nearly 80 people, after they chanted slogans against ousted president Hosni Mubarak and torched dozens of cars.
    (AFP, 9/6/11)

   Sep 7, Egypt's military rulers froze new licenses for private satellite TV stations, in a restriction that activists say harkens back to the crackdown on freedom of expression under ousted President Hosni Mubarak.
    (AP, 9/8/11)

    Sep 9, In Egypt thousands demonstrated in Cairo's Tahrir Square against the pace of reform under the country's military rulers. Smaller crowds demonstrated in other Egyptian cities. Hundreds of protesters tore down a concrete security wall that authorities had recently erected outside the Israel embassy building. Young men battered the wall with sledgehammers, ripping off chunks with their bare hands. Protesters were able to get to the top of the building and pull down the Israeli flag, which they replaced with the Egyptian flag.
    (AP, 9/9/11)(AP, 9/10/11)

    Sep 10, Israel’s ambassador to Egypt and the entire embassy staff except for one deputy ambassador were evacuated along with their families in the face of the overnight rampage at the Nile-side embassy in Cairo. The Health Ministry said three people were killed and more than 1,000 people hurt during the street clashes between the protesters and police outside the embassy.
    (AP, 9/10/11)

     Sep 11, Egypt's vice president reached out to the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood and other opposition groups as part of a new offer of sweeping concessions including press freedom and an eventual end to hated emergency laws.
    (AP, 9/11/11)

     Sep 15, In Egypt steel magnate Ahmed Ezz, once a leading figure in the former ruling party, was sentenced along with former government official Amr Assal. The two were fined a total of $110 million dollars. Former Trade Minister Rachid Mohammed Rachid, who remains at large, was sentenced to 15 years in jail and ordered to pay a 237 million dollar fine for approving production licenses to Ezz without auctioning them publicly first.
    (AP, 9/15/11)

    Sep 18, Egyptian businessman and former Tourism Minister Zohair Garanah was sentenced to three years in prison after being convicted of corruption. He was already serving a five-year jail term for allowing investors to illegally acquire state land. His first sentence was passed by a Cairo court on May 10.
    (AP, 9/18/11)

    Sep 19, Egypt barred formation of a new political party by al-Gamaa al-Islamiyya, an Islamist group that was once involved in a bloody insurgency, because its proposed party is based on "religious grounds in violation of the law."
    (AP, 9/19/11)

    Sep 27, In Egypt assailants in two pickup trucks struck a pumping station on a gas pipeline to Israel about 15 miles (25 km) west of the region's main city of el-Arish before, causing a loud explosion and fire.
    (AP, 9/27/11)

    Sep 28, An Egyptian court convicted Anas al-Fiqqi, former Pres. Mubarak's powerful information minister, on corruption charges and sentenced him to seven years in prison.
    (AP, 9/28/11)

     Sep 29, Egyptian security officials raided the Cairo office of Al Jazeera, roughing up staff and confiscating equipment. This was the second raid this month by authorities complaining the station is operating without permits.
    (AP, 9/29/11)

    Sep 30, In Egypt several thousand protesters demanded the country's military rulers put an end to emergency laws dating back to the rule of ousted President Hosni Mubarak. A church was burned down in Merinab village after Aswan provincial governor Mustafa al-Seyyed was reported as saying Copts had built it without the required planning permission.
    (AP, 9/30/11)(AFP, 10/4/11)


عدل سابقا من قبل البدراني في الأربعاء نوفمبر 09, 2011 4:26 pm عدل 1 مرات
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عضو فعال

عدد المساهمات : 3882
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009

Egypt 2011 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Egypt 2011   Egypt 2011 Icon_minitimeالإثنين أكتوبر 17, 2011 9:41 am

