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 History of Malaysia

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عضو فعال

عدد المساهمات : 79
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/06/2010

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History of  Malaysia

1.83Mil BC    
In 2009 Malaysian archeologists reported that prehistoric stone
axes found in Perak state in 2008 were the world's oldest dating to about this
time. The result had a margin of error of 610,000 years.
   (AP, 1/30/09)
Geneticists in 2005 used DNA evidence to conclude that human
emigration from Africa took place about this time from the southern end of the
Red Sea and then pushing along the coast of India and Southeast Asia. The Orang
Asli people of Malaysia likely descended from this 1st migration.
   (SFC, 5/13/05, p.A7)(Econ, 12/24/05, Survey p.5)
c500 AD  
The first settlers of Madagascar began arriving from the Malay
Archipelago in the middle of the first millennium. DNA studies in 2012 indicated
that the number of women in the first group of settlers numbered about 30.
   (Econ, 3/24/12, p.84)
Ceramic shards at Kampong Sungai Mas in the Bujang Valley date to
this time. Brick foundations and a block of shale with a Buddhist mantra
inscribed in Sanskrit was also found.
   (AM, Mar/Apr 97 p.F)
Chinese monk I-Tsing, wrote that he visited Srivijaya in for 6 months
during this year. Srivijaya (also written Sri Vijaya) was a powerful ancient
thalassocratic Malay empire based on the island of Sumatra, modern day
Indonesia, which influenced much of Southeast Asia.
The Malaysian city of Malacca was founded and it was soon used by
Zheng He, a Chinese Muslim from the Ming court, as a base for his treasure
   (Econ, 11/15/14, SR p.5)
Malacca (Melaka), the center of East Indian spice trade, was
captured by the Portuguese. When the Dutch gained influence in Indonesia and
Jakarta they took over Melaka and built the fortress A Famosa. St. Paul’s
Church, originally called Our Lady of the Hill, was built by the Portuguese
following their takeover of Malacca.
   (TL-MB, p.10)(SFEC, 8/3/97, p.T8)(Econ, 11/15/14, SR p.5)
The Dutch pushed the Portuguese out of Malacca and renamed Our Lady
of the Hill church to St. Paul’s.
   (Econ, 11/15/14, SR p.5)
The sultan of Brunei gave Sabah, the northeastern part of Borneo, to
the sultan of Sulu, who ruled a part of what later became the Philippines.
   (Econ, 2/23/13, p.39)
The Cheng Hoon Teng Buddhist temple was built in Malacca.
   (SFEC, 3/19/00, p.T8)
Monosopiad, an 18th cent. warrior, collected some 42 human skulls.
His house near Sandakan is known as the House of Skulls.
   (SFEC, 10/17/98, p.T11)
St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church was built in Malacca.
   (SFEC, 3/19/00, p.T8)
The Muslim Kampung Hulu Mosque was built in Malacca.
   (SFEC, 3/19/00, p.T8)
Capt. Francis Light landed in Penang (Malaysia) and built Fort
Cornwallis. Light, acting on behalf of the East India Company, swindled the
island from the ruling sultan with a promise of protection. The British usurped
the land to break the Dutch monopoly on the spice trade.
   (SFEC, 8/3/97, p.T8)(SFEM, 12/19/99, p.8)(SFC, 12/8/05, p.E7)
The British claimed Malacca from the Dutch. They used St. Paul’s
church as an ammunition dump and put a lighthouse in front.
   (Econ, 11/15/14, SR p.5)
Pres. Jackson sent the frigate Potomac to bombard the pirate lair of
Kuala Batu.
   (WSJ, 10/9/01, p.A22)
 Britisher Sir James Brooke arrived in an armed schooner to Sarawak,
Malaysia, and helped the Sultan of neighboring Brunei subdue rebel, headhunting
Iban (Dayak) tribes. As a reward he was made the Raja of Sarawak, and his heirs
continued to rule until 1946.
   (Hem, 6/96, p.133)
Britisher Sir James Brooke was made the Raja of Sarawak (Borneo).
His heirs continued to rule until 1946.
   (Hem, 6/96, p.133)(Econ, 2/15/14, p.35)
It was discovered that palm oil, a native of West Africa, grew well
in the Far East. By 2010 Indonesia and Malaysia produced 90% of the world’s palm
   (Econ, 6/26/10, p.71)
Prospectors for tin founded the city of Kuala Lumpur ("muddy
confluence") at the confluence of the Kelang and Gombak rivers.
   (SFEC, 8/3/97, p.T3)
Britain sent an agent, Henry Wickham, to Brazil to get rubber seeds.
The Seedlings were cultivated in Kew Gardens and transplanted to Malaysia.
   (WSJ, 1/11/99, p.R50)
The sultan of Sulu leased Sabah in perpetuity to the British North
Borneo Company. In 1946 the company ceded control of Sabah to Britain.
   (Econ, 2/23/13, p.39)
A tin rush was on and the elite gathered at the Royal Selangor Club
in Kuala Lumpur.
   (SFEC, 8/3/97, p.T3)
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عدد المساهمات : 79
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/06/2010

History of  Malaysia Empty
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Thailand annexed 3 southern provinces, Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat,
that had been part of a Malay Muslim sultanate called the Kingdom of Pattani.
   (SFC, 1/23/04, p.A7)(Econ, 6/4/05, p.40)
The Khoo Kongsi, a Chinese clan house on Penang, burned down the
night it was completed. The temple was rebuilt.
   (SFEM, 12/19/99, p.30)
Royal Dutch Shell began pumping oil out of Sarawak, a British colony
on Borneo. Sarawak became part of Malaysia in 1963.
   (Econ, 6/9/12, p.46)
By this year Malay plantations produced 107,860 tons of rubber
compared with 37,200 tons in Brazil.
   (WSJ, 1/11/99, p.R50)
China’s Xiamen University was founded by Tan Kah Kee, a business
tycoon, who made his fortune in Southeast Asia, including what is now Malaysia.
In 2013 Xiamen University, based in eastern Fujian province, announced plans to
open a branch in Malaysia by 2015.
   (AP, 6/11/13)
British expatriates in Kuala Lumpur converted a hunting tradition to
a drinking and running event called Hashing, named in reference to the bad food
at the Selangar Club where they hung out.
   (SFC, 8/11/00, WBb p.7)
1941        Dec 1,
British declared a state of emergency in Malaya following
reports of Japanese attacks.
   (HN, 12/1/98)
1941        Dec 6,
Dutch and British pilots saw Japanese invasion fleet at
   (MC, 12/6/01)
1941        Dec 8,
Japanese bombers attacked Malaya.
   (AFP, 2/6/12)
1945        Aug,
A British Royal Air Force B24 Liberator bomber crashed in
Malaysia. Later research showed that it was carrying supplies for Force 136, a
British Special Operations unit.
   (AP, 2/6/12)
1945        At the end of World War II Thailand was compelled to return
territory it had seized from Laos, Cambodia and Malaya. The exiled King Ananda
A series of wars for independence during this period spread from
India to Burma, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. In 2007 Christopher Bayly and
Tim Harper authored “Forgotten Wars: Freedom and Revolution in Southeast Asia.”
   (WSJ, 8/9/07, p.D7)
1948        Dec 12,
British soldiers surrounded the Sungai Rimoh rubber estate
in Batang Kali, shot 24 Malaysian rubber plantation workers and set the village
on fire. In 1970 Britain’s incoming Conservative administration dropped a police
investigation, claiming a lack of evidence. In 2012 relatives of killed workers
lost their High Court battle for a full inquiry by the British government.
   (AFP, 9/4/12)
1957        Aug 31,
The Federation of Malaya (Malaysia) gained independence from
Britain (National Day). Malaysia established itself as a constitutional
monarchy. Article 11 in the constitution gave every person “the right to profess
and practice his religion.” Pro-bumiputra (sons of the soil) discrimination was
laid down in the constitution to ease Malays’ fears of being marginalized by
Chinese and Indian migrants. A 1988 amendment denied the regular courts all
jurisdiction over matters dealt with by the Muslim sharia courts.
   (YN, 8/31/99)(SFC, 11/22/01, p.A29)(AP, 8/31/07)(Econ, 9/1/07, p.11)
The Barisan Nasional Coalition began ruling Malaysia.
   (Econ, 8/13/11, p.40)
Malaysia adopted a Banishment Act allowing the government to expel
   (Econ, 9/24/11, p.53)
Malaysia introduced the Internal Security Act (ISA) to stem a
communist insurgency. It allowed authorities to detain people indefinitely
without trial.
   (SFC, 4/25/01, p.A12)(Econ, 9/24/11, p.52)
US pres. Lyndon B. Johnson visited the country. In honor of his visit a
new plantation was named LBJ. The plantation was later sold for the development
of an information technology zone called the Multimedia Super Corridor.
   (WSJ, 1/8/97, p.A12)
1961        May 3,
A British Colonial Office telegram stated the general
guidance for keeping papers out of the hands of newly elected independent
governments. Items should be disposed of if they "might embarrass members of the
police, military forces, public servants or others eg police informers; might
compromise sources of intelligence" -- or might be used "unethically" by
incoming ministers. Under "Operation Legacy", officials in Kenya, Uganda,
Malaysia, Tanzania, Jamaica and other former colonial territories were briefed
on how to dispose of documents that "might embarrass Her Majesty's government."
This was only made public in 2013.
   (AFP, 11/29/13)
1963        Sep 16,
The Federation of Malaysia was formally established. Sabak
(Sabah) and Sarawak, Britain’s colonies on Borneo, joined the Malayan peninsula
to form Malaysia with Tunku Abdul Rahman (60) as prime minister. The federation
formed under bitter opposition from Indonesia, which refused to recognize the
country and waged a guerrilla war against it. Race riots erupted between ethnic
Malays and the Chinese majority.
   (PC, 1992, p.988)(SSFC, 3/10/02, p.C10)(Econ, 9/20/08, p.60)(Econ, 2/23/13,
1964        Sep 2,
Indonesian paratroopers landed in Malaysia.
   (MC, 9/2/01)
1965        Aug 9,
Singapore proclaimed its independence from the Malaysian
   (AP internet, 8/9/97)
Malaysia was seated on the UN Security Council. Indonesia became the first nation ever to withdraw from the United Nations in protest of the
seating of its neighbor refusing to recognize it and waging a guerilla war
against it. In 1966 a peace agreement with Malaysia was reached and shortly
thereafter Indonesia resumed its membership in the UN.
   (HNQ, 5/14/98)
Malaysia and Indonesia reached a peace agreement and shortly
thereafter Indonesia resumed its membership in the UN.
   (HNQ, 5/14/98)
1967        Mar 26,
Jim Thompson, American ex-serviceman, disappeared while on
holiday in the Cameron Highlands of Northern Malaysia. He revived the Thai silk
industry after WW II. He was one of the first to adopt a classic Thai house to
the requirements of modern life, and his home is now a museum in Bangkok,
   (Hem, Mar. 95, p.63)(SFEC, 7/16/00, p.T14)
1967        Aug 8,
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN was
established in Bangkok by the five original Member Countries, namely, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand.  Brunei Darussalam joined on 8
January 1984, Vietnam on 28 July 1995, Laos and Myanmar on 23 July 1997, and
Cambodia on 30 April 1999.
1969        May 10,
Malaysia held its 3rd general election since independence.
Opposition advances at the polls were followed by bloody race riots. Smoldering
racial tensions erupted between the Malays and the Chinese with riots that
killed dozens.
1969        May 13,
In Malaysia deadly race riots took place in Kuala Lumpur.
   (Econ, 5/16/09, p.49)
Malaysia adopted an Emergency Ordnance that allowed people to be
detained without charge.
   (Econ, 9/24/11, p.53)
1970        Sep 22,
Abdul Razak (1922-1976) became Malaysia’s 2nd prime
1971        Nov 1,
The Five Power Defense Arrangements were concluded by the
defense ministers of Australia, Britain, Malaysia, New Zealand and Singapore.
   (Econ, 11/5/11, p.54)
Malaysia introduced a New Economic Policy (NEP), which ushered in
affirmative action for Malays. The temporary bill expired in 1990, when it was
renamed and hardly changed.
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysian_New_Economic_Policy)(Econ, 3/15/08,
Petronas, Malaysia’s national oil firm, was given exclusive rights
to the nation’s hydrocarbons. Until this year all of Malaysia’s oil was pumped
by foreigners.
   (Econ, 10/10/09, p.69)
In Malaysia Anwar Ibrahim was detained for 22 months for organizing
political opposition groups and for distributing a book by Dr. Mahathir Mohamed.
   (WSJ, 10/30/98, p.A11)
1975        Apr 4, The first group of boat people from Vietnam began arriving in
Malaysia. More than 1 million people fled from the close of the war to the early
   (SFC, 4/17/96, p.A-9)
1975        Aug 4,
In Malaysia the Japanese Red Army raided a building in Kuala
Lumpur that housed US, Swedish, Japanese and Canadian embassies. 52 hostages
were exchanged for Red Army members.
1976        Jan 14,
Abdul Razak (b.1922), Malaysia’s 2nd prime minister, died.
His son Najib Razak (23) was soon elected to parliament.
   (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tun_Abdul_Razak)(Econ, 11/8/08, p.60)
1977        Sep 27,
Japan Airlines Flight 715, a DC-8, crashed into a hill in
bad weather while attempting to land at the Kuala Lumpur Subang Airport. 34
people, including 8 of the 10 crew members and 26 of the 69 passengers, were
killed when the aircraft broke on impact.
Mahathir Mohamed was named prime minister. He led the United Malays
National Organization party.
   (SFC,11/24/97, p.A11)
McDonald's, the US fast food giant,  began operations in Malaysia.
   (AP, 4/29/09)
In Malaysia PM Mahathir Mohamed initiated Proton, the Perusahaan
Otomobil Nasional (National Car Project). Production of the 1st model, Saga,
began in 1985 in association with Mitsubishi of Japan.
   (Econ, 5/8/04, p.61)(WSJ, 7/14/04, p.B2B)(Econ, 12/2/06, p.68)
Malaysia passed an Islamic banking law and set up Bank Islam.
Takaful Malaysia, an Islamic insurance company, was set up in 1984.
   (WSJ, 4/4/07, p.A13)
Daim Zainuddin became chairman of the main investment arm of United
Malays National Organization (UMNO).
   (WSJ, 3/24/04, p.B5B)
Malaysia’s PM Mahathir Mohamed and government colleagues conceived
the idea of a national highway about this time.
   (Hem., 1/96, p.97)
A law was enacted that prohibited publications of "malicious
allegations"  against the government.
   (SFC, 6/11/96, p.A15)
Women’s groups began campaigning for a law against wife-beating. A
weak law was passed in 1994.
   (SFC, 5/17/96, p.A-14)    
1988         May,
In Malaysia construction of the North-South Expressway was
   (Hem., 1/96, p.97)
In Malaysia an amendment to the constitution denied the regular
courts all jurisdiction over matters dealt with by the Muslim sharia courts.
   (Econ, 6/2/07, p.42)
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عدد المساهمات : 79
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/06/2010

