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 History of Qatar (1952-2011)

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عضو فعال

عدد المساهمات : 3882
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009

History of Qatar (1952-2011) Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: History of Qatar (1952-2011)   History of Qatar (1952-2011) Icon_minitimeالسبت أكتوبر 15, 2011 3:06 pm

History of Qatar (1952-2011)

     Qatar’s Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al Thani was born. The population of Qatar at this time was under 40,000. In 1995 he ousted his father in a bloodless coup.
Qatar declared independence from Britain.
Sheik Khalifa Bin Hamad Al-Thani wrested power from his vacationing uncle. His family came from the conservative Wahhabi sect of Islam.
   The world’s biggest known gas field was discovered in Qatar. Faisal Al Suwaidi (b.1954), head of Qatargas, later began construction of Ras Lafan gas plant to liquefy the gas for export. The plant, the largest man-made structure in centuries, was to be finished in 2010.

    Arab nations in the Persian Gulf set a minimum age of 15 for camel jockeys.
Sheik Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan (1918-2004), United Arab Emirates President, urged in 5 other Arab monarchies (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia) to form the Gulf Cooperation Council. The unified economic agreement between the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council was signed on 11 November 1981 in Riyadh.
    Bahrain and Qatar had a territorial dispute over a man-made island. The dispute was settled when Saudi Arabia decreed that the island be dismantled.

      Qatar Liquefied Gas Co. (Qatargas) was founded. Its 1st sales agreement was signed in 1992 and exports began in 1997.
    Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) members (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, UAR) agreed on the creation of a two-brigade (10,000 troops) Peninsula Shield Force, based in Saudi Arabia near the Kuwaiti and Iraqi borders.
1995     Jun
In Qatar Sheik Hamad Bin Khalifa al-Thani (b.1952) ousted his father, Sheik Khalifa Bin Hamad al-Thani, as emir. Sheik Khalifa is suspected of having made off with $4 billion in the form of unpaid personal loans.
The new Emir soon abolished the information ministry that controlled newspapers and broadcasting. Sheik Hamad also gave women the right to vote and introduced satellite television.
1996        Nov
The independent Arab Al-Jazeera TV news network began operating as the 1st all-news Arabic satellite channel from Doha, Qatar. It was financed by Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, emir of Qatar. In 2002 Mohammed El-Nawawy and Adel Iskandar authored "Al-Jazeera: How the Free Arab News Network Scooped the World and Changed the Middle East."
It was reported that as many as 30% of Qatari women work. Some 6,000 graduated each year from the Univ. of Qatar.
   IslamOnline began as a student project at the Univ. of Qatar with cash from Sheika Mozah, a wife of Qatar’s emir, and with an endorsement from Egyptian-born scholar, Yussuf al-Qaradawi.

    In Qatar Abdul-rahman Al Nuaimi, a religious scholar, was arrested and imprisoned for 3 years for opposing government modernization programs.

1999        Jul
After 30 months on the air Al Jazeera broadcasts reached 22 Arab countries free of censorship.
In Jordan King Abdullah pardoned 25 Hamas members and expelled 4 of them to Qatar.
Qatari women were allowed to vote and stand as candidates for municipal councils for the 1st time.
Six Persian Gulf nations (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates) signed a regional defense pact.

Fidel Castro arrived in Syria from Qatar for a 2-day visit.

The 6-member Persian “Gulf Cooperation Council” (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAR) met in Jidda and pledged support for an int’l. coalition against terrorism.

Sep 2001
Yusuf Qaradawi (75), an Egyptian Muslim scholar living in Qatar, took part in a conference in Rome aimed at promoting Muslim-Christian dialogue.
The Al-Jazeera TV network from Qatar showed video footage of Osama bin Laden praising Allah for the Sep 11 terrorist attacks.
The Pentagon confirmed the 1st US death in Operation Freedom. Air Force Sgt. Evander Earl Andrews was killed in a fork lift accident in Qatar.
A WTO meeting was scheduled to start in Qatar. A Sep 27 blueprint called for concessions from the US, EU and Japan in opening markets for textiles, steel and agriculture.
It was reported that Nationa Security Advisor, Condoleeza Rice, and Sec. of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, had made appearances in the past week on the Al Jazeera network to repeat that the war on terrorism is not a war on Islam.
Abdullah Mubarak al-Hajiri was killed after he opened fire on US and Qatari troops guarding the Al Adid air base.
China officially joined the WTO after ministers in Qatar approved its membership. The protocol became effective on Dec 11, 2001.
In Doha, Qatar, 142 nations agreed to launch a new round of world trade (WTO) talks in negotiations that went 24 hours past the scheduled end. The centerpiece of the round was freer trade in farm goods.
Ali-al-Marri, a citizen of Qatar, was arrested in Peoria, Ill. He had reportedly entered the USA legally with his wife and five children on 10 September 2001 to pursue post-graduate studies at Bradley Univ. 18 months later, as he was on the verge of trial for credit card fraud and other charges, Pres. Bush declared him an enemy combatant and moved him into military detention. In 2008 the US Supreme Court agreed to decide whether the president may order that people seized in the US be held indefinitely and without criminal charges.