   Oct 4, Egyptian protesters also demanded the release of blogger Michael Nabil (26), who was sentenced to three years' hard labor in April by a military court for having "insulted" the army in his writings. The blogger was on the 43rd day of a hunger strike, after his appeal hearing was adjourned to October 11.
    (AFP, 10/4/11)
    Oct 5, Three Egyptian columnists withheld their regular commentaries in an independent daily to protest what they said was censorship by the country's military rulers.
    (AP, 10/5/11)
    Oct 9, In Egypt some 1,000 Christian protesters tried to stage a peaceful sit-in outside the state television building along the Nile in downtown Cairo. The protesters said they were attacked by "thugs" with sticks and the violence then spiraled out of control after a speeding military vehicle jumped up onto a sidewalk and rammed into some of the Christians. 27 people were killed including at least 3 soldiers. Wael Mikhael, a cameraman working for a Coptic Christian broadcaster, was among those killed. On Oct 25 the New-York based Human Rights Watch called for an independent investigation of the deaths and urged authorities to transfer investigation of the case from military to civilian prosecutors.
    (AP, 10/10/11)(AP, 10/13/11)(AP, 10/25/11)
    Oct 10, In Egypt small skirmishes broke out again in Cairo outside the Coptic hospital where many of the Christian victims were taken the night before. Several hundred Christians pelted police with rocks as the screams of grieving women rang out from inside the hospital.
    (AP, 10/10/11)
     Oct 11, Egypt's finance minister and deputy prime minister resigned in protest over the government's handling of deadly weekend protests that left 27 dead, most of them Coptic Christians. Some 20,000 mourners chanted slogans denouncing the ruling military during a funeral procession overnight for 17 Christians killed in the Cairo protest.
    (AP, 10/11/11)(AP, 10/25/11)
   Oct 11, Israel and Hamas announced that Sgt. Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier abducted to Gaza five years ago, would be swapped for about 1,000 Palestinians held by Israel and accused of militant activity. The next morning the Israeli Cabinet endorsed the Egyptian-brokered deal in a 26-3 vote. Shalit was expected to return via Egypt by Oct 19.
    (AP, 10/11/11)(AP, 10/12/11)(AFP, 10/13/11)
    Oct 15, Egypt’s transitional military rulers issued a decree prohibiting all forms of discrimination including on the basis of religion.
    (SSFC, 10/16/11, p.A4)
2011        Oct 15, Egypt's Gamaa Islamiya, or Islamic Group, posted on its website a notice mourning the death in Afghanistan of Ahmed Abdel Rahman, the son of the "Blind Sheik" now serving a life sentence in the US for his involvement in a plot to blow up NYC landmarks.
    (AP, 10/15/11)
      Oct 16, The Arab League called an emergency meeting in Cairo to discuss whether to suspend Syria. The Arab League said that it would make contact with the Damascus government and a raft of opposition groups with the aim of launching "national dialogue within the seat of the Arab League and under its guidance within 15 days." Security forces opened fire on a funeral for a slain activist in the east. Security forces arrested at least 44 people in the capital's suburbs in house-to-house raids. The Observatory for Human Rights in Syria said 923 people from Homs have been arrested in the past week.
    (AP, 10/16/11)(AFP, 10/17/11)
      Oct 17, A senior Egyptian Justice Ministry official said that the two sons of ousted President Hosni Mubarak have an estimated $340 million in Swiss bank accounts.
    (AP, 10/17/11)

عدل سابقا من قبل البدراني في الثلاثاء نوفمبر 15, 2011 3:18 pm عدل 1 مرات
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عدد المساهمات : 3882
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009

Egypt 2011 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Egypt 2011   Egypt 2011 Icon_minitimeالإثنين أكتوبر 17, 2011 9:49 am


عدل سابقا من قبل البدراني في الإثنين أكتوبر 17, 2011 2:36 pm عدل 1 مرات
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عضو فعال

عدد المساهمات : 3882
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009

Egypt 2011 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Egypt 2011   Egypt 2011 Icon_minitimeالإثنين أكتوبر 17, 2011 2:26 pm


عدل سابقا من قبل البدراني في الإثنين أكتوبر 17, 2011 2:53 pm عدل 1 مرات
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عضو فعال

عدد المساهمات : 3882
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009

Egypt 2011 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Egypt 2011   Egypt 2011 Icon_minitimeالإثنين أكتوبر 17, 2011 2:29 pm