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In Malaysia the 1970 New Economic Policy (NEP), which ushered in
affirmative action for Malays, expired. It was renamed and hardly changed.
   (Econ, 8/27/05, p.34)
Malaysia’s poverty rate stood at 22.8%.
   (Econ, 4/8/06, p.42)
In Malaysia authorities banned Mak Yong, a traditional form of dance
   (WSJ, 4/19/06, p.A1)
In Malaysia a rare earths plant in northern Perak state was forced
to shut down over protests from residents who blamed it for birth defects in
nearby populations.
   (AFP, 2/26/12)
Panama disease, caused by the fusarium fungus, mutated to a form
capable of attacking the Cavendish variety of banana and wiped out plantations
in Malaysia. The disease had previously destroyed the popular Gros Michel
variety, which was left growing only in remote parts of Uganda and Jamaica.
   (Econ, 10/22/05, p.85)
The North-South Expressway of Malaysia was completed. It spans the
western side of the Malay Peninsula from Singapore to the Thailand frontier for
520 miles.
   (Hem., 1/96, p.97)
Malaysia passed a Domestic Violence Act. It made wife-beating
unlawful but only after a cease-and-desist order and went into effect in 1996.
Women’s groups had begun campaigning seven years
   (SFC, 5/17/96, p.A-14)
Malaysia under PM Mahathir Mohamed awarded the Bakun Dam concession
to Ekran Bhd. The government took over the project following the financial
crises of 1997-98.
   (WSJ, 1/8/04, p.A14)
Malaysia engaged in a tight money policy as the economy grew at a
breakneck speed.
   (WSJ, 11/22/05, p.A13)
1995        July,
Irene Fernandez, head of the human rights group Tenaganita,
published a report after interviewing immigrant inmates on prison conditions. 71
deaths have been caused by alleged abuse.
   (SFC, 6/11/96, p.A15)
1995         Sep,
A Fokker-50 operated by a Malaysian airline crashed on arrival
at Tawau, Malaysia airport, killing 34 people. The plane touched down 500 yards
short of the runway, pulled up and crashed into a shantytown.
   (AP, 2/10/04)
Danny Ooi launched The Malaysia Book of Records.
   (WSJ, 12/1/99, p.B1)
Kuala Lumpur. High trade deficit. Money is denominated in
"ringgit". [It reached 4.7 billion dollars on annualized basis.]
   (WSJ, 10/30/95, p.A-11A)
1996        Apr 18,
Malaysia was to send about 1200 Vietnamese boatpeople back
   (SFC, 4/17/96, p.A-9)
1996        May 20,
In Malaysia timber exports have reached $1.5 billion from
the state of Sarawak in north-central Borneo Island. The lives of the local
Penans and other forest peoples have been forever fractured. Half of Sarawak is
zoned for logging, 8% is to be permanently protected, and 42% is to be stripped
away for development.
   (SFC, 5/20/96, p.A-8)    
1996        Jun,
Malaysia’s Domestic Violence Act went into effect. Women’s
groups had begun campaigning nine years ago and a weak version was passed in
   (SFC, 5/17/96, p.A-14)
1996        Jun 10,
In Malaysia Irene Fernandez, head of the human rights group
Tenaganita, went on trial for her 1995 published report on prison conditions of
immigrant inmates. 71 deaths have been caused by alleged abuse. She was charged
under a 1986 law that banned the publication of "malicious allegations" against
the government. Seven years later, she was sentenced to one year in prison but
appealed. In 2008 she was acquitted.
   (SFC, 6/11/96, p.A15)(SFC, 5/29/96, p.A8)(AP, 11/24/08)
1996        Jun 13,
A report from Kuching told of Borneo’s 2nd high tech plant
being cut out of the tropical rain forest.
   (WSJ, 6/13/96, p.A6)
1996        Jun 14,
Issues that had blocked the building of the $6.02 billion
Bakun hydroelectric dam in Sarawak state on Borneo were resolved.
   (WSJ, 6/14/96, p.A10)
1996        Jun 19,
A court order stopped work on the $5.4 billion Bakun Dam due
to violation of environmental laws.
   (SFC, 6/20/96, p.A10)
1996        Jul 7,
The average cost of a Big Mac in Malaysia was $1.51.
   (SFC, 7/7/96, Parade, p.17)
1996        Jul 10,
Entrepreneur Tan Sri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun was backing a
new development to rise above the Kelang River in Kuala Lumpur. Called KL Linear
City the plan called for a 24 year project that would consist of a 1.24
mile-long, 10-story, tube-like structure. It was disclosed as a footnote in
Malaysia’s 75 year plan released in April.
   (WSJ, 7/11/96, p.A10)
1996        Aug 3-4,
There was a nationwide power blackout that lasted 16 hours
in some areas.
   (WSJ, 8/9/96, p.A5c)
1996        Sep 15,
In Singapore all 120,000 internet subscribers will have to
go through proxy servers which will screen them from dozens of sites that
contain nudity and sexual topics.
   (SFC, 8/15/96, p.B2)
1996        Dec 25,
Tropical storm Greg killed at least 163 people in the
northern Borneo state of Sabah.
   (WSJ, 12/27/96, p.A1)(SFC, 12/30/96, p.A8)
Abdullah Sungkar (1999) and Abu Bakar Baasyir, self-exiled
Indonesian clerics, together with Riduan Isamuddin, established Jemaah Islamiyah
in Malaysia.
   (WSJ, 1/15/03, p.A1)
In Malaysia the Pergau hydroelectric dam, supported by British aid,
was commissioned. The project involved at least 3 separate scandals. In 2012
Time Lankester authored “The Politics and Economics of Britain’s Foreign Aid:
The Pergau Dam Affair.”
   (Econ, 11/17/12, p.77)
1997        Jan,
Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad went to Silicon Valley to
describe a new "multimedia supercorridor" which would include a new airport and
two new cities with high technology centers.
   (Hem., 4/97, p.42)
1997        Feb 28,
It was reported that the Dayaks were killing the Madurans in
the rain forest of West Kalimantan, Borneo. The indigenous Dayaks had killed as
many as 300 Madurans in fierce hand combat after a peace treaty was broken. The
Madurans were moved in by the government from an overpopulated area.
   (SFC, 2/28/97, p.A16)
1997        May 12,
It was reported that the Pudu Prison in Kuala Lumpur was
opened as a public attraction last week. It was scheduled to be demolished in 6
   (WSJ, 5/12/97, p.B1)
1997        May 31,
The 7-member ASEAN alliance, Association of Southeast Asian
Nations, met in Kuala Lumpur and agreed to allow Burma to become a member in
July. Laos and Cambodia were also to be admitted. The members were Thailand,
Singapore, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei and Vietnam.
   (SFEC, 6/1/97, p.D3)
1997        Sep,
American billionaire George Soros, vilified by Prime Minister
Mahathir Mohammad as the cause of the national financial crises, defended
himself and called his accuser "a menace to his own country."
   (SFC, 9/22/97, p.A10)
1997        Oct 1,
Asian currencies dived in foreign exchange markets in part
because of comments by Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir: "I would like to
suggest that we do away with trade in currency as a commodity."
   (WSJ, 10/2/97, p.A12)
1997        Dec 8,
The Rupiah dropped 10% on rumors that Pres. Suharto had
suffered a stroke.
   (WSJ, 12/10/97, p.A16)
1997        Dec 19,
A Singapore operated Boeing 737 jet crashed by the Musi
River north of Palembang on its flight from Jakarta to Singapore. All 104 people
on board were feared dead.
   (SFC,12/20/97, p.A10)
Malaysia banned the export of sand hurting Singapore’s efforts to
secure supplies for its booming construction industry and sea-fill plans.
Indonesia followed suit in 2007 and caused a surge in the price of sand.
   (Econ, 10/10/09, p.46)
 In Malaysia a virus struck the village of Nipah and killed 105
people, most of whom were involved in the hog-farming industry. Some 1.2 million
hogs were destroyed and the Nipah virus epidemic ran its course over 7 months.
The epidemic was later related to burning rain forests and bats seeking new food
sources that passed the virus to pigs that passed it to humans. Most animals
recovered but it was lethal to 40% of humans.
   (SFC, 9/28/99, p.A9)(SFC, 5/29/00, p.A4)(WSJ, 6/19/03, p.A1)
 In Indonesia fires originally set by developers to clear forest for
palm plantations in Borneo and Sumatra ran out of control and darkened skies
across much of Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. The World Bank estimated that
8% of total global emission of greenhouse gases for the year were due to the
   (Econ, 3/25/06, p.74)
1998        Mar 15,
Random drug testing at all Malaysian schools was to be
instituted with urine testing equipment.
   (SFC, 3/16/98, p.A9)
1998        Mar 26,
In Malaysia riots flared in 4 detention camps that housed
mainly Indonesian illegal immigrants. The Internal Security Act allowed the
detention without trial of people caught helping illegals. 8 inmates and one
policeman were killed. Over 200 inmates escaped from one camp.
   (WSJ, 3/27/98, p.A10)
1998        Apr 21,
Skydivers from Malaysia parachuted the national car, the
Proton Wira sedan, onto the North Pole this week.
   (SFC, 4/23/98, p.A13)
1998        May 15,
Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin (b. 1962) became the 17th Sultan
of Terengganu and the 13th Yang di-Pertuan Agong, the constitutional head of
state of Malaysia.    (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizan_Zainal_Abidin_of_Terengganu)
1998        Sep,
Malaysia was scheduled to host the Commonwealth Games.
   (SFEC, 8/3/97, p.T3)
1998        Jun 27,
The new $3.61 bil airport in Sepang north of Kuala Lumpur
was scheduled to open. The new $2.25 [$2.5] billion int’l. airport covered
25,000 acres and was opened by King Tuanku Jaafar.
   (WSJ, 8/30/96, p.B8B)(SFEC, 6/28/98, p.A17)
1998        Jun 30,
In Malaysia the new Kuala Lumpur Int’l. Airport (KLIA) began
   (SFEC, 7/5/98, p.T3)(Econ, 2/7/09, p.35)
1998        Sep 1,
Capital controls were imposed on the stock market. Foreigners
holding stocks were not allowed to take their money out of the country for one
year. Dr. Mahathir ordered that the austerity measures of Anwar Ibrahim be
rolled back.
   (WSJ, 9/8/98, p.A14)(WSJ, 10/30/98, p.A11)
1998        Sep 2,
Malaysia PM Mahathir Mohamad ousted deputy prime minister
Anwar Ibrahim after the deputy disagreed with the free-spending policies of his
   (SFC, 9/21/98, p.A12)(SFC, 9/22/98, p.A7)
1998        Sep 7,
The market index rose 22.5%.
   (WSJ, 9/8/98, p.A14)
1998        Sep 8,
The market index fell a record 21.5%, 95.5 points to 349.56.
A regulatory reprieve gave foreigners their first chance to sell since capital
controls were imposed on Sep 1.
   (WSJ, 9/8/98, p.A14)
1998        Sep 9,
The reprieve to sell stock under the old rules was withdrawn.
The market closed at 389.65.
   (WSJ, 9/10/98, p.A19)
1998        Sep 20,
In Malaysia Anwar Ibrahim (51) was jailed following charges
of sexual hijinks. His arrest coincided with protests calling for the
resignation of the prime minister and with the end of the competition of the
Commonwealth Games and a state visit by Queen Elizabeth II. Ibrahim was beaten
by police chief Abdul Rahim Noor. Noor was sentenced to 2 months in prison for
the assault in 2000.
   (SFC, 9/21/98, p.A12)(SFC, 3/15/00, p.A10)
1998        Sep 21,
In Malaysia thousands of protestors clashed with police as
the finale to the Commonwealth Games proceeded. The Suaram human rights group
said that 34 people were arrested.
   (SFC, 9/22/98, p.A7)
1998        Sep 25,
In Malaysia Abdul Malek was arrested under the Internal
Security Act (ISA), at the height of the "Reformasi" (Reforms) demonstrations
following the sacking and arrest of deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim. In 2007
a Malaysian court awarded Malek 740,000 dollars for his wrongful arrest and
assault in custody. It was the first time that a Malaysian court had awarded
significant compensation for illegal detention and abuse.
   (AFP, 10/18/07)
1998        Sep 27,
In Malaysia about 10,000 people gathered in Kuala Lumpur to
protests a crackdown on dissent by the Mahathir regime.
   (WSJ, 9/28/98, p.A1)
1998        Oct 17,
In Malaysia Azizah Ismail, wife of Anwar Ibrahim, joined
some ten thousand protestors demanding the resignation of Prime Minister
   (SFEC, 10/18/98, p.A20)
1998        Nov 2,
In Malaysia the sex-and-politics trial of Anwar Ibrahim
   (SFC, 11/2/98, p.A14)
1998        Nov 14,
In Malaysia thousands gathered to criticize Prime Minister
Mahathir as world leaders gathered for the 6th APEC forum.
   (SFEC, 11/15/98, p.A17)
1998        Nov 16,
VP Al Gore spoke in Malaysia at the APEC conference and
accused the government of suppressing freedom.
   (SFC, 11/18/98, p.C2)
1998        Dec 9,
Azizan Abu Bakar, the ex-driver of Anwar Ibrahim, repeated in
court his allegation that he was sodomized by Ibrahim in 1992.
   (SFC, 12/10/98, p.C7)
The 1,482-foot Petronas Towers were completed in Kuala Lumpur as the
world’s tallest buildings. They were built by Petroliam Nasional, Malaysia’s
national oil company. The twin buildings stood 88-stories with 241-foot spires.
They stood 29 feet taller than the Sears Building in Chicago, and remained the
tallest in the world until Taipei 101 was completed in 2004.    (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petronas_Twin_Towers)(SFC, 12/31/00,
p.B2)(Econ, 10/10/09, p.69)
In Malaysia the government of PM Mahathir Mohamad pegged the ringgit
at 3.80 at to the dollar in order to bring stability to the economy.
   (Econ, 4/10/04, p.64)
Hong Kong suffered a slump in GDP of over 6% as did Indonesia,
Malaysia, South Korea and Thailand.
   (Econ, 11/22/08, p.51)
1998        In Malaysia pirate attacks rose to 67 as compared to 51 in 1997.
   (SFC, 2/4/99, p.A12)
1999        Jan 5,
Malaysia admitted that former Deputy Premier Anwar was beaten
by police after his arrest in September.
   (WSJ, 1/6/99, p.A1)
1999        Jan 7,
Police inspector general Abdul Rahim Noor announced his
resignation effective Jan 8.
   (SFC, 1/8/99, p.A16)
1999        Jan 8,
In Malaysia Prime Minister Mahathir named Abdullah Ahmad
Badawi (59) as his heir apparent.
   (SFC, 1/9/99, p.A14)
1999        Mar 18,
In Malaysia an outbreak of encephalitis caused a order for
the extermination of 64,000 pigs and the evacuation of 11,000 people.
   (SFC, 3/19/99, p.A14)
1999        Mar 21,
In Malaysia soldiers began killing the pig population to
control an outbreak of Japanese encephalitis. The number of pigs to be killed
rose to at least one million.
   (SFC, 3/22/99, p.A11)(WSJ, 3/29/99, p.A1)
1999        Mar,
Malaysia gave the green light for the development of the Port
Klang Free Zone as a regional trans-shipment hub to rival Singapore. After 10
years the project was stalled and close to default with cost overruns at $987
   (Econ, 9/5/09, p.47)
1999        Apr 4,
In Malaysia Azizah Ismail, the wife of Anwar Ibrahim,
announced the formation of the People’s Justice Party (PKR) and called on
opposition forces to topple Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad.
   (SFC, 4/5/99, p.A9)(Econ, 12/4/10, p.54)
1999        Apr 8,
In Malaysia it was reported that some 111 people had died in
the last 6 months from a new virus that was believed to be spreading from pigs
to humans.
   (SFC, 4/9/99, p.A16)
1999        Apr 13,
In Malaysia Anwar Ibrahim was convicted on 4 charges of
corruption by High Court Judge Augustine Paul. He was sentenced to 6 years on
each charge with the sentences to run concurrently.
   (SFC, 4/14/99, p.A14)
1999        May 3,
It was reported that Prime Minister Mahathir said that his
deputy, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, would succeed him after elections in 2000.
   (WSJ, 5/3/99, p.A1)
1999        Jul 8,
In Malaysia Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad unveiled phase
one of Cyberjaya, a futuristic high-tech city expected to cost some $5.3
   (SFC, 7/9/99, p.D2)
1999        Sep 10,
Anwar Ibrahim was hospitalized after lawyers claimed that he
had been poisoned with arsenic. Ibrahim had lost 26 lbs and suffered hair loss,
numbness in his fingers, erratic blood pressure and migraines.
   (SFC, 10/6/99, p.C16)
1999        Sep 19,
In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, over 10,000 people protested
against PM Mahathir Mohamad on the one-year anniversary of the arrest of
ex-Deputy Premier Anwar Ibrahim, who was reported to be suffering from arsenic
poisoning. Police responded with tear gas and water cannons. Protesters wore red
and adopted the battle cry of “reformasi” from neighboring Indonesia.
   (SFC, 9/20/99, p.A9)(WSJ, 9/20/99, p.A1)(Econ, 11/17/07, p.53)
1999        Oct 5,
A judge ordered the sodomy trial of Anwar Ibrahim to proceed
and said medical tests showed no evidence of arsenic poisoning.
   (SFC, 10/6/99, p.C16)
1999        Oct 11,
Murray Hiebert, Canadian journalist, was released after 4
weeks in jail. He had been sentenced to 6 weeks for a 1997 article about a court
   (WSJ, 10/12/99, p.A21)
1999        Nov 9,
In northern Malaysia Carolyn Janice Ahmad (35) was allegedly
killed as a sacrifice to obtain lottery tips from the Hindu goddess Kali. Her
skeletal remains were discovered in a shallow grave at an oil palm plantation in
June 2001. In 2004 a court acquitted 3 Malaysians charged with killing the
American woman
   (AP, 8/16/04)
1999        Nov 11,
In Malaysia Prime Minister Mahathir (73) dissolved
parliament and planned early elections.
   (SFC, 11/11/99, p.A24)
1999        Nov 29,
The Election Committee set this date for the elections.
Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and His ruling National Front coalition won over
a two-thirds majority in Parliament. Wan Azizah Ismail, wife of Anwar Ibrahim,
led the newly formed National Justice Party (Keadilan) and won her husbands
former seat. The Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (Pas), whose leaders favor strict
Islamic law, tripled its seats, won control of Trengganu state and kept control
of Kelantan state.
   (SFC, 11/13/99, p.A12)
 King Salahuddin Abdul Aziz assumed the throne as the nation’s 11th
king since independence in 1957. He introduced a rotating royalty system whereby
the sultans of the 9 states choose the king by secret ballot. Each sultan than
takes a turn as monarch for 5 years.
   (SFC, 11/22/01, p.A29)
Malaysia began moving government departments from Kuala Lumpur to
Putrajaya, its new 11,300-acre $5.3 billion administrative capital, 25 miles
   (SSFC, 7/18/04, p.D12)
Malaysiakini, an independent online newspaper in Malaysia, was
founded as a free site. In 2002 it was forced to start charging for use.
   (Econ, 3/15/08, p.52)
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عدد المساهمات : 79
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/06/2010