Iraq and Qatar signed a free-trade agreement to drop customs duties and ease the flow of goods between the two Arab countries, further mending relations damaged by the 1990-91 Gulf War.
A bin Laden spokesman said in audiotaped remarks from Qatar that Osama bin Laden and his No. 2 man are both alive and well and their al-Qaida network is ready to attack new U.S. targets.
In Qatar some Persian Gulf leaders opened a summit by calling for regional unity and fast inspections by U.N. experts searching for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
Al-Jazeera went live with its English-based web site, for an alternative perspective from Western media: http://english.aljazeera.net
The US moved an air operation center from Saudi Arabia to Qatar.
Qataris voted on their first permanent constitution.
Speaking to U.S. soldiers in Qatar, President Bush argued the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq was justified and pledged that "we'll reveal the truth" on Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction.
The first video image of Osama bin Laden in nearly two years was broadcast on Al-Jazeera TV.
A conference on U.S.-Islamic relations began in Qatar. Washington's support for Israel is at the root of differences between the United States and Islamic nations.
Qatar signed a $2.5 billion deal with Bechtel to begin construction of a new airport near Doha.
In Qatar Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev (51), Chechnya's exiled former president, was assassinated when a bomb blew apart his car as he left a mosque with his teenage son (13). He was wanted by Russia for terrorism and ties to al-Qaida.
Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said that three Russian intelligence agents had been arrested in Qatar on suspicion of involvement in the killing of former Chechen President Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev. Ivanov said they were innocent and demanded their release. On June 30 Qatar sentenced 2 of the Russian agents to 25 years in jail.
Qatar accused Russia of detaining two of its nationals in Moscow, after two Russians were charged with murdering a former rebel Chechen leader in Qatar.

It was reported that the Norwegian firm Hydro and Qatar's state energy company signed a deal to build one of world's largest aluminium plants in the gas-rich Gulf state at a cost of three billion dollars.
   Qatar and the UAR raised the minimum age for camel jockeys from 15 to 18.
   Qatar offered the Swiss robotics firm K-Team SA a $1.37 million contract to design a robot jockey for camel racing. A 59-pound robot was set to premier in October 2005.
Qatar Gas Transport planned the country’s largest share flotation. They recently unveiled a large LNG project with Exxon.
It was reported that major energy firms had committed $20 billion to build a new gas-to-liquids (GTL) plant in Qatar to develop the huge natural gas reserves there.
Qatar signed an agreement with Royal Dutch/Shell to develop a liquefied natural gas plant. Qatar Petroleum and Exxon Mobil launched their 12.8 billion Qatar Gas II joint venture to export LNS to the United Kingdom.
In Qatar a suicide car bomb attack on a Doha theater killed one Briton. The next day Qatar blamed an Egyptian for the attack.
Qatar's first hard look at its own human rights shortcomings produced a catalogue of abuses that include prolonged detentions, mistreatment of foreign workers and the use of children as jockeys in camel races.
2005        Mar
Sheik Saud al-Thani (38), a member of the royal family of Qatar, was arrested on allegations of misappropriating state funds and buying art for himself with money designated for Qatari museums. He was later released. Auction sales in Islamic art soon plunged.
Al-Jazeera announced plans to launch an international, a satellite channel by march, 2006, that will beam English-language news to the US, and much of the rest of the world, from its base in tiny Qatar.
Qatar promised to  donate 100 million dollars to relief efforts for the US victims of Hurricane Katrina. The funds included a $17.5 million grant to Xavier University in New Orleans, which serves mostly black Americans.
Israel called for wider meetings with Arab nations and said efforts were under way to arrange summit talks with Qatar, a day after Qatar urged the Arab world to open up to the Jewish state following its Gaza Strip withdrawal.
Tamer Yusri Yassin, who worked in Qatar and is considered the founder of a group of 14 people involved in terrorist attacks, was allegedly extradited to Egypt from Qatar. The next day Qatar denied that Yassin was extradited. Yassin was one of 14 people referred for trial by the public prosecutor this week for involvement in two Cairo bombings on April 7 and April 30, 2005.
2006        Mar
Persian Gulf stock markets suffered their 1st serious correction after years of 6-7% annual gains. Stock market reversals in Abu Dhabi and Dubai in the UAR, along with Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia triggered outrage among local small investors.
Qatar said it would give the Palestinian government $50 million in aid to help make up for a shortfall after the US and the EU cut off funding.
A Qatar newspaper reported that Qatar has frozen bilateral free trade talks with the US, saying Washington was imposing preconditions that were not in Doha's interest.
Qatar Petroleum and South Africa’s Sasol unveiled a new plant in Qatar to transform natural gas into a synthetic fuel similar to diesel by a process knows as gas-to-liquids (GTL). Sasol was also building a GTL plant in Nigeria with Chevron Texaco.
Acting on behalf of Arab nations, Qatar circulated a revised draft UN Security Council resolution demanding Israel end its offensive in the Gaza Strip and release the Palestinian officials it has arrested.
In Lebanon US civil rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson met with Hezbollah officials and called on them to show proof that two captured Israeli soldiers are still alive. A UN spokesman said Secretary-General Kofi Annan has agreed to requests by Hezbollah and Israel that he mediate in negotiations over the release of two abducted Israeli soldiers. Qatar announced that it would contribute 200 to 300 troops to the UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon, making the Persian Gulf state the first Arab country to commit soldiers to the peace effort in Lebanon.