    Oct 18, An Egyptian court ordered blogger Maikel Nabil Sanad, who is serving a three-year sentence for insulting the armed forces, confined to a psychiatric clinic for 45 days after he began a hunger strike.
   (AFP, 10/31/11)
    Oct 21, Egyptian political talk show host Yosri Fouda suspended his “The Final Word” program indefinitely to protest efforts by the military rulers to stifle free expression.
   (SFC, 10/22/11, p.A2)
   Oct 22, Egypt's judicial union called on judges to refrain from showing up to court until they receive protection from authorities after what they say are assaults by lawyers. The call came amid increasing tension between judges and lawyers over a bill written by the Judges Club that would toughen penalties on lawyers in cases of contempt of court.
   (AFP, 10/22/11)
   Oct 22, Egypt’s MENA state news agency said a Cairo court has sentenced Ayman Mansour to three years in prison for postings on Facebook deemed to be inciting sectarianism and in contempt of Islam.
   (AP, 10/22/11)
  Oct 24, Thousands of Egyptian police launched a nationwide strike to demand better salaries and a purge of former regime officials from senior security posts.
   (AP, 10/24/11)
   Oct 27, Five Arab Spring activists won the European parliament's Sakharov prize awarded to campaigners for freedom. They include Mohamed Bouazizi of Tunisia, awarded posthumously, Egyptian militant Asmaa Mahfouz, Libyan dissident Ahmed al-Zubair Ahmed al-Sanusi, Syrian lawyer Razan Zeitouneh and Syrian cartoonist Ali Farzat.
   (AFP, 10/27/11)
     Oct 27, In Egypt Ilan Grapel (27), an Israeli held by Egypt since June 12 on espionage charges, was freed in exchange for 25 Egyptian citizens, mostly Bedouin residents of Sinai charged with smuggling.
   (SFC, 10/28/11, p.A4)
    Oct 28, In Egypt several thousand protesters in Cairo called on the ruling military to promptly transfer power to a civilian government and exclude old regime figures from politics. Protesters clashed with soldiers and police in Cairo after a funeral procession for a man a rights group claims died from police torture after he was caught smuggling a mobile phone chip into his cell.
   (AFP, 10/28/11)
     Oct 30, Egypt's ruling military jailed Alaa Abdel Fatah, a veteran dissident and blogger, on charges of inciting deadly clashes between soldiers and Christians this month.
   (AFP, 10/31/11)
  Oct 31, More than 3,000 Egyptians marched through downtown Cairo, protesting the military's arrest of Alaa Abdel-Fattah, a prominent blogger-activist, in the latest sign of discontent with the ruling generals' managing of the country.
   (AP, 10/31/11)
    Nov 2, An Egyptian government newspaper reported that the justice ministry has agreed to a constitutional amendment to allow millions of Egyptians living abroad to vote in parliamentary elections. An estimated 8 million Egyptians lived abroad, many of them in other Arab countries, out of a total population of 80 million. The ruling generals announced the pardon of 334 civilians who were sentenced in military tribunals since the uprising that toppled Pres. Mubarek.
   (AFP, 11/2/11)(SFC, 11/3/11, p.A2)
    Nov 2, Arab foreign ministers met anew in Cairo to step up pressure on Syria to end nearly eight months of deadly violence. Gunmen stormed a factory in Syria’s province of Homs killing 10 workers while security forces shot dead 4 civilians in several Homs neighborhoods. Damascus pledged to withdraw its forces from protest centers under a plan put forth by the Arab league. Not timetable was set.
   (AFP, 11/2/11)(AFP, 11/3/11)
  Nov 3, Egypt's military rulers triggered a new public outcry with a proposal that critics saw as an attempt to enshrine a supreme political role for themselves in a new constitution.
   (AP, 11/3/11)
  Nov 4, Farid al-Dib, lawyer for the family of Hosni Mubarak, said in a published interview that $340 million held in Swiss banks by the two sons of the ousted Egyptian president, and frozen there, are "legal profits" from consulting abroad.
   (AFP, 11/4/11)
    Nov 6, In Egypt 11 Hungarian tourists were killed and 27 injured when their bus overturned in the Red Sea resort of Hurghada.
   (AFP, 11/6/11)
    Nov 10, In Egypt 2 explosions a gas pipeline halting supplies to Israel and Jordan.
   (AP, 11/10/11)
   Nov 12, Egyptian police arrested Abdel-Halim Hassan Heneidi, a militant leader, in the northern Sinai town of el-Arish.