History of  Malaysia Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: History of Malaysia   History of  Malaysia Icon_minitimeالخميس مارس 05, 2015 12:48 am

2000 Jan,
In Malaysia terrorists held a meeting in Kuala Lumpur. The US
CIA informed the FBI that Khalid Al-Midhar had a US visa. Midhar was later one
of the Sep 11, 2001, terrorists.
(SFC, 6/4/02, p.A10)
CBS began filming its "Survivor" show on the Malaysian
island of Pulau Tiga. Filming lasted to April 20 and the last survivor was to be
awarded a $1 million prize.
(SFC, 6/2/00, p.C15)

Philippine gunmen abducted 20 people from a Malaysian resort
on Sipadan Island. Islamic insurgents took credit for the attack. They later
freed 2 hostages and demanded $2.4 million in ransom for 19 captives.
(SFC, 4/25/00, p.A10)(WSJ, 4/27/00, p.A1)(SFC, 7/15/00, p.A13)
In Malaysia a court upheld the 1999 corruption conviction
against former finance minister Anwar Ibrahim.
(SFEC, 4/30/00, p.A17)
2000 Apr,
Steven Gan (35) founded Malaysiakini.com, an online newspaper.
(SFC, 4/18/00, p.A8)
In Malaysia commandos ended a 4-day standoff and forced the
surrender of 27 militants of Al-Ma’unah (Brotherhood of Inner Power), led by
Amin Razali. 2 non-Muslim hostages were slain in the process. 19 cult members
were found guilty Dec 27, 2001.
(SFC, 7/7/00, p.D6)(SFEC, 8/13/00, p.B9)(SFC, 12/28/01, p.A4)
Anwar Ibrahim, former deputy prime minister, was convicted of
sodomy and sentenced to 9 years in prison. Sukma Dermawan, Ibrahim’s codefendant
and adopted brother, was also found guilty.
(SFC, 8/8/00, p.A11)
Some 29 members of the Al-Ma’unah Islamic sect were charged
with treason for the July looting of 2 army camps in Perak.
(SFEC, 8/13/00, p.B9)
In Sarawak 15 people including 13 children were killed when
a tractor-trailer rig collided with a school van.
(SFC, 8/24/00, p.A13)
The final winner of the "Survivor" TV contest set on Pulau
Tiga island was broadcast to as many as 40-50 million viewers. Richard Hatch
(39), a corporate trainer from Newport, R.I., won the $1 million grand prize. In
2006 Hatch was convicted on three counts related to tax evasion and was
sentenced to 51 months in Federal prison plus three years of supervised
(SFC, 8/23/00, p.A1)(SFC, 8/24/00, p.A1)(http://tinyurl.com/4sna5j)
2000 Aug,
78 4-man teams in the Eco-Challenge Sabah encountered flooded
rivers over a 2-week race in Malaysian Borneo. A number later found themselves
infected with leptospirosis.
(SFC, 9/15/00, p.A12)
Abu Sayyaf rebels kidnapped 3 men from Pandanan Island off
Borneo and took them to Jolo island in the Philippines.
(WSJ, 9/12/00, p.A1)
In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, thousands of people protested the
rule of Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad.
(SFC, 11/6/00, p.A15)
It was reported that recent monsoon flooding killed 10
people in Malaysia and at least 5 people in Thailand. The death toll from
flooding in Thailand reached over 30, mostly children. At least 49 died from
mudslides in West Sumatra.
(SFC, 11/24/00, p.D8)(WSJ, 11/27/00, p.A1)
2000 Nov,
A Malaysian politician was assassinated. The militant group
Jemaah Islamiyah was believed to be involved.
(WSJ, 8/13/02, p.A14)
15 parachutists planned to leap from the Petronas Towers
just before midnight and land in the new year.
(SFC, 12/31/00, p.B2)
Ethnic violence between Malays and ethnic Indians continued
for a 4th day. Five people were killed in the last 4 days.
(SFC, 3/12/01, p.A15)
Malaysia arrested at least 4 opposition leaders as the 2
year anniversary approached of jailed former Deputy Premier Anwar’s conviction.
(WSJ, 4/11/01, p.A1)

The government accused Nik Adli Nik Abdul Aziz (34), an
Islamic school teacher, for plotting to overthrow the government. His father
served as the chief minister of Kelantan state. Nik Adli allegedly belonged to
the Kumpulan Mujahideen Malaysia militant group.
(WSJ, 9/26/01, p.A16)
King Salahuddin Abdul Aziz died at age 75.
(SFC, 11/22/01, p.A29)

Malaysian authorities said that would expand a policy of
caning illegal immigrants to include 1st-time offenders.
(SSFC, 12/9/01, p.A18)
A Malaysia bank introduced a corporate bond that complied with
Islamic prohibitions on interest. The bonds were benchmarked to interest rates,
but technically based on profit sharing, leasing or trading By 2007 the global
Islamic bond market reached an estimated $50 billion in outstanding securities.
(WSJ, 4/4/07, p.A1)
Tony Fernandez (b.1964), Malaysian entrepreneur, acquired AirAsia
and soon re-launched it as a low-cost domestic carrier with 2 B737 planes
purchased from a Malaysian conglomerate. Ryanair signed on with a 5% stake. By
2009 the company had 76 planes. By the end of 2004 the low cost airline planned
to have 30 planes.
(Econ, 3/13/04, p.63)(Econ, 2/7/09, p.35)(Econ, 3/21/09, p.72)(http://tinyurl.com/cxf3hz)
It was reported that Malaysia authorities had arrested 13
suspected members of extremist groups since Dec 9 with possible links to the Sep
11 attacks.
(SSFC, 1/6/02, p.A8)
Malaysia announced the arrests of 2 more suspected militants
tied to al Qaeda and linked to a cell in Singapore.
(SSFC, 1/13/02, p.A11)
2002 May,
Malaysia’s PM Mahathir Mohamed met with Pres. Bush in
Washington, DC. In 2006 it was revealed that lobbyist Jack Abramoff was paid
$1.2 million to organize the meeting. Mahathir later said that at the time he
had been persuaded by the Heritage Foundation to meet with Bush because the
conservative think tank believed he could help "influence (Bush) in some way
regarding US policies."
(AP, 2/21/06)
In Malaysia Fadzil Noor, the leader of the main opposition,
Parti Islam se-Malaysia (PAS), died after failing to recover from emergency
heart surgery nearly two weeks ago.
(Reuters, 6/23/02)
Malaysia's ruling party said on Tuesday Prime Minister
Mahathir Mohamad, one of Asia's longest-serving leaders, will hand power to his
deputy late next year in a move investors praised as an orderly transition.
(Reuters, 6/25/02)
Malaysia said it had not reached any new agreements with
Singapore on the sale of water to the island state and other issues after two
days of talks.
(Reuters, 7/2/02)
Thousands of illegal immigrants headed for Malaysia's ports
to meet a midnight deadline for them to leave the country or risk a caning.
(Reuters, 7/31/02)
Australia and Malaysia signed a counter-terrorism pact which
pledged them to work together to fight suspected Islamic militants in the
(Reuters, 8/2/02)
Malaysia said it has agreed to temporarily halt deportation
of Filipino workers and their families amid public outrage over reports of their
(Reuters, 8/31/02)
Indonesian officials say 35 deportees from Malaysia have died
at sprawling makeshift camps in Borneo as they await the arrival of a navy
vessel bringing medical help.
(Reuters, 9/7/02)

China signed a landmark agreement, “Declaration on the
Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea,” with ASEAN (Brunei, Malaysia,
Philippines, Vietnam) on avoiding open conflict in the disputed South China Sea
Spratly Islands. Indonesia objected and Taiwan was barred from signing.
(Reuters, 11/4/02)(Econ, 5/22/04, p.40)(www.aseansec.org/13163.htm)

Malaysia won control of two tiny palm-fringed islands when
the World Court ruled in its favor in a long-running dispute with Indonesia.
(Reuters, 12/17/02)

Malaysia issued the world’s first sovereign sukuk, an Islamic bond.
(Econ, 1/5/13, p.60)

Abdul Razak Baginda helped Malaysia negotiate the purchase of French
(WSJ, 3/29/07, p.A13)

Oil was found in 4,400 feet of water off the coast of Sabah state in
Borneo, Malaysia. The filed dubbed Kikeh was contested by Brunei.
(WSJ, 6/27/03, p.A11)


In Malaysia a summit of 116 developing countries suspicious of
US military dominance united behind calls to give Baghdad more time to disarm.
(AP, 2/25/03)
Malaysia launched its government sponsored BioValley complex
at a cost of $150 million. In 2005 the journal Nature reported it as a failed
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BioValley_%28Malaysia%29)(Econ, 10/31/09,

Malaysia PM Mahathir Mohamad met with Brunei's 29th Sultan
Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah to address the issue of the Kikeh
oil find off Borneo.
(WSJ, 6/27/03, p.A11)(SSFC, 6/28/03, p.C6)
The Malaysia Parliament passed a post secondary school
National Service Bill to encourage nation building by integrating participants
in a state-run summer camp.
(Econ, 10/23/04, p.44)
President Putin visited Malaysia to seal a $900 million sale of
Sukhoi fighter jets and tout Russia's liberal sale policies.
(WSJ, 8/5/03, p.A1)
Pirates in the Strait of Malacca struck a small tanker near
the Port Klang, Kuala Lumpur. They looted the ship and took it into Indonesia
waters and sought $100,000 ransom for the top 3 officers.
(SFC, 8/15/03, p.A8)
In Malaysia PM Mahathir Mohamad presided at the inauguration
of the Berjaya Times Square, a $460 million project that was derailed by the
1997-98 Asian financial crises.
(AP, 9/29/03)
In Malaysian Borneo armed kidnappers riding in a speedboat
raided a remote resort, seizing six people before escaping.
(AP, 10/6/03)
In Malaysia delegates from Islamic nations gathered in the
new administrative capital of Putrajaya with Iraq as a center piece of
(SSFC, 10/11/03, p.A3)
Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad told a summit of
Islamic leaders that "Jews rule the world by proxy" and the world's 1.3 billion
Muslims should unite, using nonviolent means for a "final victory."
(AP, 10/16/03)

President Bush personally condemned the Malaysian prime
minister for his statement that Jews rule the world, pulling Mahathir Mohamad
aside at an international economic meeting to tell him the remarks were "wrong
and divisive."
(AP, 10/20/03)
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi became Malaysia's first new prime
minister in a generation, succeeding Mahathir Mohamad.
(AP, 10/31/03)
In Malaysia 2 passenger buses collided on a windy road in
the Kuala Lipis district, killing at least 14 people.
(AP, 11/30/03)
Najib Razak, a veteran politician, was named as Malaysia's
deputy PM.
(AP, 1/7/04)
Thai and Malaysian military forces began joint land and air
patrols along their jungle border for the first time since the 1970s.
(AP, 1/14/04)
In Malaysia an Iranian asylum seeker set himself on fire in
an apparent suicide attempt outside the Kuala Lumpur headquarters of the UN
refugee agency.
(AP, 1/27/04)
In Malaysia anti-corruption officers arrested the former head
of scandal-plagued steel company Perwaja.
(AP, 2/9/04)
Malaysia's land minister was arrested and charged for his
involvement a deal to sell millions of dollars worth of shares his government
agency owned in the second high-profile anti-corruption case this week amid a
government crackdown.
(AP, 2/12/04)
Malaysia's new PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi called a snap
national election that will pit the long-ruling secular coalition government
against a fundamentalist Islamic opposition.
(AP, 3/3/04)
Elections were held in Malaysia. An Islamic leader implied
that those who backed government candidates would go to hell. Malaysia's secular
government won a sweeping victory in two Muslim-dominated states and looked
headed for a nationwide rout of the fundamentalist Islamic opposition.
(WSJ, 3/8/04, p.A1)(AP, 3/21/04)

In Malaysia Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was sworn in as prime
minister, a day after scoring a landslide election victory that handed the
fundamentalist Islamic opposition its worst defeat in more than a decade. The
national Front Coalition won 199 out of 219 seats in parliament.
(AP, 3/22/04)(Econ, 11/17/07, p.53)

In Malaysia 3 men armed with firebombs, machetes and an ax
attacked Myanmar's embassy, hacking one senior official and starting a fire that
destroyed the building.
(AP, 4/7/04)

Malaysia issued a detention order for Buhary Syed Abu Tahir,
a Sri Lankan businessman, on charges that in 2002 he brought 7 Libyan
technicians to Malaysia to be trained to operate machines to produce centrifuge
parts for Libya’s nuclear weapons program. Tahir was a key associate of Abdul
Qadeer Khan, former head of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program.
(WSJ, 6/4/04, p.A10)

The $4 million film “Princess of Mount Ledang,” directed by
Saw Teong Hin, opened on Malaysia’s 47th anniversary of independence.
(SFC, 8/26/04, p.E5)

Anwar Ibrahim was set free after his sodomy conviction was
overturned by Malaysia's highest court. This was six years to the day after the
one-time heir apparent to the country's premiership plunged into a divisive
fight with his political mentor.
(AP, 9/2/04)

Malaysia declared its entire northern Kelantan state a
quarantine zone to halt the spread of bird flu.
(AP, 9/15/04)

Azman Mokhtar was appointed as head of Khazana, a Malaysian
government passive holding company, with a mission to overhaul some 40 partially
state-owned firms.
(Econ, 8/20/05, p.50)

Malaysia was forecast for 4.7% annual GDP growth with a
population at 25.9 million and GDP per head at $4,750.
(Econ, 1/8/05, p.91)

Malaysia's PM Badawi told Proton to set its sights abroad as
he launched the national carmaker's 1.8 billion ringgit (474 million dollar) new
manufacturing plant.
(AP, 2/26/05)

A minister said Malaysia plans to hire 169,000 foreign
workers to overcome an acute labor shortage after a crackdown on illegal
(AP, 4/4/05)

Japan and Malaysia agreed to key elements of a free-trade
pact, to be launched in December, covering automobiles and most other economic
(WSJ, 5/26/05, p.A10)


Malaysia's ruling UMNO party suspended cabinet minister Isa
Samad for six years for corruption.
(AP, 6/25/05)

In Malaysia Hamisa Abu Hassan Saari (22) was arrested after
police found some drugs on a friend. A police officer secretly recorded her with
a cell phone as she was forced to strip and do squats, though she had no drugs.
The recording got on the Internet and led to a special commission that denounced
the police procedures and led to significant changes.
(SFC, 11/23/06, p.A34)

Police in Malaysia raided the compound of Ayah Pin, born as
Ariffin Mohammad, in Terengganu state, and arrested 21 followers. Pin claimed
divinity as the earthly incarnation of what he called the Sky Kingdom. The
ruling UMNO party tracks “deviant sects” and refuses to endorse the idea that
Muslims should interpret and observe their faith as they see fit.
(Econ, 7/25/05, p.34)

In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, UN agencies met for a 3-day
conference on bird flu virus and said the disease remains as dangerous as ever
and nations must do more to prepare for a pandemic among humans.
(AP, 7/4/05)


Malaysia launched its first bond fund on the stock exchange
as part of an Asian scheme to augment underdeveloped capital markets.
(AP, 7/18/05)


It was reported that dengue fever was causing concerns in
Malaysia and Martinique. Malaysia reported 71 deaths so far this year from over
27,000 cases. Martinique reported almost 1,000 cases a week since mid-September.
(SSFC, 10/9/05, p.D2)

Malaysia’s government unveiled a policy draft to eliminate
disparities in the treatment of local and foreign auto makers.
(WSJ, 10/20/05, p.A13)

Indonesian police said they had arrested four people
allegedly involved in smuggling hundreds of pounds of explosive materials from
Malaysia into Indonesia.
(AP, 10/21/05)

It was reported that the Nipah virus, naturally found in
bats, had moved to Malaysian pigs. It killed about 40% of the 265 people it had
(Econ, 11/19/05, p.85)