The 15th Asian Games exploded into life in Doha, Qatar, with the most spectacular opening ceremony ever staged.

In Doha, Qatar, Midway through day five of the Asian Games, China had 67 gold medals to Japan's 18 and South Korea's 14. Kazakhstan, thanks to its shooters and weightlifters, had 10.
The MAP news agency said Qatar will invest 335 million dollars in tourist development schemes in the northern Moroccan city of Tangiers.

The oil-rich Arab states on the Persian Gulf said that they will consider starting a joint nuclear program for peaceful purposes. The six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council included Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman.

   Qatar citizens number about 150,000 of a total population of 750,000.

In Qatar Russia’s Putin and Qatari Emir Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani announced they would explore the creation of a natural gas cartel to represent the interests of producer countries. Qatar sits atop the world's single largest gas field.

Qatar's PM Sheik Abdullah bin Khalifa Al Thani resigned and the country's emir appointed the foreign minister as replacement.
Japan and Qatar stressed their solid energy partnership and agreed to launch initial negotiations on moves to stimulate Japanese investment in the Gulf state.
2007        Jun 15, The Gulf state of Qatar tightened its grip on J Sainsbury, Britain's third biggest supermarket chain, by raising its stake to 25%, sparking speculation it may launch a takeover.
In London, England, Damien Hirst’s “Lullaby spring” sold for $19.1 million, the highest price paid at auction for a work by a living artist. The work consisted of a stainless steel cabinet containing 6,136 hand-crafted and painted pills. It was purchased by Sheikha al-Mayassa al-Thani, the daughter of the emir of Qatar.
Five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor, sentenced to life in prison in Libya for allegedly infecting children with HIV, came home to Bulgaria and were greeted with tears and hugs, and a presidential pardon that allowed them to walk free after 8 1/2 years behind bars. French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Qatar mediated the release and hinted the Gulf country may have had a broader role in resolving the crisis.
Libya said the Czech Republic, Qatar and Bulgaria contributed to an international fund to support hundreds of children who contracted HIV at a Libyan hospital in the 1990s. Libya also denounced a decision by Bulgaria's president to pardon six medics from life jail terms in an AIDS case as a "betrayal" and an "illegal procedure."
Qatar's Diar real estate investment company announced it has agreed to buy phase two of the Grosvenor Waterside residential development in the upmarket London district of Chelsea.
In Qatar Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reached out to Gulf Arab states, proposing security and economic pacts free of "foreign influence" in the first appearance by an Iranian leader before a summit of a key group of Persian Gulf nations. The six-member Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) was formed shortly after the outbreak of the 1980 Iran-Iraq war, partly to counter the spread of Iran's Islamic revolution.
Qatar-based investment company IAS International said it was undertaking a series of development projects in Central African Republic worth 1.6 billion dollars.
In Qatar the consecration of the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary was held. This became Qatar’s first Roman Catholic church, ending decades of clandestine worship for tens of thousands of foreign workers. The $15 million, 2,700-seat church was built on land donated by Qatar's emir, Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani.
The Ethiopian government announced it was severing diplomatic relations with Qatar, accusing the Gulf Arab state of destabilizing the Horn of Africa region.
the 6th Doha Interfaith Dialogue Conference opened in Qatar.
More than a dozen rabbis, including two from Israel, were in attendance. This conservative Muslim sheikdom recently opened the Doha International Centre for Interfaith Dialogue, one of the Gulf's first scholarly centers dedicated to interfaith dialogue.
Lebanon's feuding factions reached a breakthrough deal, following talks in Qatar, to end the country's 18-month political stalemate. The deal gives the militant Hezbollah group and its allies veto over any government decision.
The Sudanese government army and Janjaweed militias launched new attacks in a mountainous area of south Darfur according to rebel claims made the next day. UN boss Ban Ki-moon welcomed the establishment of an Arab League panel led by Qatar that will work with the African Union and United Nations to sponsor peace talks in Sudan's Darfur region.
In Qatar the Doha Center for Media Freedom opened under the leadership of Robert Menard of France. Menard had previously led the Paris-based Reporters Without Borders.
Iran, Russia and Qatar discussed the formation of an OPEC-style cartel among some of the largest natural gas producing nations, a prospect that has unnerved energy-importing nations in Europe and the United States.
Middle East investors will own up to one third of Barclays Plc after Abu Dhabi and Qatar provided most of 7.3 billion pounds ($12.1 billion) raised by the bank to repair damage from the global financial crisis and avoid taking UK government rescue funds.
Egyptian authorities denied entry to one of Osama bin Laden's sons and put him on a plane to Qatar, becoming the third country to reject the self-proclaimed "ambassador for peace." Omar Osama bin Laden (27) and his British wife, Zaina Alsabah (52), arrived at Cairo International Airport over the weekend after he unsuccessfully tried to seek political asylum in Spain.
Qatar unveiled its new Museum of Islamic Art, designed by I.M. Pei.
Qatar based Al Jazeera launched Sharek, a website where photos and videos can be submitted for use, once verified, in Al Jazeera’s television and online reports.
In Qatar French President Nicolas Sarkozy told Sudanese President Omar al-Beshir to take action to end the conflict in Darfur.
 Qatar and Sudan set up a joint venture for investments in Sudan, which focused on developing agricultural land.
Mauritania and Qatar suspended contacts with Israel to protest the Gaza bloodshed at an Arab summit that deepened the divisions between pro-US Arab nations and their rivals in the Middle East.
Sudan's Pres. Omar al-Bashir, who is sought by an international court on charges of war crimes in Darfur, received a warm welcome in Qatar, where he will attend this week's Arab League summit.
In Qatar Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi stormed out of an Arab summit after denouncing the Saudi king and declaring himself "the dean of Arab rulers."