   (AP, 11/13/11)
    Nov 12, In Egypt Jeff Francois, a Canadian tourist, died of a gunshot wounds He was shot on Nov 9 when members of a feuding family opened fire on his car when his driver refused to stop at an illegal checkpoint in the town of al-Samata.
   (AP, 11/12/11)
    Nov 13, Egyptian security forces arrested Mohammed Eid Muslih Hamad, aka "El-Tihi," in the northern Sinai town of el-Arish. Officials said he was the leader of an al-Qaida-inspired group in the Sinai peninsula that was behind attacks on police and on a gas pipeline that transports fuel to Israel and Jordan.
   (AP, 11/13/11)
    Nov 14, Egyptian security forces arrested Abdel Karim Mohammed Ahmed and Ahmed Salem Awad of the radical Islamist Al-Takfeer wal Hijra during a sweep in the north Sinai town of El-Arish.
   (AFP, 11/14/11)
    Nov 17, In Egypt attackers threw rocks and broken glass at a march by Coptic Christians in Cairo, injuring 10, in the latest outbreak of sectarian violence.
   (AP, 11/17/11)
    Nov 18, Tens of thousands of Egyptians, dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood, rallied in Cairo's Tahrir square to protest against what they say are attempts by the country's military rulers to designate themselves as the guardians of a new Egypt. It was one of the largest rallies in Egypt in recent months.
   (AP, 11/18/11)
    Nov 19, Egyptian police fired rubber bullets and tear gas in clashes with protesters on as they broke up a sit-in organized by people injured during the Arab Spring, triggering a heated skirmish. Two protesters were killed.
   (AFP, 11/19/11)(SSFC, 11/20/11, p.A6)
   Nov 20, Egyptian riot police clashed for a second day in downtown Cairo with some five thousand rock-throwing protesters demanding that the ruling military quickly announce a date to hand over power to an elected government. Egypt's culture minister resigned in protest at the government response to demonstrations in Cairo's Tahrir Square.
   (AP, 11/20/11)(AFP, 11/21/11)
    Nov 21, Egyptian security forces fired tear gas and clashed with several thousand protesters in Cairo's Tahrir Square in the third straight day of violence that has turned into the most sustained challenge yet to the rule of Egypt's military. 19 more people were killed over night raising the death toll to 24 since the violence began on Nov 19. Egypt's military-appointed cabinet of civilian officials announced its resignation late in the day, but state television quoted a SCAF source as saying this was rejected by the military. 3 American students (Derrik Sweeney (19) of Georgetown University, Luke Gates (21) of Indiana University student, and Gregory Porter (19) of Drexel University student) accused of throwing firebombs, were among those arrested. They were ordered released on Nov 24.
   (AP, 11/21/11)(AFP, 11/22/11)(SFC, 11/23/11, p.A4)(AP, 11/24/11)
  Nov 22, In Egypt tens of thousands of protesters swarmed Cairo's Tahrir Square to demand an end to military rule, as the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) was locked in crisis talks with a number of political forces in a bid to defuse the crisis.
   (AFP, 11/22/11)
     Nov 23, Egyptian police clashed with anti-government protesters for a fifth day in central Cairo as a rights group raised the overall death toll from the ongoing unrest to at least 38. The UN strongly condemned what it called the use of excessive force by security forces.
   (AP, 11/23/11)
     Nov 24, Egypt's military rulers said that parliamentary elections will start on schedule next week despite escalating unrest and they rejected protesters' calls for them to immediately step down. A court ordered the release of 3 American university students arrested on Nov 21. Mona Eltahawy (44), a prominent Egyptian-born US columnist, was sexually assaulted by local police, who beat and blindfolded her after she was detained near Tahrir Square during clashes, leaving her left arm and right hand broken and in casts.
   (AP, 11/24/11)
    Nov 25, Egypt's military rulers announced that Kamal el-Ganzouri (78), a prime minister from ousted leader Hosni Mubarak's era, will head the next government. Tens of thousands of demonstrators packed Cairo's Tahrir Square after days of deadly clashes, demanding the military rulers step down and rejecting their choice of new prime minister. The Tahrir protest was countered by a rival demonstration in a square about three km (two miles) away, where more than 10,000 people gathered to show support for the military chanting "Down with Tahrir."