Ministers from the 114 members of the Nonaligned Movement
ended a 2-day conference in Malaysia and agreed to launch an Internet-based news
network to counter what they called prejudiced reporting by Western media.
Bernama, Malaysia’s state news agency, will oversee the network.
(WSJ, 11/23/05, p.A14)

Malaysia's state media said Southeast Asian lawmakers want
Myanmar expelled from the ASEAN regional grouping unless it frees democracy icon
Aung San Suu Kyi and other political prisoners within a year.
(Reuters, 12/03/05)

In Malaysia Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer
signed the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, which calls for
signatories not to interfere in each other's internal affairs. The treaty was
born within the 10-member ASEAN, which made signing the pact a condition for
entry into next week's inaugural East Asian summit.
(AP, 12/10/05)
The 1st East Asia Summit was held successfully in Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia.
(www.aseansec.org/18104.htm)(Econ, 12/17/05, p.40)

Malaysia opened its $1650 million Bio Valley project. By 2012 it was
known as the “Valley of the Bio Ghosts.”
(Econ, 1/21/12, SR p.14)

Malaysia’s $5 billion Bakun Dam on the Balui River was expected to
be completed.
(SFC, 5/22/01, p.A10)


In Malaysia a homemade bomb filled with nails and bullet
casings exploded outside a shopping mall on Penang island, killing one man and
injuring another.
(AP, 1/16/06)


Subur Sugiarto, an alleged key aide to a Malaysian fugitive
blamed for a series of deadly terrorist attacks in Indonesia, was captured in
the central Javanese town of Boyolali en route to Jakarta. A local officer
alleged that Sugiarto was "a henchman" of Noordin Top, who is believed to be a
senior member of the al-Qaida-linked Southeast Asian terror group Jemaah
(AP, 1/19/06)


Malaysian dissident politician Anwar Ibrahim sued former PM
Mahathir Mohamad for defamation after Mahathir refused to apologize for calling
him a homosexual.
(AP, 1/27/06)


Malaysia's national carmaker Proton renewed its alliance with
Japan's Mitsubishi Motors Corp. with a technical pact that involves jointly
developing new vehicles.
(AP, 2/3/06)


President Bush outlined details of an alleged plot to hijack
an airliner and fly it into a skyscraper in Los Angeles. The next day security
officials and terrorism experts in Southeast Asia said Malaysian engineer Zaini
Zakaria (38) was among three men al-Qaida was preparing to take part in an
attack on Los Angeles. Zaini has been detained without trial under the Internal
Security Act in Malaysia since he surrendered in December 2002.
(AP, 2/10/06)

A prominent Malaysian newspaper avoided punishment for
publishing a cartoon about the Prophet Muhammad drawings controversy, offering
an apology that was accepted by the government.
(AP, 2/24/06)

The Malaysian government sharply raised fuel prices to trim
a ballooning fuel-subsidy bill. Interest rates and inflation were expected to
rise as a result.
(WSJ, 3/1/06, p.A7)

Malaysian PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi launched an information
offensive to counter public dismay after the government imposed the country's
biggest ever fuel price hikes.
(AFP, 3/5/06)

Malaysia said it has lifted a ban on US beef imports in place
for more than two years, to make up for a shortage after it restricted access to
Australian and New Zealand beef.
(AFP, 3/7/06)

Malaysia and the US announced that they have agreed to begin
negotiating a free trade deal to eliminate trade barriers between the two
(AP, 3/8/06)


Malaysia’s government said it will end subsidies to flag
carrier Malaysia Airlines and let it operate only 19 domestic routes, in
competition with budget carrier AirAsia, under a major restructuring that will
shed thousands of jobs.
(AP, 3/27/06)

Malaysia’s PM Abdullah Badawi introduced a new 5-year plan.
It hoped to slash the poverty rate from 5.7% to 2.8% by 2010.
(Econ, 4/8/06, p.42)

Malaysia abandoned plans to build a controversial new bridge
to Singapore, saying that the city-state's demand for airspace access in return
for its agreement was unacceptable.
(AFP, 4/12/06)

Malaysia’s central bank raised its main interest rate by a
quarter point to 3.5%.
(WSJ, 4/27/06, p.A8)
PM John Howard increased Australia’s contingent to
Timor-Leste to some 1,300 troops. 500 Malaysians and troops from New Zealand and
Portugal were also deployed.
(Econ, 6/3/06, p.15)


Malaysia’s PM Abdullah Badawi announced a national 5-year
plan. An elderly woman and three children were feared dead following a landslide
in Kuala Lumpur that destroyed 43 homes.
(AFP, 5/31/06)(Econ, 6/17/06, p.50)

Malaysia's government declassified documents on negotiations
with Singapore over an aborted bridge in a bid to counter criticism from defiant
ex-premier Mahathir Mohamad.
(AFP, 7/14/06)

A Malaysian princess was stabbed to death by her son as she
tried to stop him from attacking her husband (74). The son (21) later died of an
apparent drug overdose. Tengku Puteri Kamariah, whose brother is Sultan Ahmad
Shah, ruler of the eastern state of Pahang, died at her home in Pekan town,
(AP, 7/25/06)

In Malaysia the Islamic world's largest organization of
countries demanded on that the UN implement an immediate cease-fire in Lebanon
and investigate what it called flagrant human rights violations by Israel.
(AP, 8/3/06)


Malaysia said it would issue a "big fat no" to any nation or
group that asked it to dismantle a system of positive discrimination for its
majority ethnic Malays as part of trade talks.
(AFP, 8/14/06)

Japanese officials said Kazusaku Tezuka, the president of
precision instrument maker Mitutoyo Corp., was arrested along with four other
Mitutoyo executives and employees for the alleged export to Malaysia of
equipment that can be used in making nuclear weapons.
(AP, 8/25/06)

Indonesia apologized to Singapore and Malaysia for the
choking haze over both countries and agreed to convene a meeting of regional
environment ministers to tackle the problem. This was the worst smog since 1997
and 1998, when tens of thousands of people were hospitalized.
(AP, 10/11/06)(Econ, 10/14/06, p.47)

In Malaysia Altantuya Shaariibuu (28), a Mongolian model,
was kidnapped outside the house of Abdul Razak Baginda (46), who heads the
Malaysian Strategic Research Center think-tank. Shaariibuu was allegedly
extorting Baginda following an affair that had begun in 2004. She was killed and
her remains blown up with military-grade C-4 explosives and later found in an
isolated area south of the capital Kuala Lumpur. In Nov. Malaysian PM Abdullah
Ahmad Badawi vowed there would be no cover-up over her murder. Abdul Razak
allegedly abetted two policemen, Azilah Hadri (30) and Sirul Azhar Umar (35), to
commit the murder. In 2008 a court acquitted Razak of charges of abetting the
murder of Shaariibuu. In 2009 a Malaysian court sentenced two policemen to death
on charges of murdering Shaariibuu. An Appeals Court acquitted the men in 2013.
On Jan 13, 2015, a Federal Court unanimously ruled that the Appeals Court was
wrong in reversing the findings of the trial court.
(AFP, 11/9/06)(AFP, 11/16/06)(WSJ, 3/29/07, p.A1)(WSJ, 11/1/08, p.A8)(AP,
4/9/09)(AP, 1/13/15)

Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin (44), a sultan in northeastern
Malaysia, was elected the country's next constitutional monarch under a unique
system where traditional state rulers take turns on the throne for five years.
Mizan, whose state has significant offshore oil and gas resources, will assume
the throne on Dec. 13 as Malaysia's 13th Yang di-Pertuan Agong, the Malay title
of the monarch.
(AP, 11/3/06)

The ninth Chief of Defense Forces' conference opened in
Malaysia. It brought together officials from 23 nations including the United
States, France, Pakistan, Australia, New Zealand and South Korea.
(AP, 11/14/06)

Malaysia's PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said ties between
Muslims and Christians are under "extreme stress" and the growing divide between
the faiths is threatening international stability.
(AP, 11/28/06)

Malaysia's twelfth king, Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin (63),
stepped down from his post after a five-year reign to make way for the next
monarch in a send-off steeped in color and tradition.
(AP, 12/12/06)

Malaysia's unique revolving monarchy was passed to Sultan
Mizan Zainal Abidin (44), the youthful sultan of oil-rich Terengganu state.
Mizan was a keen rider who has represented his country at international
equestrian events.
(AFP, 12/13/06)

Venezuela's ruling party took the first step Monday toward
creating a single pro-government party, a move opponents criticized as a push to
consolidate more power in the hands of President Hugo Chavez after his landslide
re-election. Chavez met with Malaysia's PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to discuss
expanding trade and deepening ties.
(AP, 12/18/06)

Officials said flooding caused by heavy monsoon rains has
forced more than 20,000 people to flee their homes in the southern Malaysian
state of Johor.
(AP, 12/20/06)

Officials in Malaysia said 7 people had died and more than
90,000 displaced during the last week as the country recorded heavy rainfall.
(AP, 12/23/06)

Officials said at least 94 people were killed and dozens
left missing by floods in Indonesia and Malaysia. Looting broke out in areas of
Malaysia abandoned because of rising waters.
(AP, 12/24/06)

Malaysia’s Home Ministry banned the book "March 8," written by
Malaysian author K. Arumugam, which recounts clashes between ethnic Malay
Muslims and ethnic Indians. The strife killed six people on the outskirts of
Kuala Lumpur in 2001. In 2010 The Kuala Lumpur High Court upheld the ban saying
its publication could upset ethnic sensitivities already strained by recent
attacks on places of worship.
(AP, 2/12/10)

Malaysia’s northern state of Terengganu counted 5 leatherback turtle
nests, as compared to some 6-10 thousand 50 years earlier and 800 in 1984. Local
eating of the turtle eggs and ocean fishing were said to account for the drop.
In 2007 experts considered cloning to raise the turtle count.
(Econ, 7/21/07, p.43)

In Malaysia the murder rate this year increased 22%.
(Econ, 3/24/07, p.47)

A study released about the trade in Malaysia found that
catches of some grouper species and the endangered Napoleon wrasse fell by as
much as 99% between 1995 to 2003, a period coinciding with soaring economic
growth in countries where the exotic fish are a delicacy.
(AP, 1/24/07)
Malaysia said it is ready to halt free trade talks with the
United States after a US lawmaker called for a suspension in protest over an
energy deal with Iran signed in January.
(AFP, 2/2/07)

Human Rights Watch condemned Malaysia's plan to introduce
tough laws that curb the movements of migrant employees and allow employers "to
lock up workers."
(AP, 2/21/07)

A court ordered Malaysia's government to pay a 69-year-old
British man $857,000 for seizing his passport and preventing him from leaving
the country in Dec, 1981.
(AP, 2/23/07)
Malaysia's securities watchdog said it has frozen two local
bank accounts, shut down two Web sites and questioned several people suspected
to be involved in a global Internet investment scam. In March 3 men were
indicted by the US for securities fraud. The indictment named Jaisankar
Marimuthu (32) of India, Thirugnanam Ramanathan (34), an Indian residing in
Malaysia, and Chockalingam Ramanathan (33) of Chennai, India. The 1st two were
arrested in Hong Kong, while the 3rd remained at large.
(AP, 2/26/07)(WSJ, 3/13/07, p.B5)

A report said Malaysian environmental and residents' groups
are joining forces to buy swathes of forest in a desperate bid to save them from
(AFP, 2/27/07)

The European Commission and the UN Development Program said
Malaysia should empower its forest-dependent indigenous people to alleviate
poverty and safeguard their environment.
(AP, 3/15/07)

Malaysia and Thailand agreed to map out a series of
socio-economic measures to end rising sectarian tensions and violence in the
kingdom's insurgency-wracked south.
(AFP, 3/22/07)

The US offered a $5 million reward for information leading
to the capture of a US-trained Malaysian engineer accused of involvement in a
series of deadly bombings in the Philippines.
(AP, 3/27/07)

A report said Malaysia's top anti-corruption official, who
is facing a police investigation into graft allegations against him, will not
have his contract renewed.
(AP, 3/31/07)

Malaysian ministers issued fresh attacks on bloggers,
threatening to take away their rights and accusing them of trying to overthrow
the government, according to reports.
(AFP, 4/7/07)

In Malaysia the Negeri Sembilan state government closed down
a museum exhibition on ghosts, ghouls and supernatural beings after Islamic
clerics claimed it was detrimental to Muslims' faith.
(AP, 4/14/07)

Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia's 13th king, formally
ascended the throne, pledging to reign wisely and safeguard the sanctity of
Islam in a ceremony marked by traditional Malay rites and imperial pageantry.
Malaysia's system allows each of its hereditary state rulers to take turns
reigning as the country's constitutional monarch for five years each.
(AP, 4/26/07)

It was reported that Malaysian doctors have declared neckties
a health hazard and called on the heath ministry to stop insisting that
physicians wear them.
(Reuters, 5/1/07)

The armed forces of Indonesia and Malaysia agreed to step up
cooperation to boost security along shared borders after successful patrols in
the Malacca Strait.
(AFP, 5/10/07)

Malaysia’s PM Badawi hosted Singapore’s Premier Lee Hsein
Lloong for a 2-day talk on economic cooperation.
(WSJ, 5/14/07, p.A8)

Malaysia's top civil court rejected a woman's appeal to be
recognized as a Christian, in a landmark case that tested the limits of
religious freedom in this moderate Islamic country. A three-judge Federal Court
panel ruled by a 2-1 majority that only the Islamic Shariah Court has the power
to allow her to remove the word "Islam" from the religion category on her
government identity card. Judge Richard Malanjum, the only non-Muslim on the
panel, sided with Lina Joy, saying it was "unreasonable" to ask her to turn to
the Shariah Court because she could face criminal prosecution there.
(AP, 5/30/07)

In Malaysia Nyambang Entuhan (37) shot and killed five people
during a wedding reception on remote Borneo island. In 2010 he was sentenced to
death as well as to 22 years in prison for wounding nine others and illegal
firearm possession.
(AP, 5/8/10)(http://tinyurl.com/22qhgzv)

A senior official said security cameras are monitoring
government workers in northeastern Malaysia to keep them from slacking off or
vanishing for extended tea breaks.
(AP, 6/12/07)

Najib Razak, Malaysia’s deputy prime minister, said Malaysia
is an Islamic state and not a secular one, while carefully assuring members of
minority faiths that their rights will be protected. More than 60% of Malaysia's
27 million people are Muslim Malays and Islam is the official religion under the
country's constitution. But while the constitution defines the ethnic majority
Malays as Muslims it also guarantees freedom of religion.
(AFP, 7/17/07)

In Malaysia 20 people died after an express bus overturned
on the main highway, tearing off the vehicle's roof and flinging seats into the
air in what officials said was the country's worst traffic disaster. The toll
rose to 22 after 2 injured people died later.
(AP, 8/13/07)(AP, 8/20/07)

Armed pirates attacked a Malaysian barge in the Malacca
Strait and kidnapped 2 Indonesian crew, in the first high sea abduction in the
busy waterway in more than 2 years.
(AP, 8/14/07)

A late night riot broke out in Malaysia’s northeastern state
of Terengganu after a group of opposition parties, including the main Islamist
party, held an illegal rally. Malaysian police fired live rounds to quell the
riot wounding two men.
(Reuters, 9/9/07)

A Russian rocket blasted off from Kazakhstan's Baikonur
launch pad, carrying 3 astronauts to the international space station. Sheikh
Muszaphar Shukor, an orthopedic surgeon and university lecturer from Kuala
Lumpur, left Earth alongside Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko and American
astronaut Peggy Whitson. Shukor was selected from among 11,000 Malaysian
candidates to fly aboard the ISS in a deal his government arranged with Russia
as part of a $1 billion purchase of Russian fighter jets. Whitson will be the
first woman to command the outpost.
(Reuters, 9/20/07)(AP, 10/10/07)(SFC, 10/11/07, p.A8)

Lim Goh Tong (b.1918), Chinese businessman, died in Kuala
Lumpur. The casino king of Malaysia had made a fortune in gambling casinos and a
cruise fleet. His family fortune was estimated at $4.2 billion.
(AP, 10/23/07)(WSJ, 10/27/07, p.A6)

Singapore presented its case regarding sovereignty of three
disputed islands in the Pacific Ocean at the International Court of Justice
(ICJ) at The Hague, a claim disputed by Malaysia.
(AFP, 11/6/07)

Malaysian police unleashed tear gas and water cannons on
protesters as tens of thousands, wearing canary-yellow shirts, defied a
government ban and rallied in Kuala Lumpur to call for clean and fair elections
in the biggest anti-government street protests in nearly a decade. Some 245
people were detained.
(AP, 11/10/07)(AP, 11/11/07)(Econ, 11/17/07, p.53)

Proton, Malaysia’s national car maker, said it planned to
team up with companies in Iran and Turkey to produce "Islamic cars" for the
global market.