In Qatar Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez sought Arab support for a proposed oil-backed currency to challenge the US dollar in his latest swipe at Washington's dominance in global financial affairs.
In Illinois Ali al-Marri (43) pleaded guilty to one count of conspiring to provide material support or resources to a foreign terrorist organization. A second charge of providing material support or resources to a foreign terrorist organization was dropped. His case had sparked a legal debate over whether the government can hold terrorism suspects indefinitely. The Qatar native faced up to 15 years in prison and a $250,000 fine at his July 30 sentencing.  
Polish gas firm PGNiG announced that it had signed a deal with the Qatari firm Qatargas for the supply of one million tons of liquefied natural gas (LNG) per year.
China's special envoy to Darfur met with Sudan's President Omar al-Beshir and pledged three million dollars in humanitarian aid for the volatile region. Liu Guijin "greeted the president for the beginning of talks in Doha between the JEM and the government."
Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia signed an agreement paving the way for a monetary union and plans for a unified regional currency.
The US added six African countries to a blacklist of countries trafficking in people, and put US trading partner Malaysia back on the list. Chad, Eritrea, Niger, Mauritania, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe were added to the list in the annual report. Removed from the list were Qatar, Oman, Algeria, and Moldova.
As many as 30 people were feared dead after the MV Demas Victory capsized and quickly sank in choppy Persian Gulf waters off the Qatari capital Doha. Five crew members were rescued. The ship was carrying 9 crew, along with 24 employees of the charterer HBK Power Cleaning and two caterers working for a company hired by HBK.
A UN official said an agreement has been reached for sweeping anti-corruption reviews on how countries account for their public assets. The pact came after talks in Qatar's capital, Doha, between the United Nations, World Bank and watchdog groups.
Qatar hosted what it billed as the ceremonial launch of Darfur peace talks, but neither Sudanese government nor rebel representatives took part.
In Kuwait Gulf Arab nations put into force a monetary pact, moving a step closer toward the elusive goal of a single regional currency and greater integration between the mainly oil-rich states. The announcement was made by Kuwait's finance minister came as leaders from the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council nations were wrapping up a two-day summit in which they launched a regional electricity project. The GCC groups Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Bahrain.
Yusuf al-Qaradawi (82), an Egyptian scholar living in Qatar, authored “The Jurisprudence of Jihad.”
Humam Khalil Abu Mulal al-Balawi, the Jordanian doctor who killed 7 CIA employees in a suicide attack in Afghanistan, said in video clips broadcast posthumously today that all jihadists must attack US targets to avenge the death of Pakistani Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud. Speaking in Arabic in the video shown on al-Jazeera, the Arabic network, and Aaj, a Pakistani channel, al-Balawi noted that the Pakistani Taliban had given shelter to "emigrants" — Muslim fighters from abroad.