   (AP, 11/25/11)(AFP, 11/26/11)
   Nov 25, In Egypt masked gunmen blew up a gas pipeline which supplies Egyptian gas to Israel, in the eighth such attack this year.
   (AFP, 11/25/11)
     Nov 25, In Egypt Mona al-Gharib (25), the pregnant wife of Syrian dissident and journalist Thaer al-Nashef, was reportedly abducted in Egypt by Syrian intelligence agents.
   (AP, 11/26/11)
    Nov 26, Egyptian security forces clashed with protesters camped outside the Cabinet building, leaving one man dead, as tensions rose two days ahead of parliamentary elections being held despite mass demonstrations against military rule. Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi met separately with Nobel Peace laureate Mohamed ElBaradei and another presidential hopeful Amr Moussa, who was the former Arab League chief. 24 protest groups, including two political parties, have announced they are creating their own "national salvation" government to be headed by ElBaradei.
   (AP, 11/26/11)
    Nov 27, In Egypt thousands of protesters filled Cairo's Tahrir Square for another massive demonstration to push for the military to immediately return to their barracks in favor of a civilian presidential council.
   (AP, 11/27/11)
    Nov 28, Egyptians turned out in long lines at voting stations in their nation's first parliamentary elections since Hosni Mubarak's ouster, a giant step toward what they hope will be a democracy after decades of dictatorship.
   (AP, 11/28/11)
    Nov 29, In Egypt long lines formed at polling stations for a second day of voting and the head of the election commission, Abdel-Mooaez Ibrahim, proclaimed turnout so far had been "massive and unexpected." The voting process is staggered over the next six weeks across 27 provinces, divided into thirds with runoffs held a week after the first round in each location.
   (AP, 11/29/11)
    Nov, In Egypt nearly two weeks of street fighting on downtown Cairo's Mohammed Mahmoud street left 42 people dead.
   (AP, 1/19/13)
   Dec 3, Early results from Egypt's first post-revolution election showed Islamist parties sweeping to victory, including hardline Salafists, with secular parties trounced in many areas. Full results after the first Nov 28-29 voting, which saw 62 percent turnout, have been delayed several times.
   (AFP, 12/3/11)
   Dec 4, In Egypt initial election results showed that Islamist parties won 65% of all votes cast for parties in the first round of parliamentary polls. The secular liberals, who played a key part in the January-February uprising, managed just 13.4%.
   (AFP, 12/4/11)
   Dec 5, Egyptian voters headed to the polls for two days of runoffs in the country's first parliamentary elections since Hosni Mubarak's ouster. Islamist parties have already captured an overwhelming majority of the votes in the first round.
   (AP, 12/5/11)
    Dec 7, Egypt's military ruler swore-in a new government that he says will have more powers than its predecessor. Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi promised to transfer some of his ruling military council's executive powers to PM Kamal el-Ganzouri. The Freedom and Justice Party said in a statement that it won 36 of the 56 seats awarded to individual candidates in voting which concluded on Dec 6. A member of the junta said the army would have a final say over those appointed to write a new constitution next year.
   (AP, 12/7/11)(AFP, 12/8/11)
    Dec 8, Egypt's biggest political group the Muslim Brotherhood clashed with the country's army leaders on Thursday, accusing them of trying to "marginalize" parliament over the writing of a new constitution.
   (AFP, 12/8/11)
    Dec 13, Egyptian PM Kamal al-Ganzuri said that 20,103 political prisoners had been released since February when a popular uprising toppled Hosni Mubarak.
   (AFP, 12/13/11)
   Dec 14, Egyptians turned out in large numbers to vote in the second round of parliamentary elections that have become a stiff competition between dominant Islamist parties likely to steer the country in a more religious direction. A military court sentenced a political activist to two years in prison after convicting him of criticizing the armed forces and publishing false information. Maikel Nabil Sanad was arrested in March and sentenced to three years, but the case was appealed and sent for retrial.