In Malaysia some 10-20 thousand ethnic Indians clashed with
police at a rally in downtown Kuala Lumpur to demand economic equality.
(AP, 11/27/07)(AP, 12/16/07)
A Tibetan woman said that she pulled out of a beauty pageant
in Malaysia after organizers, reacting to pressure from Beijing, told her
halfway through the event that she could only participate if she added "China"
to her "Miss Tibet" title.
(AP, 12/6/07)

Malaysia said it has arrested five leaders of ethnic Indian
rights group Hindraf under controversial security laws that allow for detention
without trial.
(AFP, 12/13/07)

Malaysia’s Premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi intervened to head
off rising anger among the Southeast Asian country's ethnic Indian population
after a rare public rally on Nov 25 led to violent clashes with police.
(AP, 12/16/07)

Malaysia's government unveiled a major initiative to protect
Hindu temples, hoping to pacify ethnic Indians who complain that hundreds of
their places of worship have been demolished in this Muslim-majority country.
(AP, 12/24/07)

Iran and Malaysia signed a $16 billion agreement to develop
two Iranian gas fields, in a deal described as the largest energy contract in
(AP, 12/26/07)

Malaysia’s Prince Naquiyuddin Jaafar founded the EntoGenex biotech
company. It took a pre-existing protein called the Trypsin Modulating Oostatic
Factor (TMOF) and by 2012 developed it into what he called a fatal "diet pill"
for mosquitoes. The firm combined the TMOF with bacillus thuringiensis
israelensis (Bti) bacteria, which eats holes in the guts of larvae but is
non-toxic to people. He hoped it could potentially become a weapon in the even
larger fight against malaria, which kills an estimated 650,000 people per year.
(AFP, 6/6/12)

The population of Malaysia numbered about 27 million people.
(Econ, 6/2/07, p.42)

Malaysia’s New Straits Times said Malaysian police have
arrested a beauty parlor owner and a farmer suspected of distributing a sex
video showing a former Health Minister Chua Soi Lek committing adultery. Soi Lek
resigned Jan 2 after admitting he was the man in the video.
(AP, 1/5/08)

In Malaysia tens of thousands of ethnic Indian Malaysians
gathered at the Batu Caves temple outside Kuala Lumpur to celebrate Thaipusam,
one of Hinduism’s biggest festivals. In past years over a million have turned
out. The reduced turnout was due to a boycott called by the Hindu rights Action
Force (Hindraf), despite PM Badawi’s promise to make Thaipusam a public holiday
in the capital.
(Econ, 1/26/08, p.42)

Malaysian police detained 53 activists in a crackdown on a
planned opposition-led protest over inflation ahead of national elections
expected within weeks.
(AP, 1/26/08)

Malaysia’s government dissolved Parliament, opening the way
for elections.
(WSJ, 2/14/08, p.A1)

Malaysia's ruling coalition was dealt a shock rebuke in
elections that looked set to deliver the key state of Penang to the opposition
as well as a slice of its majority in parliament. The National Front won only
140 seats, or 63 percent of the constituencies, losing its two-thirds majority
for the first time since 1969 and slumping from its 2004 landslide victory when
it won 91 percent of the seats. An alliance of three opposition parties also
secured control of 5 of Malaysia’s 13 state administrations. The Democratic
Action party won the Penang legislative assembly, becoming the first opposition
party to win in Penang in over 40 years.
(AFP, 3/8/08)(AP, 3/9/08)(WSJ, 3/10/08, p.A3)(Econ, 8/13/11, p.40)

In Malaysia PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was sworn in for a new
5-year term despite calls for his resignation. Malaysian stocks fell over 10%
and triggered for the first time a limit-down rule established after the
1997-1998 Asian financial crises.
(WSJ, 3/11/08, p.C7)

Top leaders Malaysia's opposition-ruled states will no
longer follow a longtime affirmative action program that benefits the majority
Malays, in the wake of an election upheaval that clipped the ruling coalition's
(AP, 3/11/08)

Malaysia's Islamic opposition party delivered a protest note
to the Netherlands' embassy over the release of an anti-Islam movie by a
maverick Dutch lawmaker, while hard-line Muslims in neighboring Indonesia
demanded the death of the filmmaker.
(AP, 3/31/08)

2008 Mar,
Malaysian police arrested 2 Mexican brothers at a secluded meth
factory along with a Singaporean and a Malaysian. Police seized more than 60
pounds (nearly 30 kg) of methamphetamine worth $15 million.
(AP, 4/25/11)

2008 Mar,
The population of Malaysia numbered about 28 million people.
About 3.9 million had dial-up internet subscriptions and 1.2 million had
(Econ, 3/15/08, p.52)

The Malaysian government shut down the Tamil-language Makkal
Osai, or People's Voice, a newspaper catering to ethnic minority Indians. The
next day the daily's news editor slammed the move as punishment for its critical
coverage of social and political issues.
(AP, 4/17/08)

Malaysia's leg of the Olympic torch relay passed off
largely without incident with a heavy police presence netting just five
protesters and thousands of well-wishers braving torrential rain.
(AP, 4/21/08)

A Malaysian Islamic court allowed a Chinese convert to
renounce Islam in a rare decision for this conservative Muslim-led nation. Siti
Fatimah, or Tan Ean Huang (38), said she had never practiced Islamic teachings
since she converted in 1998 and only did so to enable her to marry Iranian
Ferdoun Ashanian.
(AFP, 5/8/08)

The International Court of Justice awarded Singapore
sovereignty over a disputed island at the eastern entrance of the Singapore
Straits. The ICJ ruled in favor of Singapore in the 28-year dispute with
Malaysia over a tiny but strategic uninhabited island the size of half a
football field. The court, however, gave Malaysia ownership of a smaller
uninhabited outcropping. Sovereignty over a third disputed cluster of rocks was
left to be determined later between the countries when they sort our their
territorial waters.
(AP, 5/23/08)

A Cabinet minister said Malaysia will remove price controls
on gasoline and diesel, allowing stations to sell fuel at world market prices in
an attempt to reduce the government's ballooning subsidy bill.
(AP, 6/3/08)

Malaysia's government faced street demonstrations and public
outrage over its decision to hike petrol prices 41 percent overnight, in a bid
to curb its massive subsidies bill.
(AP, 6/5/08)

A party in Malaysia's 14-party ruling coalition called for a
vote of no confidence against the prime minister, in a serious blow to the
embattled government.
(AFP, 6/18/08)

In Malaysia a male volunteer, working for the political
campaign of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, lodged a police report accusing him
of sexual assault.
(Econ, 7/5/08, p.51)

Malaysia's de facto opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim took
refuge at the Turkish embassy due to fears he could be assassinated after fresh
accusations of sodomy.
(AP, 6/29/08)

Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim vowed to seize
power from a "corrupt" government at a rally of some 15,000 supporters as he
fights back against new sodomy accusations.
(AFP, 7/2/08)

At Developing Eight summit of Islamic nations, meeting in
Kuala Lumpur, the leaders of Indonesia and Malaysia called for boosting world
food production and finding a permanent solution to skyrocketing oil prices,
saying the twin problems have become "grave threats" to the world economy.
(AP, 7/8/08)
Malaysian police locked down Parliament with roadblocks and
massive security to prevent opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and his supporters
from attending a key debate.
(AP, 7/14/08)


Malaysian police issued an arrest warrant for opposition
leader Anwar Ibrahim in connection with a sodomy accusation by a male former
(AP, 7/15/08)

Malaysian police arrested opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim on
suspicion that he sodomized a male aide, pre-empting his voluntary appearance at
the police headquarters to answer the allegation. He was interrogated for more
than eight hours and made to sleep on a "cold cement" floor in a holding cell
before being released the next day.
(AP, 7/16/08)(AP, 7/17/08)

Armed pirates seized the MT Bunga Melati Dua, a Malaysian
palm oil tanker with 39 crew, off the coast of Somalia, the fourth hijacking in
a month.
(AP, 8/20/08)

Malaysia's opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim won a "landslide"
victory in a by-election to return him to parliament, and said he was on track
to oust a weakened government. The Malays National Organization (UMNO) and its
allies had ruled since independence in 1957.
(AFP, 8/26/08)(Econ, 8/30/08, p.39)

Pirates, believed to be Somali, hijacked the Malaysian MT
Bunga Melati 5 tanker and its 41 crew members off Yemen's coast in the Gulf of
Aden. It was the second tanker owned by MISC Berhard to be hijacked in the gulf
in the last 10 days.
(AP, 8/30/08)

Malaysia said it is dispatching three navy vessels to the
Gulf of Aden to protect its merchant ships following a sharp surge in pirate
attacks off the coast of Somalia.
(AP, 9/5/08)

Ahmad Ismail, a member of Malaysia's ruling party, was
suspended for three years for "stoking racial tensions" with incendiary comments
about ethnic Chinese that shook the governing coalition.
(AFP, 9/10/08)

Somali Islamist insurgents attacked government forces and
African Union peacekeepers overnight in Mogadishu. At least four people were
killed in the clashes. Somalia pirates released Malaysia’s palm oil tanker, MT
Bunga Melati 2, two days after its first vessel was released.
(AP, 9/30/08)(AFP, 9/29/08)

Malaysia’s PM Badawi said he will step down in March and hand
over power to his deputy in order to prevent a split in the UMNO party.
(WSJ, 10/9/08, p.A13)

A Malaysian court ordered Tuanku Jaafar Tuanku Abdul Rahman
(86), the country's former king (1994-1999), to settle a $1 million debt to a
bank in a landmark verdict that ended a centuries-old tradition shielding the
country's royal sultans from legal prosecution.
(AP, 10/15/08)

An influential council of Malaysia's state rulers warned
people not to question the supremacy of Islam or the special privileges enjoyed
by the country's ethnic Malay majority.
(AP, 10/17/08)

Authorities in Malaysia and Singapore said they will
guarantee all foreign currency and local currency bank deposits.
(WSJ, 10/17/08, p.A5)

Malaysia defended its recognition of Kosovo as an independent
state, a move that caused Serbia to expel the Southeast Asian nation's
(AP, 11/1/08)

Malaysia's Scomi Engineering said its consortium with an
Indian company has won a 1.85 billion ringgit ($523 million) state contract to
build the first monorail in India.
(AP, 11/10/08)

Malaysia's top Islamic body ruled against Muslims practicing
yoga, saying it has elements of other religions that could corrupt Muslims. On
Nov 25 Malaysia's leader assured Muslims they can perform yoga if they do not
chant religious mantras, an apparent effort to assuage public anger over an
Islamic body's ban of the ancient Indian exercise.
(AP, 11/22/08)(AP, 11/26/08)

In Guatemala the head of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
Malaysia was among three people killed in a boat accident on Lake Atitlan.
(AP, 11/24/08)

Malaysia released suspected terrorist Yazid Sufaat, an
alleged biological weapons expert who was also linked to the September 11
attacks in the United States.
(AFP, 12/10/08)

In southern Malaysia a bus skidded off a highway, smashed
into a tree and plunged into a ditch, killing nine people and injuring 19
(AP, 12/7/08)

Malaysia's government drew flak after admitting it spent
1.68 million dollars a year on PM Badawi’s sprawling residence in the
administrative capital Putrajaya.
(AFP, 12/11/08)

Indonesia and Malaysia agreed to heighten intelligence
cooperation to anticipate rising cross-border crime due to the impact of the
global economic crisis.
(AP, 12/11/08)

In Malaysia Tuanku Ja'afar Tuanku Abdul Rahman (86), a royal
state ruler, died. He became Malaysia's king for five years (1994-1999) under
the country's unique monarchal system.
(AP, 12/28/08)

Malaysia reported that it is zooming in on forests with a
satellite in order to fight illegal logging, which its government says is
harming the major timber exporting country.
(AFP, 12/28/08)

Singapore sentenced Yong Vui Kong (19) of Malaysia to hang for
smuggling 47 grams (1.65 ounces) of heroin into Singapore. His third and final
appeal was rejected on April 4, 2012.
(AFP, 4/4/12)

Somali pirates seized the Blue Star, an Egyptian cargo ship,
and its 28 crewmembers. A Malaysian military helicopter saved an Indian tanker
from being hijacked in the new year's first attacks by pirates in the dangerous
Gulf of Aden. A crew of the French warship "PM L'Her" dispatch boat intercepted
two speedboats carrying 8 Somali pirates as they were preparing to board a
Panamanian cargo ship. The Blue Star and its crew of 28 were freed on March 5
after a ransom was dropped from a plane.
(AP, 1/1/09)(AP, 1/2/09)(AP, 3/5/09)

Wildlife activists said the box turtle is disappearing across
Malaysia because of increased illegal hunting for its meat and use in
traditional Chinese medicine.
(AP, 1/7/09)

Malaysia's opposition snatched a parliamentary seat from the
beleaguered coalition government, in a by-election seen as a test of the
nation's political mood.
(AFP, 1/17/09)

Authorities in Malaysia arrested 26 unmarried Muslim couples
in hotel rooms during Operation Valentine, aimed at curbing illegal premarital
sex in this conservative country.
(AP, 2/16/09)

About 12 pirates armed with guns attacked the tug and barge
in the Malacca Strait and kidnapped two crew members as the vessel was en route
to Singapore.
(AP, 2/20/09)

Officials said the Malaysian government will issue a new
decree restoring a ban on Christian publications using the word "Allah" to refer
to God.
(AP, 3/1/09)

Malaysia’s government unveiled a 60 billion ringgit ($16.26
billion) economic stimulus plan amounting to 9% of GDP.
(WSJ, 3/11/09, p.A16)

In Malaysia a battle for senior leadership posts in the
ruling party was hit with a bombshell as 15 members including several top
figures were found guilty in an anti-corruption probe.
(AFP, 3/17/09)

Malaysia's national car maker Proton and Detroit Electric, a
Dutch-based company, signed a $555 million deal to make zero emission electric
cars that they said would be more powerful that any existing model.
(AP, 3/30/09)

In Malaysia Mas Selamat Kastari, an Islamic militant
suspected of plotting a Sept. 11-style air attack, was arrested in Johor state,
more than a year after his dramatic escape from a high-security jail in
Singapore. He was arrested by Malaysian authorities with the cooperation of
Singaporean and Indonesian intelligence agencies.
(AP, 5/8/09)

Malaysia's PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (69), in office for 5½
lackluster years, resigned to make way for Deputy PM Najib Razak, who must now
fix an economy close to recession, heal the country's deep racial divisions and
revive a moribund ruling party.
(AP, 4/2/09)

Malaysian PM Najib Razak, in his first act after talking
office, freed 13 people being held under a law that allows indefinite detention
and lifted a ban on two opposition newspapers.
(AP, 4/3/09)

Malaysian police rushed to a robbery scene only to find the
suspects were fellow officers. 3 men of a special elite police unit were
allegedly caught robbing five men at a house. One of the officers was armed with
a pistol.
(AP, 4/14/09)

The editor of a Malaysian anti-government news Web site,
charged with sedition, went into hiding, prompting a court to order his arrest.
Raja Petra Raja Kamarudin, who runs the popular Malaysia Today Web site, failed
to appear for a court hearing on a sedition charge stemming from an article he
wrote that allegedly implied the prime minister was involved in the murder of a
Mongolian woman.
(AP, 4/23/09)

Malaysia's PM Najib Razak vowed to investigate a scathing
report by US lawmakers saying thousands of Myanmar refugees were handed over to
human traffickers and ended up working in Thai brothels.
(AP, 4/24/09)

Malaysian officials said 2 political activists have been
arrested ahead of a parliamentary showdown between the government and the
opposition over control of northern Perak state.
(AFP, 5/6/09)

Animal welfare activists said more than 300 stray dogs,
dumped on isolated islands in Malaysia’s Selangor state, turned to cannibalism
after weeks of starvation.
(AP, 5/7/09)

Malaysia said it will free 13 people detained under internal
security laws, including three ethnic Indian activists, members of the banned
ethnic Indian rights group Hindraf, held without trial since organizing
anti-government protests in 2007.
(AFP, 5/8/09)

In Indonesia 6 Asia-Pacific countries, meeting at the World
Oceans Conference, agreed on a management plan to protect one of the world's
largest networks of coral reefs, promising to reduce pollution, eliminate
overfishing and improve the livelihoods of impoverished coastal communities. The
Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security covered an
area defined as the Coral Triangle, which spans Indonesia, the Philippines,
Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and East Timor.
(AP, 5/15/09)

Somalia's war-torn government appealed for international
help to set up a coast guard, saying it would guarantee that sea piracy near its
shores is wiped out once it has such an agency. In Malaysia representatives of
the government, attending an international conference on piracy, ruled out
allowing foreign forces on Somali soil to destroy pirate bases.
(AP, 5/18/09)