Qatar signed a defense pact with Iran.
In India a Hindu newspaper said India's best-known painter M.F. Husain (94), who went into exile after death threats from Hindu hardliners, has been granted Qatari citizenship, sparking new soul-searching about his persecution at home. Husain, known as the "Picasso of India," had angered hardline Hindus by portraying Hindu deities in the nude or in a sexually suggestive manner.
Qatar's PM Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem al-Thani said Arab states will respond to Israel's recent decision to expand an east Jerusalem settlement.
In Qatar a two week UN conference opened with a focus on the Atlantic bluefin tuna and other marine life in the world's overfished oceans. The 175-nation Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) discussed new proposals on regulating the trade in number of plant and animal species.
At the CITES conference in Qatar a top official with the UN wildlife agency said the world has "failed miserably" at protecting tigers in the wild, bringing an animal that is a symbol for many cultures and religions to "the verge of extinction."
At the CITES meeting in Qatar a marine conservation group, Oceana, said surging demand for shark fin soup among Asia's booming middle classes is driving many species of these big fish to the brink of extinction.
In Qatar the CITES convention said consumer appetite for caviar is pushing sturgeon to the brink of extinction. Fishing nations led by Japan rejected a US backed proposal to ban export of the Atlantic bluefin tuna. A proposal to ban the int’l. sale of polar bear skins also failed to pass.
Conservationists at the CITES meeting in Qatar said the Internet has emerged as one of the greatest threats to rare species, fueling the illegal wildlife trade and making it easier to buy everything from live baby lions to wine made from tiger bones.
At the CITES convention in Qatar Asian nations blocked US-backed proposals to protect the heavily fished hammerhead and oceanic whitetip sharks on concerns that regulating the booming trade in fins could hurt poor coastal nations.
In Qatar the CITES UN wildlife meeting rejected efforts to regulate the trade in overfished porbeagle sharks, reversing an earlier ruling at the conference and leaving none of the proposed shark species with protection. Asia nations managed to reopen the debate on the final day of the conference and voted to kill the proposal.
It was reported that Egyptian billionaire Mohamed Al Fayed has sold luxury London department store Harrods to Qatar Holding, the Gulf royal family's investment arm.
The UN General Assembly approved all 14 candidates for the 14 seats on the 47-member Human Rights Council. Human rights groups criticized the poor human rights records 7 of the candidates: Angola, Libya, Malaysia, Mauritania, Qatar, Thailand and Uganda.
A group of 91 Israelis, wounded by Hezbollah rockets during the 2006 war, sued the Arab news network Al-Jazeera for $1.2 billion in a New York court for allegedly aiding the Lebanese guerrillas. The suit claimed the Qatar-based news network intentionally violated Israel's military censorship regulations and reported the precise locations of rocket strikes in Israel in live broadcasts during the monthlong 2006 war.
Qatar's PM Sheik Hamad bin Jassem Al Thani said the Arab nations have endorsed direct Palestinian talks with the Israelis but left the timing to the Palestinians themselves.