   (AP, 12/14/11)
   Dec 15, Egyptians headed to the polls again in a phased election to choose the first post-revolution parliament, as liberals faced an uphill battle to compete with Islamist parties.
   (AFP, 12/15/11)
   Dec 16, Egyptian troops clashed with petrol bomb-throwing protesters against military rule in Cairo, as the worst violence in weeks overshadowed the count in the second phase of a landmark general election. Fighting raged from dawn well into the night. The clashes left at least 8 people dead.
   (AFP, 12/16/11)(AFP, 12/17/11)
    Dec 17, In Egypt violence raged for a second day in the administrative heart of Cairo as troops and police deployed in force. The count continued in the second stage of elections for the lower house of parliament.
   (AFP, 12/17/11)
  Dec 18, Egypt's military sought to isolate pro-democracy activists protesting against their rule, depicting them as conspirators and vandals, as troops and protesters clashed for a third straight day. At least 10 protesters have been killed and 441 others wounded in the three days of violence.
   (AP, 12/18/11)
   Dec 19, Egyptian soldiers in riot gear swept through Cairo's Tahrir Square and opened fire on protesters demanding an immediate end to military rule. The Health Ministry said at least three people were killed, bringing the death toll for four days of clashes to 14.
   (AP, 12/19/11)
    Dec 20, Egyptian troops and riot police raided Tahrir again in their latest attempt to evict protesters. Some 10,000 angry women marched in central Cairo to denounce the attacks on protesters and call on the ruling generals to step down. Their anger was mostly focused on the case of the woman stripped half naked and beaten. At least 14 people have been killed in five days of clashes.  
   (AP, 12/20/11)(AP, 12/21/11)
     Dec 21, In Egypt voting in election runoffs for the first parliament since Hosni Mubarak's ouster resumed without the long lines outside polling centers seen in previous rounds of the staggered vote.
   (AP, 12/21/11)
    Dec 22, Egypt's military-appointed PM Kamal el-Ganzouri called for national dialogue to resolve the country's political crisis and pleaded for a two-month calm to restore security after weeks of protests and bloodshed. Some 3,000 students from Ain Shams University in Cairo marched after a prayer service for a student killed in the recent clashes. Turnout was light in the second day of voting in run-off elections.
   (AP, 12/22/11)
   Dec 23, Several thousand Egyptians rallied in Cairo's central Tahrir Square to denounce violence against protesters, especially outraged by images of women protesters dragged by their hair, beaten and kicked by troops. Thousands turned out for rival protests in Cairo, exposing the widening rifts among Egyptians over the ruling military's handling of transition from Hosni Mubarak's rule.
   (AP, 12/23/11)(AFP, 12/23/11)
    Dec 24, In Egypt Islamist parties consolidated earlier gains in the multistage parliamentary elections, winning nearly 70 percent of the seats determined so far. The Muslim Brotherhood said it won around 86 of estimated 180 seats up for grabs in the round, or 47%.
   (AP, 12/24/11)
    Dec 25, An Egyptian investigative judge ordered the release today of Alaa Abdel-Fattah (30), a prominent blogger detained on Oct 30 by the ruling military, which had accused him of attacking soldiers during deadly clashes in October.
   (AP, 12/25/11)
    Dec 27, An Egyptian court ordered the Egyptian army to stop forced virginity tests on female detainees, months after the practice sparked a national outcry and stained the ruling military's reputation.
   (AFP, 12/27/11)
   Dec 29, Egyptian soldiers and police stormed non-governmental organization offices throughout the country, banning employees inside from leaving while they interrogated them and searched through computer files. At least 18 offices were targeted in the raid. A court acquitted five policemen of charges of killing five protesters and wounding six others during the 18-day uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak's longtime regime.
   (AP, 12/29/11)
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Egypt 2011
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