Malaysian police rescued three men shackled to the wall of a
filthy room for two months by illegal moneylenders after failing to repay their
(AP, 5/28/09)

In Malaysia Teoh BEng Hock, a young aide to a state
councilor, fell from a window where Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)
officials had been questioning him. The MACC had been created earlier this year
from the ashes of another agency.
(Econ, 9/5/09, p.48)

The US added six African countries to a blacklist of
countries trafficking in people, and put US trading partner Malaysia back on the
list. Chad, Eritrea, Niger, Mauritania, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe were added to
the list in the annual report. Removed from the list were Qatar, Oman, Algeria,
and Moldova.
(AFP, 6/16/09)

2009 Jun,
In Malaysia Hau Yuan Tyng (44), a single mother of two, pleaded
innocent to charges of assaulting Siti Hajar Sadli, her Indonesian maid, in one
case allegedly using hot water; in another, a hammer; and in a third, a pair of
scissors. In 2010 a court sentenced Tyng to eight years in prison for the abuse,
but allowed her to remain free on bail pending an appeal.
(AP, 5/20/10)

Malaysian education officials announced that they will
abandon the use of English to teach math and science, bowing to protesters who
demanded more use of the national Malay language.
(SFC, 7/9/09, p.A2)

In Malaysia Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno (32), a Muslim woman,
was sentenced to six lashes and a fine of 5,000 ringgit ($1,400) for having a
beer in a nightclub in Dec 2007. She would become the first woman in Malaysia to
be given the punishment under Islamic law. Her caning was delayed on Aug 24
because of the holy month of Ramadan. On Mar 30, 2010, the state's sultan spared
her the caning and instead ordered her to do 3 weeks of community service.
(AP, 7/21/09)(AP, 8/19/09)(AP, 8/24/09)(AP, 4/1/10)

Police broke up Malaysia's biggest street protest in nearly
two years, firing tear gas and chemical-laced water at thousands of opposition
supporters demanding an end to a law that allows detention without trial.
(AP, 8/1/09)

Malaysian police arrested Alain Robert (47), a French climber
nicknamed "Spiderman," after he scaled the iconic 88-story Petronas Twin Towers.
(AP, 9/1/09)

A Malaysian government report said indigenous tribal girls
have been sexually abused by loggers in remote jungles on Borneo island, in the
first official verification of rape accusations involving timber companies.
(AP, 9/9/09)

Malaysian authorities seized a consignment of 10,000 copies
of the Bible sent from Jakarta to Kuching in Sarawak state, because the
Indonesian-language books contained the word "Allah," a translation that has
been banned in this Muslim-majority country. Another 5,100 Bibles, also imported
from Indonesia, were reportedly seized in March. Church officials said Allah is
not exclusive to Islam but is an Arabic word that predates Islam.
(AP, 10/29/09)

In Malaysia news reports said a judge has upheld a court
verdict to cane a Muslim woman for drinking beer, re-igniting a controversy over
Islamic justice in this moderate Muslim-majority country. The chief Shariah
judge of Pahang state ruled that a Shariah High Court's verdict against Kartika
Sari Dewi Shukarno (32) was correct and should stay.
(AP, 9/28/09)

Islamic authorities in Malaysia charged a popular Muslim
scholar with delivering an illegal lecture in what critics considered an attempt
by conservative clerics to silence a leading moderate preacher. Asri Zainul
Abidin (38) has cultivated strong support among young people in the
Muslim-majority country for criticizing what he called overzealous efforts by
Islamic officials to clamp down on immoral behavior.
(AP, 11/18/09)

Malaysian marine police rescued 62 pangolins. 2 days later
Malaysian wildlife authorities said they rescued 130 pangolins and arrested two
men attempting to smuggle the protected species. They were expected to be
illegally exported to China, Japan and Hong Kong, where animal's meat is
considered a delicacy with medicinal qualities.
(AFP, 12/20/09)(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pangolin)

A Malaysian court ruled that a Catholic weekly, the Herald,
had a constitutional right to use the word Allah to refer to God, striking down
a government ban as illegal. On Jan 6, the High Court suspended its ruling
following an appeal by the government and with the consent of the Catholic
(AP, 12/31/09)(Econ, 1/16/10, p.44)
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عدد المساهمات : 79
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/06/2010

History of  Malaysia Empty
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Malaysia’s Islamic morality police arrested 52 unmarried
couples for sexual misconduct following raids in hotel rooms on New Year’s Day.
The detained couples were expected to be charged with khalwat (close proximity),
and faced a maximum penalty of 2 years in prison and a fine.
(SFC, 1/5/10, p.A4)

A Malaysian court charged an air force sergeant and a
businessman with stealing two fighter jet engines. The engines, each worth 50
million ringgit ($14 million), were stolen while they were undergoing repairs
and were allegedly shipped toward Argentina before being offloaded to another
vessel bound for Uruguay.
(AP, 1/6/10)


In Malaysia 3 churches were attacked with firebombs, causing
extensive damage to one, as Muslims pledged to prevent Christians from using the
word "Allah," escalating religious tensions in the multiracial country. On Aug
13 a Malaysian court sentenced two Muslim brothers to five years in prison for
torching a Christian church during the height of the dispute.
(AP, 1/8/10)(AP, 8/13/10)

In Malaysia a fourth church was hit by firebombs, stoking
concern among Christians as a dispute rages over the use of the word "Allah" by
(AP, 1/9/10)

In Malaysia firebombs were thrown at 3 more churches and
another was splashed with black paint, the latest in a series of assaults on
Christian houses of worship following a court decision allowing non-Muslims to
use "Allah" to refer to God.
(AP, 1/10/10)

Malaysian student Mohamad Tasyrif Tajudin (25) was charged
after allegedly posting comments on Facebook about throwing a gasoline bomb amid
a recent spate of attacks on churches, most of which were hit by Molotov
Cocktails. He was charged under Malaysia’s Communications and Multimedia Act for
improper use of the Internet, which carries a penalty of up to a year in jail
and a fine if found guilty.
(AP, 1/15/10)

Malaysian police announced the arrest of eight Muslim men
who allegedly attacked a Christian church with a firebomb, the first suspects in
a spate of assaults on churches after a court ruled that non-Muslims could use
the word "Allah" to refer to God.
(AP, 1/20/10)

In Malaysia vandals tried to burn down two Muslim prayer
rooms, following a string of arson attacks on churches amid a dispute over the
use of the word "Allah" by Christians.
(AP, 1/21/10)

Authorities in Malaysia caned three Muslim women for having
extramarital sex, making them the first women in the country to receive such
punishment under Islamic law. Each woman reportedly received between four and
six strokes of a rattan cane.
(AP, 2/17/10)

In Malaysia ruling party lawmaker Bung Mokhtar Radin (50)
and actress Zizie Ezette A. Samad, his second wife, pleaded guilty to entering
into a polygamous marriage without official consent amid a debate over Islamic
morality among politicians.
(AP, 4/20/10)

Malaysia's government scored a narrow win in a tense
by-election billed as a referendum on PM Najib Razak's planned economic reforms
and his first year in office.
(Reuters, 4/25/10)

In Malaysia a policeman fired a shot that killed
Aminulrasyid Amzah (14). On May 10 prosecutors charged officer Jenain Subi with
fatally shooting the teenager, an incident that triggered a national outcry over
claims of police brutality. Activists say Malaysia's police have fatally shot
more than 180 suspects, half of them Indonesians, since 2007.
(AP, 5/10/10)

The UN General Assembly approved all 14 candidates for the
14 seats on the 47-member Human Rights Council. Human rights groups criticized
the poor human rights records 7 of the candidates: Angola, Libya, Malaysia,
Mauritania, Qatar, Thailand and Uganda.
(SFC, 5/14/10, p.A2)

A Malaysian government official, Malacca Chief Minister
Mohamad Ali Rustam, defended an Indian company's plans to build an animal
testing medicine lab in his state, saying that God created monkeys and rats for
experiments to benefit humans.
(AP, 5/31/10)

2010 May,
Malaysia's Islamic Shariah courts appointed their first female
judges. The news was not made public until July.
(AP, 7/8/10)

A Malaysian businessmen, Badrul Zaman P.S. Mohamed (58), who
was held without trial for three years (1991-1994) under the harsh Internal
Security Act won 3.3 million ringgit ($1 million) in damages from the government
in a landmark court verdict.
(AP, 6/10/10)

Malaysia banned three works of political cartoons that
criticize the government, but one of the artists, Zulkifli Anwar Ulhaque (aka
Zunar), said he was obligated to highlight issues other cartoonists would not.
(AP, 6/25/10)

Malaysia's government scrapped a plan to let non-Muslims bet
on international sports, bowing to public criticism that it would promote
gambling. PM Najib Razak announced authorities have revoked their approval for
Ascot Sports, a company linked to Malaysian billionaire Vincent Tan, to run
betting on sports.
(AP, 6/26/10)

In Malaysia a police raid for stolen vehicles found 42 of
them at a warehouse in Malaysia along with and hundreds of birds and other
protected wildlife. Officers found some 700 birds and caged leopard cats, albino
pygmy monkeys and other animals. They included about 20 protected species.
(AP, 7/14/10)

Malaysia set itself a historic precedent as 2 female sharia
judges began working for the first time.
(Econ, 8/7/10, p.39)

In Malaysia gold coins came into circulation and could be
purchased at various locations in Kelantan state. Their worth is currently about
$180 per dinar and $4 per dirham. The gold dinar and silver dirham coins provide
an alternative to Malaysia's currency, the ringgit, in northeastern Kelantan
state, which is governed by the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, a conservative
opposition group that promotes religious policies in its rule.
(AP, 8/13/10)

A Malaysian man was arrested after his bag bursting with 95
live boa constrictors broke open on a luggage conveyer belt at Kuala Lumpur
International Airport. Keng Liang "Anson" Wong (52), who had been previously
convicted of wildlife trafficking in the United States, later pleaded guilty to
wildlife smuggling.
(AP, 9/4/10)

In Malaysia Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra was proclaimed the
new sultan of northern Kelantan state following a decision by the Council of
Succession, which determines who ascends to the throne. Faris has been embroiled
in a public dispute with his brother, Tengku Muhammad Fakhry, since their
father, Tengku Ismail Petra, fell ill more than a year ago. 9 of Malaysia's 13
states are ruled by hereditary royal families, who are widely respected among
the Muslim Malay majority though their responsibilities are largely ceremonial.
The executive power lies with elected state and national representatives.
(AP, 9/13/10)

A Malaysian political cartoonist said he has been arrested
under the Sedition Act and his offices raided by police over his new book,
"Cartoon-O-Phobia," just hours before its planned launch. Zulkifli Anwar
Ulhaque, better known as Zunar, used cartoons to highlight contentious issues
such as the sodomy trial of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and police
(AFP, 9/24/10)

In Malaysia Kylie Tanti Marion (42), an Australian woman,
fell to her death when her parachute failed to open after she jumped off the
Alor Setar Tower to practice for the KL Tower International Jump on Oct. 7.
(AP, 9/29/10)

In Malaysia a newborn baby died after being snatched by a
monkey from her family's living room in Negri Sembilan state. Wildlife
authorities fatally shot the monkey, which had remained near the house and might
have been attracted by a female pet monkey the family kept in a cage.
(AP, 10/7/10)

Malaysia criticized the WHO for failing to tackle the spread
of dengue in the region, which saw 242,000 cases of the mosquito-borne disease
in 2009 and 831 deaths so far this year.
(AFP, 10/13/10)

In Malaysia "Dalam Botol" (In A Bottle), a Malay-language
film, earned applause from movie bloggers invited to its first public screening,
three months before its scheduled nationwide release. It is about a man who gets
a sex change operation because he thought it would satisfy his male lover, but
ends up regretting it. Censors now say depictions of homosexuality are no longer
barred, as long as being gay isn't condoned.
(AP, 11/11/10)

A global tiger summit meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia,
approved a wide-ranging program with the goal of doubling the world's tiger
population in the wild by 2022 backed by governments of the 13 countries that
still have tiger populations: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India,
Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam and Russia. Experts
wild tigers could become extinct in 12 years if countries where they still roam
fail to take quick action to protect their habitats and step up the fight
against poaching.
(AP, 11/21/10)

Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and three of his
allies were suspended from parliament for six months in votes that triggered
pandemonium and an opposition walkout.
(AFP, 12/16/10)

In Malaysia a double-decker bus carrying Thai tourists
overturned on a highway, killing 28 people on their way back from a hill resort.
(AP, 12/20/10)

In Australia Kok Loong Wong of Malaysia appeared in a Sydney
court charged with possessing 200 pounds (90 kg) of crystal meth in his home,
the seventh-largest "ice" haul in Australian history.
(AP, 12/22/10)

In Malaysia 3 Singaporean tourists drowned and two others
were missing after an overloaded passenger boat capsized near Sibu island.
(AP, 12/26/10)

Barry Wain authored “Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in
Turbulent Times.” The book covered the 22 years that Mohamad spent as Malaysia’s
prime minister (1981-2003).
(Econ, 1/23/10, p.79)

The Royal Malaysian Navy commandos wounded three pirates in
a gunbattle and rescued the 23 crew members on the Malaysian-flagged chemical
tanker MT Bunga Laurel, shortly after the pirates stormed the vessel in the Gulf
of Aden with assault rifles and pistols. On Jan 31 Malaysian police took custody
of 7 captured Somali pirates.
(AP, 1/22/11)(AP, 1/31/11)

New satellite imagery showed Malaysia is destroying forests
more than three times faster than all of Asia combined, and its carbon-rich peat
soils of the Sarawak coast are being stripped even faster.
(AP, 2/1/11)

Malaysian prosecutors filed charges carrying the death
penalty against seven suspected Somali pirates accused of attacking a
Malaysian-operated ship in the Gulf of Aden, in the first such charges in Asia
against the African sea bandits.
(AP, 2/11/11)

In Malaysia Islamic morality police detained 40 unmarried
Muslim couples in hotel rooms during Operation Valentine, aimed at curbing
illegal premarital sex. The main Islamic body issued an edict in 2005 banning
Muslims from celebrating what it said was a day synonymous with vice.
(AP, 2/15/11)

Malaysian police arrested dozens of ethnic Indians in a
clampdown on a protest against a high school literature book that was slammed
for denigrating the minority community.
(AP, 2/27/11)

Former Malaysian PM Mahathir Mohamad released his memoir, "A
Doctor In The House," defending decisions he made during a 22-year rule that
critics say was marred by human rights abuses.
(AP, 3/8/11)

In Malaysia the main Christian grouping in the
Muslim-majority country said it was "fed up" with the government's refusal to
allow the distribution of tens of thousands of Bibles, saying this was an
affront to religious freedoms.
(AP, 3/10/11)

Malaysia's government agreed to release some 35,000 imported
Bibles seized by customs officials amid a dispute over their use of the word
"Allah" as a translation for God. A statement assured Muslims that the
announcement would not jeopardize their interests in an ongoing court case on
whether non-Muslims have the constitutional right to use "Allah."
(AP, 3/15/11)

Malaysian police said that they had found equipment they
suspect could be used to make nuclear weapons smuggled on board a ship headed to
Iran. On March 8 police confiscated two containers from the MV Bunga Raya Satu
traveling from China to Tehran.
(AP, 3/18/11)

Malaysia's main Christian grouping rejected a government
attempt to settle a protracted row over seized shipments of Malay-language
Bibles, calling instead for the right to freely practice its religion.
(AP, 3/30/11)

Malaysia's government said it would allow Malay-language
Bibles to be printed locally, in a major concession to the country's minority
Christian community to soothe anger over seized shipments of their holy books.
(AP, 4/3/11)

In Malaysia detainees set fire to an immigration center and
about 100 of them escaped as the blaze partially gutted the facility in central
Negri Sembilan state.
(AP, 4/5/11)

A Malaysian official said authorities have sent 66 Muslim
schoolboys identified by teachers as effeminate to a four-day camp where they
will receive counseling on masculine behavior to discourage them from being gay.
(AP, 4/19/11)

Regulators said Malaysia and Singapore have agreed to slash
roaming charges for voice calls and text messaging over the next two years in a
landmark accord.
(AFP, 4/20/11)

Australia’s PM Julia Gillard said Malaysia has agreed to take
hundreds of asylum seekers who land in Australia illegally and called this "big
blow" to people smugglers.
(AFP, 5/7/11)

Malaysian police said they have arrested Abdul Majid Kunji
Mohamad, a Singaporean businessman, suspected of channeling funds to southern
Philippine militants.
(AP, 5/9/11)

Malaysian local papers highlighted how underworld groups
were using Facebook and other social media to recruit members, the majority of
whom are still at secondary school. The next day the government announced a
major crackdown on criminal gangs using social networking sites to enlist
teenage recruits as "street fighters."
(AFP, 5/11/11)