Qatar's emir made a high-profile visit to south Lebanon, a Hezbollah stronghold destroyed in a 2006 war with Israel and whose rebuilding the emirate is helping finance.
Philippine authorities at Manila's airport found a newborn baby in a garbage bag that was apparently unloaded from an airplane that landed from the Middle East. On Sep 16 Rep. Lani Mercado said she met with the mother, who told her that she had been raped by her employer while working as a maid in Qatar and became pregnant.
Morocco’s communications ministry said it has suspended the operations of the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera television news channel in Rabat and withdrawn the accreditations of its staff. A government official who declined to be named said the authorities took exception to the way Al-Jazeera handles the issues of Islamists and Western Sahara.
Egypt's Orascom Telecom said it is selling its entire 50% stake in its Tunisian subsidiary to Qatar Telecom in a deal valued at $1.2 billion.
Qatar was selected as host of the 2022 World Cup, beating out a bid by the United States to bring soccer's showcase back to America for the first time since 1994.
Leaders of six US-allied Gulf Arab nations, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), said they were monitoring with "utmost concern" developments in Iran's disputed nuclear program and issued a thinly veiled warning to their Persian neighbor not to meddle in their internal affairs. The 2-day gathering of leaders from the Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman followed the publication of leaked US diplomatic memos that revealed deeper concern among Gulf Arab leaders over Tehran's nuclear program than had previously been known.
Iran and Qatar pledged to cooperate for greater regional security during a visit to Tehran by Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, the emir of the tiny but energy-rich Gulf state.
In Qatar Mathaf, the first Arab Museum of Modern Art, opened.
In Qatar an anti-corruption tribunal of the International Cricket Council banned former Pakistan captain Salman Butt for ten years, Mohammad Asif for seven years and Mohammad Aamer for five years for their role in a spot-fixing betting scam.
Abdul Rahman bin Hamad al-Attiyah, secretary general of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council, underscored the commitment of Qatar and the UAR to the international military coalition striking Libya but stressed the mission seeks only to protect civilians.

US President  Obama, seeking to shore up participation and clarify leadership of the military attacks on Libyan forces, spoke with Turkish and Qatari leaders.

Qatar flew its first sortie after joining the forces of 10 other nations enforcing the no-fly zone over Libya.
A Libyan rebel official said a plan to sell rebel-held oil to buy weapons and other supplies has been reached with Qatar.
Libyan rebels along the eastern front line pleaded again for more NATO airstrikes and expressed hope that political developments will allow them to advance on Moammar Gadhafi's territory. Top Western and Arab envoys gathered in Qatar's capital to discuss ways to end the Libyan crisis. Members of the Transitional National Council addressed the contact group as an alternative voice for Libya's people.
A Qatari state-controlled gas producer said it has agreed to send Japan more than 60 extra tanker shipments of liquefied natural gas to help power the Asian nation in the wake of its tsunami disaster.
In Libya NATO planes pounded government weapons depots southeast of the town of Zintan, in a sign of widening conflict in the Western Mountains region as rebels battled to unseat Muammar Gaddafi. Rebels were reported to have found a way to access badly needed cash, selling oil worth $100 million paid for through a Qatari bank in US dollars.

The Gulf Co-operation Council (Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE) said it welcomed Jordan’s request to join the 6-member group. Jordan had first applied for membership in the mid-1980s. The GCC said it would encourage Morocco to also join.

Qatar pulled out of an effort to mediate an end to Yemen's political crisis, blaming the country's embattled president for the impasse and potentially leaving his regime even more isolated among his neighbors.

Missing journalist Dorothy Parvaz, who was held by Iranian authorities after being detained in Syria, arrived in her company's home base of Qatar after winning her freedom.

In Syria the Qatari embassy in Damascus suspended operations due to recent protests outside the embassy against Al-Jazeera's coverage of the Syrian uprising. Al-Jazeera is based in Qatar. Security forces in Homs killed 10 people in raids.

Asian football supremo Mohamed bin Hammam (62) was banned from the game for life after being found guilty of corruption following a two-day hearing of FIFA's ethics committee. The Qatari president of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC), had been accused of trying to buy votes in the FIFA presidential election with $40,000 cash gifts to Caribbean football officials.

Egyptian security officials raided the Cairo office of Al Jazeera, roughing up staff and confiscating equipment. This was the second raid this month by authorities complaining the station is operating without permits.

       The population of Qatar numbered about 1.7 million with a GDP per person of $80,000. Fewer than one in 7 was a native born citizen.

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History of Qatar (1952-2011)
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