In Australia two Malaysians were arrested and charged with
importing heroin into Australia with a street value of more than Aus$50 million
(US$53 million), the country's biggest haul in a decade.
(AFP, 5/12/11)

The Israeli military blocked a Malaysian anti-war group's
ship from reaching the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. The Malaysian group, the Perdana
Global Peace Foundation, said its ship was fired at when it tried to reach Gaza.
The military denied firing at the ship.
(AP, 5/16/11)

In Malaysia a landslide left 15 boys and one adult dead at
an orphanage for ethnic Malay Muslim boys in a village in central Selangor
state. 9 people survived.
(AP, 5/21/11)(AP, 5/22/11)

A global maritime watchdog warned ships traversing the South
China Sea bordering Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore following the hijack of
three tugboats and a barge in recent weeks.
(AFP, 6/3/11)

Malaysian lawyers, politicians and activists lambasted the
police, accusing them of abusing their power in chaining up and marking the
bodies of 30 foreign women detained for alleged prostitution.
(AP, 6/5/11)

In Malaysia the "Obedient Wives Club" was launched. The new
club said it can cure social ills such as prostitution and divorce by teaching
women to be submissive and keep their men happy in the bedroom.
(AP, 6/5/11)

Malaysia opened an investigation into allegations that two
immigration officers forced a pair of Singaporean women to do squats naked. The
officers were suspended.
(AFP, 6/17/11)

Malaysian police detained about 60 opposition supporters
amid efforts to prevent a massive rally seeking electoral transparency.
(AP, 6/26/11)

In Malaysia an activist group said police have detained six
members of an opposition party, including a lawmaker, were arrested last weekend
together with 25 others on the way to a party rally in northern Penang state.
They were being held on accusations of "inciting people to wage war against the
king." The detentions and arrests were said to be part of a government crackdown
to prevent people from attending a July 9 rally by the electoral reform group
(AFP, 7/2/11)

In Malaysia a man carrying a machete barged into a
kindergarten and held children and teachers hostage for six tense hours before
police shot him in the head. The unidentified man was in hospital after
sustaining a single bullet wound to the head.
(AP, 7/7/11)

Malaysian police fired tear gas and detained hundreds of
activists as more than 20,000 demonstrators massed across Kuala Lumpur demanding
electoral reforms in the country's biggest political rally in years. Police said
that they detained 1,667 people in a clampdown called "Operation Erase Bersih,"
referring to the Bersih coalition of civic groups that organized the rally.
(AP, 7/9/11)

The Vatican and Malaysia established diplomatic relations in
the wake of tensions between Muslims and religious minorities in the Southeast
Asian nation.
(AP, 7/18/11)

Nguyen Cao Ky (b.1930), the flamboyant former air force
general who ruled South Vietnam with an iron fist for two years (1965-1967)
during the Vietnam War, died in Malaysia. In 2002 he authored "Buddha's Child:
My Fight to Save Vietnam."
(AP, 7/23/11)

Conservationists urged Malaysia to impose a national ban on
the trade and consumption of turtle eggs to ensure the survival of the marine
creatures. Turtles once arrived in their thousands to lay eggs on Malaysian
beaches but are now increasingly rare due to poaching and coastal development.
(AFP, 8/3/11)

Australia's High Court dealt a heavy blow to the government
by blocking its plans to send asylum-seekers to Malaysia, ruling they could not
go to a nation lacking legal safeguards.
(AFP, 8/31/11)

2011 Aug,
In Malaysia the first turbine from French giant Alstom began
producing electricity at the Bakun dam in the Malaysian portion of Borneo
island. The reservoir has swelled to the size of Singapore since impoundment
began a year ago. The project was first approved in 1986. A 2005 report,
anti-graft watchdog Transparency International termed the dam one of the world's
"Monuments of Corruption," citing years of delays, ownership changes, and
overall costs that more than doubled. Tribal residents said warnings about the
dam's ecological and human impact are coming true.
(AFP, 10/27/11)

In Somalia Malaysian cameraman Noramfaizul Mohd Nor was
killed in Mogadishu by 4 Burundi peacekeepers. The 4 were later discharged from
the force and faced trial in Burundi.
(AP, 9/26/11)

Malaysia’s Environment Minister Douglas Uggah Embas sent a
letter to his Indonesian counterpart about hundreds of suspected fires on
Sumatra island.
(AFP, 9/10/11)

Malaysia’s PM Najib Razak promised to repeal many of the
country’s security laws including the Internal Security Act (ISA).
(Econ, 9/24/11, p.52)

In Malaysia Italian rider Marco Simoncelli (24) died after
crashing and being hit by two other riders at the Sepang MotoGP motorcycle race.
This raised the number of recorded deaths in MotoGP to 47 since it was founded
in 1949.
(AP, 10/23/11)

Malaysia’s deputy national police chief Khalid Abu Bakar said
a decision to halt the three-year-old "Seksualiti Merdeka" (Sexuality Freedom)
festival set for November 9-13 has come after Muslims called for it to be
banned. Organizers slammed the move as proof of the repression homosexuals face
in the socially conservative Muslim country.
(AFP, 11/3/11)

In Malaysia former US president George W Bush and British
ex-prime minister Tony Blair were found guilty at a mock tribunal for committing
"crimes against peace" during the Iraq war. The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes
Tribunal, part of an initiative by former Malaysian premier Mahathir Mohamad, a
fierce critic of the Iraq war, found the former leaders guilty after a four-day
(AFP, 11/22/11)

Malaysian PM Najib Razak repealed another security law,
setting the stage for hundreds detained without trial to be freed or face
criminal charges.
(AFP, 11/24/11)

Malaysia reportedly said it will amend a new law banning
street demonstrations, amid further protests by critics who say the bill clamps
down on their right to peaceful assembly.
(AFP, 11/26/11)

Malaysia's parliament enacted a ban on street protests.
Demonstrators denounced the law as a violation of constitutional protections of
free speech and a sign that PM Najib Razak was breaking his pledge to bolster
civil liberties.
(AFP, 11/29/11)

In Malaysia Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah was officially
installed on the throne, making him the first ruler to hold the ceremonial
kingship twice since it started rotating every five years among heads of the
country’s 9 states.
(SSFC, 4/8/12, p.N3)(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdul_Halim_of_Kedah)

Malaysian shipbuilder Boustead Naval Shipyard says it has
won a 9.0 billion ringgit ($2.8 billion) deal from Kuala Lumpur for six naval
patrol vessels developed by French manufacturer DCNS.
(AFP, 12/16/11)

In Malaysia 17 people were arrested after police broke up a
student gathering for greater academic freedom, in what the opposition and
activists said was a campaign to stifle dissent.
(AFP, 1/1/12)

In Malaysia opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim was acquitted of
sodomy charges.
(SFC, 1/10/12, p.A4)

Malaysian prosecutors filed a notice of appeal against the
acquittal of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim on sodomy charges, sending the
long-running divisive case back to court.
(AFP, 1/20/12)

Malaysia deported Hamza Kashgari, a young Saudi journalist
wanted in his home country over a Twitter post about the Prophet Mohammed,
defying pleas from human rights group who said he faced execution. His tweet: "I
have loved things about you and I have hated things about you and there is a lot
I don't understand about you. "I will not pray for you."
(AFP, 2/12/12)

Malaysia police arrested Masoud Sedaghatzadeh, a third
Iranian suspect sought after explosive blasts in Bangkok.
(AP, 2/15/12)

Hajah Noraihan, the Malaysian consul to Uganda, said that
more than 600 Ugandan girls are currently trapped in Malaysian prostitution
rings. Uganda's honorary consul in Kuala Lumpur said that at least three
Ugandans have been killed there in the last two years.
(AP, 2/20/12)(http://allafrica.com/stories/201202150018.html)

Malaysia's Home Ministry said in a statement that bookstores
were no longer allowed to sell "Where did I come from?" by British author Peter
Mayle pending a review.
(AFP, 2/21/12)

In Malaysia thousands rallied in Kuantan against an
Australian miner's rare earths plant in the biggest protest yet over fears it
will produce radioactive waste harmful to them and the environment.
(AFP, 2/26/12)

In Malaysia Dominic Jude Christopher Bird (32), a truck
driver Perth, Western Australia, was arrested in Kuala Lumpur in possession of
225 grams (7.9 ounces) of methamphetamine. He faced a possible death sentence.
(AFP, 3/5/12)

Malaysian police arrested 137 people, mostly from China and
Taiwan, in a raid in the city of Kajang on a crime ring that bet on English
football, arranged Internet gambling and carried out online scams.
(AFP, 4/5/12)

Malaysia's government introduced legislation to stop arrests
based on their political beliefs and indefinite detainments without trial. The
Security Offenses Bill would replace the 52-year-old Internal Security Act,
which was enacted to give the government preventive powers against national
security threats.
(AP, 4/10/12)

Philippine coast guard and fisheries bureau operatives
arrested 12 Vietnamese fishermen for poaching endangered marine turtles, black
corals and reef fishes in southern Philippines waters. Other foreign fishing
boats spotted in the same area managed to flee toward Malaysia.
(AP, 4/25/12)

Malaysian authorities took action to prevent a mass
political rally calling for electoral reform from going ahead this weekend,
sealing off a square in the capital and serving a court order banning the
(AFP, 4/27/12)

Malaysian police unleashed tear gas and chemical-laced water
at thousands of demonstrators who staged one of the country’s largest street
rallies in years. The Bersih demanded fair rules for national elections expected
soon. News organizations estimated the number of demonstrators at 80k-100,000.
(AP, 4/28/12)(Econ, 7/14/12, p.33)

Malaysian police freed all 471 people arrested a day earlier
during a demonstration for free and fair elections, including senior opposition
lawmaker Tian Chia.
(AFP, 4/29/12)

Malaysia said it will introduce a minimum wage for the first
time in a move to bolster incomes amid rising living costs and speculation of a
snap general election. Private sector workers in peninsular Malaysia will
receive a minimum salary of 900 ringgit ($297) a month while workers in the
states of Sabah and Sarawak on Borneo island will get 800 ringgit.
(AFP, 5/1/12)

Malaysia’s PM Najib Razak said a quashed election reform
rally was being used to topple the government ahead of polls expected in June.
(AFP, 5/7/12)

Malaysian clerics issued a fatwa against demonstrations.
(AFP, 5/6/12)

In Malaysia a Canadian Muslim gay activist launched her
controversial new book on liberal Islam despite a government minister's attempts
to shut down the event. Irshad Manji launched "Allah, Liberty and Love" at a
hastily arranged event in Kuala Lumpur after two other venues pulled out of
hosting her. Her previous internationally acclaimed book, "The Trouble with
Islam Today," was already banned in Malaysia.
(AFP, 5/19/12)

Indonesian maids began returning to work in Malaysia three
years after a ban was enforced because of numerous abuse cases. Fewer arrived
than had been expected.
(AFP, 6/3/12)

A Malaysian court ruled that Masoud Sedaghatzadeh, an
Iranian man accused of plotting to attack Israeli targets in Bangkok on Feb 14,
must be extradited to Thailand.
(AP, 6/25/12)

Malaysia reported that police have detained 100 people in
nationwide raids on international crime syndicates who bet millions of dollars
on the Euro 2012 championship. Police conducted almost 150 raids across the
country in May and June in collaboration with officials from China, Macau, Hong
Kong and Singapore among other nations.
(AFP, 7/5/12)

London's iconic but derelict Battersea Power Station was
acquired by a Malaysian consortium for £400 million ($620 million, 501 million
(AFP, 7/5/12)

A Malaysian official said customs officers have made the
country's biggest drug bust so far this year, seizing nearly three million party
drug pills worth 58.28 million ringgit ($18.4 million). The Erimin 5 pills were
hidden in 20 boxes along with some goods including chewing tobacco. 5 people
including a woman and her Bangladeshi husband have been arrested and faced a
possible death sentence on suspicion of drug trafficking.
(AFP, 7/9/12)

In Malaysia conjoined 15-month-old twins attached at the
pelvis and sharing three legs were successfully separated at a hospital in a
complex 24-hour operation.
(AFP, 7/28/12)

In Malaysia an Australian woman and a Nigerian man were
arrested after one kg (2.2 pounds) of methamphetamine was discovered in a car
they were driving in Kuala Lumpur.
(AFP, 7/28/12)

In Malaysia a three-year-old girl suffocated in a suspected
exorcism ritual. A court on Aug 17 charged seven family members, including the
parents, over her death.
(AFP, 8/17/12)

Malaysia's PM Najib Razak said he would review a legal
amendment that critics claim threatens free expression online after they staged
a one-day "Internet blackout." NGOs, bloggers and opposition politicians staged
the protest earlier in the day by replacing their homepages with black screens
featuring messages attacking the new section of the Evidence Act, which went
into effect in April despite widespread opposition.
(AFP, 8/14/12)

The Merlin entertainment group opened a Legoland theme park
in Malaysia.
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legoland_Malaysia)(Econ, 11/16/13, p.72)

The Philippine government and Muslim rebels overcame decades
of bitter hostility and took their first tentative step toward ending one of
Asia's longest-running insurgencies with the signing of a preliminary peace pact
brokered by Malaysia.
(AP, 10/15/12)

Canada’s PM Stephen Harper approved China's biggest ever
foreign takeover, a $15.1 billion bid by state-controlled CNOOC Ltd for energy
company Nexen Inc., but drew a line in the sand against future buys by
state-owned enterprises. He also approved a smaller deal for a Canadian gas
producer by Petronas, Malaysia’s state energy company.
(Reuters, 12/7/12)(Econ, 12/15/12, p.38)

Malaysian wildlife officials said 10 endangered Borneo pygmy
elephants have been found dead at the Gunung Rara Forest Reserve under
mysterious circumstances. Officials said that they probably were poisoned over
the past 3 weeks. The remains of 3 more were found the next day bringing the
total to 13.
(AP, 1/29/13)(AP, 1/30/13)

Members of a Muslim royal clan from the southern Philippines
landed in Malaysia’s coastal village of Lahad Datu, Sabah state to claim the
territory as their own, citing ownership documents from the late 1800s.
(AP, 3/1/13)

In the Philippines Pres. Benigno Aquino III warned Jamalul
Kiram III, the Sultan of Sulu, that he would face the full force of the law
unless he withdrew his armed followers from Sabah, Malaysia.
(SSFC, 2/3/13, p.A4)
2013 Feb,
Malaysian restaurant manager Riduan Masmud (40) was charged
with committing statutory rape with a girl (13) in a parked car in Borneo. He
later defended his actions by saying he has married the girl.
(AP, 5/22/13)

In eastern Malaysia 14 people were killed in a shootout as
authorities tried to end a three-week standoff with about 200 members of a
Filipino clan occupying a village in Sabah state.
(AP, 3/1/13)

In Malaysia gunmen ambushed and killed six policemen as fears
mounted that armed intruders from the southern Philippines had slipped into at
least three coastal districts on Borneo island. 6 gunmen were also killed in the
(AP, 3/3/13)(Econ, 3/9/13, p.51)

Malaysia unleashed airstrikes and mortar attacks on nearly
200 Filipinos occupying a Borneo coastal village but could not declare an
immediate end to a three-week siege that has turned into a security nightmare
for both Malaysia and the Philippines.
(AP, 3/5/13)
Malaysian security forces battled a group of Filipino
intruders in the rugged terrain of Borneo after they escaped a military assault
with fighter jets and mortar fire on their hideout. One Filipino was shot and
believed killed.
(AP, 3/6/13)

Malaysian security forces gunned down 31 Filipino intruders
in Borneo, the highest number of casualties in a single day since nearly 200
members of a Philippine Muslim clan took over an entire village last month. At
least 60 people, including 8 Malaysian police officers, have been killed in the
(AP, 3/7/13)(SFC, 3/8/13, p.A2)

Malaysia police said they have detained 79 suspects linked to
the Filipino intruders in Borneo.
(SSFC, 3/10/13, p.A6)

Malaysia’s PM Najib Razak reported economic growth of 5.6%
for 2012. He also announced that a scheme to give cash handouts to poorer
households will become an annual event.
(Econ, 3/23/13, p.45)

Malaysian prosecutors charged 8 Filipinos with
terrorism-related offenses following an armed siege in Borneo that killed 71
(SFC, 3/21/13, p.A2)

Malaysia’s PM Najib Razak announced the creation of the
Eastern Sabah Safety Zone. Authorities said they will resettle people out of the
area of Borneo where fighting in Sabah has left 74 people dead.
(SFC, 3/26/13, p.A4)(SSFC, 3/31/13, p.A4)

Malaysia's PM Najib Razak dissolved Parliament to call for
general elections that will pit a coalition that has ruled for nearly 57 years
against a resurgent opposition whose pledge to form a cleaner government has
resonated with millions of citizens.
(AP, 4/3/13)

Malaysia held national elections. PM Najib Razak's National
Front coalition (Barisan Nasional) faced opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's
three-party alliance. At least 112 of the 222 parliamentary seats at stake were
needed to win federal power. The National Front coalition won the parliamentary
elections despite losing the popular vote.
(AP, 5/5/13)(AP, 5/6/13)(Econ, 5/11/13, p.14)

Malaysia’s PM Najib Razak appeared before the media to
somberly acknowledge that his coalition had won general elections for the 13th
time in a row. However the National Front polled only 5.24 million votes to the
opposition's 5.62 million votes.
(AP, 5/6/13)

Malaysia-based Genting Group, a major casino operator,
accused Phil Ivey (37) of amassing millions of dollars in winnings by cheating
at baccarat. Ivey, an American, is one of the world's top professional poker
players. The game in question took place on Aug 20-21, 2012, at Crockfords, one
of London's oldest and most respected casinos.
(AP, 5/16/13)

Malaysian authorities detained 3 anti-government figures,
charged a student activist with sedition and seized hundreds of opposition
newspapers, raising political tensions after recent national elections triggered
claims of fraud.
(AP, 5/23/13)

In Malaysia an overloaded ferry capsized after hitting rocks
in a remote river in Borneo island, leaving 21 people missing and feared trapped
inside the vessel.
(AP, 5/28/13)

Malaysian prosecutors filed sedition charges against another
five opposition politicians and activists who urged Malaysians to protest what
they insist was a fraud-tainted victory by the long-ruling coalition in recent
national elections.
(AP, 5/29/13)

Smoke from fires in Indonesia, an annual result of land
clearing for palm oil production, again began to smother Singapore and large
parts of Malaysia.
(Econ, 6/29/13, p.39)

In Singapore the Pollutant Standards Index, surged to a
record reading of 371. People were urged to remain indoors as a smoky haze
wrought by forest fires in neighboring Indonesia worsened dramatically. Nearby
Malaysia closed 200 schools and banned open burning in some areas.
(AP, 6/20/13)

Malaysia urged Myanmar to take stronger action to prevent
persecution of Muslims and bring the perpetrators to justice, the latest sign
that the inter communal violence is straining ties in Southeast Asia.
(Reuters, 6/30/13)

In Malaysia Mr. K. Veerappan, a convicted drug dealer, was
shot and killed whiled stopped at a traffic light in the Georgetown section of
Penang. He was said to have been a member of “Gang 36.”
(Econ, 8/17/13, p.37)
In Malaysia a bus travelling from the hilltop gambling
resort of Genting Highlands to the capital Kuala Lumpur plunged 200 feet into a
ravine, killing 37 people. 16 people survived.
(Reuters, 8/21/13)(SFC, 8/22/13, p.A2)

Malaysia's PM Najib Razak announced steps to further boost
the economic participation of the ethnic Malay majority, entrenching race-based
policies seen as shoring up Malay support ahead of a key ruling party meeting.
(Reuters, 9/14/13)

China and Malaysia agreed elevate bilateral ties to a
"comprehensive strategic partnership", aiming to boost military cooperation and
nearly triple two-way trade to $160 billion by 2017.
(Reuters, 10/4/13)
Hundreds of Malaysian tribespeople blockaded the
construction site of a new dam which is set to force them from their homes in
Sarawak on the island of Borneo.
(AFP, 10/24/13)

Malaysia’s HELP University faced public criticism for
awarding an honorary doctorate degree in economics earlier this month to North
Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
(SFC, 10/25/13, p.A2)

It was reported that US Navy Cmdr. Michael Vannak Khem
Misiewicz had passed confidential information on ship routes to Malaysian
defense contractor Leonard Francis, who in turn overcharged the Navy millions in
suplies and services.
(SFC, 11/5/13, p.A10)

Islamic authorities in Malaysia seized 321 Bibles from a
Christian group because they used the word Allah to refer to God.
(Reuters, 1/2/14)

In Malaysia Abdul Taib Mahmud, the chief minister of
Sarawak, retired after ruling the state for 33 years. Environmentalists said
Sarawak under his rule has lost 90% of its virgin rainforest, mostly due to
conversions to lucrative palm oil concessions.
(Econ, 2/15/14, p.35)

A Malaysian court sentenced opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim
to five years in jail on sodomy charges, overturning a 2012 acquittal and
throwing his political career into jeopardy.
(AP, 3/7/14)(Econ, 3/15/14, p.40)
Malaysia banned an Ultraman comic book because it uses the
word "Allah" to describe the Japanese action hero. The Home Ministry said that
the Malay-edition of "Ultraman, The Ultra Power" contained elements that can
undermine public security and societal morals.
(AP, 3/7/14)

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 fell off radar screens less
than an hour after it took off from Kuala Lumpur for Beijing. Vietnamese air
force planes spotted two large oil slicks close to where the Boeing 777 went
missing early today. The aircraft carried 239 people. Foreign ministry officials
in Rome and Vienna confirmed that names of two nationals listed on the manifest
matched passports reported stolen in Thailand. The flight was carrying 154
people from China and Taiwan, 38 Malaysians, seven Indonesians and six
Australians among the 227 passengers.
(AP, 3/8/14)(Reuters, 3/8/14)

Malaysian police arrested 62 people who had illegally
crossed the porous border between Thailand and Malaysia.
(Reuters, 3/14/14)

Malaysia’s PM Najib Razak said the missing Malaysian Flight
370 was deliberately diverted and continued flying for more than six hours after
severing contact with the ground on March 8.
(AP, 3/15/14)

Malaysia's government asked for help from nearly a dozen
Asian countries that the missing jetliner may have flown over, saying that
finding the plane would be very difficult without additional data on its final
(AP, 3/16/14)

A satellite image released by China offered the latest sign
that wreckage from a Malaysia Airlines plane lost on March 8 could be in a
remote stretch of the southern Indian Ocean.
(AP, 3/22/14)

France provided new satellite data showing possible debris
from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, missing since March 8, as searchers continued
combing a remote part of the southern Indian Ocean.
(AP, 3/23/14)

France-based Airbus Defence & Space captured images showing
122 potential objects, possible debris from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, in a
400-sq-km (155-sq-mile) area in the southern Indian Ocean.
(AP, 3/26/14)

Australian officials moved the search area for Malaysia
Airlines Flight 370, that disappeared March 8, 1,100 km (680 miles) to the
northeast following a new analysis of radar data, and planes quickly found
multiple objects in the new zone.
(AP, 3/28/14)

Sweden sentenced a Malaysian couple to prison for beating
their four children with sticks and clothes hangers. The abuse occurred from
2010 until December 2013, when Swedish police arrested the couple. The children,
aged 7-14, were taken back to their home country following a massive social
media campaign calling for their return.
(AP, 3/28/14)

Suspected Filipino Abu Sayyaf insurgents seized Gao Huayuan
(29) a Chinese tourist, and Marcy Dayawan (40), a hotel receptionist, from the
Singamata Reef Resort in eastern Malaysia and then fled in a speed boat. The
kidnappers soon demanded a ransom of 500 million pesos ($11.3 million). On May
30 Malaysia’s PM Najib Razak said both victims have been freed.
(AP, 4/3/14)(AFP, 4/5/14)(AP, 4/10/14)(AP, 5/30/14)

The Australian navy ship Ocean Shield picked up two separate
signals late last night and early today in seas far off the west Australian
coast. Confirmation that the signals belong to Malaysia’s Flight 370's black
boxes could take days.
(AP, 4/7/14)

Film censors in Indonesia and Malaysia banned the biblical
epic "Noah," saying that the portrayal of the ark-building prophet by Russell
Crowe was against Islamic laws. Depictions of any prophet are shunned in Islam
to avoid worship of a person rather than God.
(AP, 4/7/14)

Malaysia awarded a manufacturing license to a $618 million
venture that will assemble fuel-efficient SUVs for China's Great Wall Motor Co.
Privately owned Go Automobile Manufacturing will invest 2 billion ringgit ($618
million) over the next four years to expand its manufacturing plant in northern
Kedah state.
(AP, 4/9/14)

Australian PM Tony Abbott said search and rescue officials
are confident they know the approximate position of the black box recorders from
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, missing since March 8.
(Reuters, 4/11/14)

A Malaysian man (54), who went on a pilgrimage to Saudi
Arabia, became the first death in Asia from Middle East respiratory syndrome
(AP, 4/16/14)

Australian search crews sent a robotic submarine deep into
the Indian Ocean for the first time to begin scouring the seabed for the missing
Malaysian Flight MH370 after no signals from its black boxes were detected for
six days. The submarine aborted its first mission after only six hours,
surfacing with no new clues when it exceeded its maximum depth along the floor
of the Indian Ocean.
(AP, 4/14/14)(AP, 4/15/14)

An oil tanker sailing from Singapore to Cambodia was boarded
by 16 pirates about 26 nautical miles off Aur island on the east coast of the
Malaysia peninsula. The pirates damaged the ship's communication equipment,
transferred part of the fuel cargo into a smaller unknown tanker and stole the
ship and crews' belongings before fleeing.
(AP, 4/24/14)

Armed pirates raided an oil tanker off the coast of Malaysia
and took three crew members with them.
(Reuters, 4/23/14)

President Barack Obama began the first visit to Malaysia by
an American president in nearly half a century. Trade, defense and maritime
security were among the issues Obama and PM Najib were expected to discuss
during talks in the 2-day visit.
(AP, 4/26/14)

President Barack Obama pressed the Malaysian government to
improve its human rights record and appealed to Southeast Asia's teeming youth
population to stand up for the rights of minorities and the rule of law.
(AP, 4/27/14)

Malaysian police detained nine people during raids in and
around the capital Kuala Lumpur and the northern state of Kedah on suspicion of
involvement in terrorist acts or forming links with terrorists inside the
country and abroad. Two more were soon arrested in an operation to break up
Islamic terror groups posing as humanitarian organizations.
(Reuters, 4/28/14)(AFP, 5/2/14)

In eastern Malaysia a Chinese fish farm manager in Sabah
state was kidnapped by gunmen and believed taken to the southern Philippines,
where suspected insurgents are holding another Chinese and a Filipino also
seized from Malaysia.
(AP, 5/6/14)

In New Zealand Malaysian diplomat Mohammed Rizalman Bin
Ismail followed a 21-year-old woman, later identified as Tania Billingsley (21)
and assaulted her. New Zealand charged the man with assault and attempt to rape,
but Malaysia claimed diplomatic immunity and he returned home on May 22. On July
2 Malaysia's foreign ministry said that Muhammad Rizalman would return to New
Zealand "to assist in the investigation for the charges".
(AP, 6/30/14)(AP, 7/1/14)(AFP, 7/2/14)(AP, 7/9/14)

In Malaysia Gareth Huntley (34), a UK backpacker disappeared
when he went on a trek to a waterfall on Tioman Island. His body was found on
June 4 close to where he was living.
(AP, 6/7/14)

An apparently overloaded boat carrying Indonesian illegal
migrants heading home for Ramadan sank overnight in rough seas off western
Malaysia. 27 people were missing and 9 were confirmed dead. Nine people were
missing after a boat carrying 27 Indonesian workers overturned off Malaysia's
west coast in a 2nd similar accident. By the weekend the confirmed death toll
from two boat accidents rose to 16 with dozens of others still missing.
(AFP, 6/18/14)(AP, 6/19/14)(AFP, 6/22/14)

A US State Department blacklist included Thailand and
Malaysia for their failure to meet minimum standards in fighting human
(AP, 6/20/14)

Malaysian police said they have arrested four foreign
nationals suspected of having links to Sri Lanka's defeated separatist Tamil
Tigers, the second such detention aimed at the group's militants in the
southeast Asian country.
(Reuters, 7/4/14)

Malaysia's central bank raised its benchmark interest rate
for the first time in three years to curb inflation and household debt as
economic growth picked up.
(AP, 7/10/14)

In Malaysia masked gunmen stormed Mabul Water Bungalow
Resort, Sabah state, shot a policeman and kidnapped another then sped away in a
boat toward the southern Philippines, where Muslim militants have carried out
similar raids in the past.
(AP, 7/13/14)

An overloaded fishing boat carrying some 70 illegal
Indonesian migrants capsized off southern Malaysia, killing at least 2 people
with 9 left missing.
(AFP, 7/15/14)

Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 with 298 people on board was
shot down over eastern Ukraine. Officials strongly suspected the Boeing 777 was
downed by a missile fired by Ukrainian separatists backed by Moscow. More than
half of the dead passengers, 189 people, were Dutch. Twenty-nine were Malaysian,
27 Australian, 12 Indonesian, 9 British, 4 German, 4 Belgian, 3 Filipino, one
Canadian, one New Zealand and 4 as yet unidentified. All 15 crew were Malaysian.
(Reuters, 7/18/14)

Ukraine's SBU security agency released recordings of what it
claimed were phone talks involving rebels and a Russian military intelligence
officer admitting that they had hit a passenger jet after mistaking it for a
military aircraft.
(AFP, 7/20/14)

In eastern Ukraine emergency workers, police officers and
even off-duty coal miners searched the wreckage of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17
shot down a day earlier as it flew miles above the country's battlefield.
Ukraine's state aviation service closed the airspace over two regions currently
gripped by separatist fighting.
(AP, 7/19/14)

Ukraine accused separatist rebels of hiding evidence that a
Russian missile was used to shoot down a Malaysian airliner, while Britain said
Moscow faced "pariah" status and the threat of further economic sanctions.
Ukraine's Western-backed government said it had "compelling evidence" the
Russian SA-11 radar-guided missile battery was not just brought in from Russia
but manned by three Russians who had now taken it back over the border.
(Reuters, 7/20/14)

In Malaysia a car crash involving a faulty air bag killed a
pregnant woman. On Nov 14 Ford Motor Co. agreed to recall more 2004 and 2005
Ranger small pickup trucks in response to the crash, because their air bags are
similar to the one that caused the woman's death.
(AP, 11/15/14)

In Malaysia 2 British medical students, Neil Dalton and Aidan
Brunger, were stabbed to death in Kuching after a quarrel in a pub with four
local men. Police arrested three of the suspects and were searching for the
(AP, 8/6/14)

Malaysia Airlines will be taken over by the country's state
investment fund and de-listed, as part of plans announced today for a "complete
overhaul" to rescue the company from oblivion after two crippling air disasters.
(AFP, 8/8/14)

A Malaysian top counter-terrorism official said police have
foiled plans for a wave of bombings drawn up by radical Islamic militants
inspired by Iraq's extremist jihad group ISIL. 19 suspected militants, arrested
from April-June, were said to be formulating plans to bomb pubs, discos and a
Malaysian brewery of Danish beer producer Carlsberg.
(AP, 8/19/14)

Malaysia Airlines said it will cut 6,000 workers as part of
a $1.9 billion overhaul to revive its damaged brand after being hit by double
passenger jet disasters.
(AP, 8/29/14)

Malaysia's national carmaker Proton launched its first small
car, hoping to bolster its fortunes after ceding ground to foreign and domestic
(AP, 9/25/14)

In Malaysia a grenade was tossed outside a night club at a
popular tourist belt in Kuala Lumpur, killing one man and wounding 12 others,
including foreigners. The pre-dawn explosion in the Bukit Bintang area was
believed to be due to a gang fight and was not a terrorist act.
(AP, 10/9/14)

Malaysian police said they have detained 14 Muslims,
including two women and a student, suspected of being linked to the militant
Islamic State group. The detentions put the number of people held for suspected
militant links to 36 since April.
(AP, 10/15/14)

Three Malaysian Muslim transgenders won a landmark court
ruling against a religious law banning them from cross-dressing in what
activists called a victory for human rights.
(AP, 11/7/14)

Researchers said a dinosaur tooth found in Malaysia is at
least 140 million years old and belongs to a new species within the
"bird-hipped" Ornithischian order.
(AFP, 11/13/14)

Malaysia's government said it will completely withdraw fuel
subsidies from next month following the plunge in global oil prices.
(AP, 11/21/14)
Malaysia's leader said that a colonial-era law curbing free
speech will be retained and strengthened, backpedaling on a pledge two years ago
to abolish the 1948 Sedition Act as part of political reforms.
(AP, 11/27/14)

Malaysia police said they have arrested 20 people in a
widening investigation into the murder of at least 18 Myanmar nationals in the
state of Penang since January. Police said twelve Myanmar migrants have
confessed to their role in nine of the murders.
(Reuters, 12/11/14)
Officials said Malaysia, parts of the Philippines, and
southern Thailand have been battered by heavy rain and flash floods in recent
days. At least 21 people were killed in Malaysia, 53 in the Philippines and 15
in Thailand.
(Reuters, 12/30/14)(AP, 12/30/14)(AP, 12/31/14)
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