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التاريخ والجغرافيا وتحليل الأحداث
الرئيسيةالرئيسية  أحدث الصورأحدث الصور  التسجيلالتسجيل  دخولدخول  


 أهم أحداث الألف الخامسة قبل الميلاد

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عضو فعال

عدد المساهمات : 3882
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009

أهم أحداث الألف الخامسة قبل الميلاد Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: أهم أحداث الألف الخامسة قبل الميلاد   أهم أحداث الألف الخامسة قبل الميلاد Icon_minitimeالخميس أغسطس 04, 2011 8:59 am

من سنة 4999 ق م  
حتي سنة 4000 ق م
الصين :
تواجد زراعة  الأرز وحبوب الدخن التي زرعها الإنسان وأدوات زراعية في أطلال خمودو في يويتاو بمقاطعة تشجيانغ وبانبوه في شيآن بمقاطعة شنشي
عثر عليها الآثاريون وقدروا تاريخها  إلى الفترة  ما قبل 7000 – 6000 عام.
من سنة 4800 ق م  
حتي سنة 4600 ق م

تم بناء أكثر من 150 معبد ضخم  في تلك الفترة في حقول ومدن ألمانيا والنمسا وسلوفاكيا
استطاع المنقبون الكشف عن وجودها تحت الأرض  مؤخراً بالتديد في الفترة 2002-2005
وتم استكشاف قرية عند إيثرا قرب ليبزيج بألمانيا الشرقية كانت مأوي 300 شخص يعيشون في عشرين مبني كبير حول المعبد
More than 150 large temples, constructed between during this period, were unearthed in fields and cities in Germany, Austria and Slovakia in 2002-2005. A village at Aythra, near Leipzig in eastern Germany, was home to some 300 people living in up to 20 large buildings around the temple.
(AP, 6/12/05).
4713   ق م
The most recent time that the three major chronological cycles (28 year solar, 19 year lunar, and 15 year Roman Indication) began on the same day as determined by Joseph Scaliger in 1582.
(CFA, '96,Vol 179, p.23)
4500    ق م
عمان :
سكان شمال عمان بدأ لديهم تقليد استعمال السيراميك

4500    ق م -  
استئناس الخيول في أوكرانيا بعدما اكتشف الصياد الذي كان يصيد الفرس ليأكلها  إمكانية حلبها لشرب لبنها وإمكان ترويضها علي أن يمتطي الصياد ظهرهاللتحرك  حيثما شاء
حوالي 4500 ق.م.
جنوب شرق أوربا يصبح مركزاً لإنتاج المشغولات الذهبية والنحاسية.
4500 – 3500
ق.م. عصر النحاس المبكر في أوربا.

من سنة 4500 ق م  
حتي سنة4200  ق م

The Skorba phase on Malta was marked by a growing population, with increased forest clearance for agriculture and grazing that may have led to erosion. Obsidian on Malta from the islands of Lipari and Panteleria indicate links to the outside world.
(AM, Jul/Aug '97 p.40)
من سنة 4500 ق م  
حتي سنة2000 ق م

A sacrificial dump in Guanghan, Sichuan Province, in China was uncovered in 1976. Large quantities of elephants tusks reveal that elephants roamed the area. Human figures, monster masks, and tree fragments made of bronze tubes were also found.


4431 BC
Timbers of a possible ship of this time were found off Hayling Island near Portsmouth, England, in 1997. The structure might also have been a causeway.
(AM, Jul/Aug '97 p.13)

من  ٤٢٠٠   ق م. الى. ٣٨٠٠   ق م
انشاء مقابر جماعية في مالطة
On Malta the Zebbug phase indicated evidence of collective burials.
(AM, Jul/Aug '97 p.40)

4241                 ق م
إنشاء التقويم المصري  
Establishment of  Egyptian Calendar .

4004BC Oct 23,
According to 17th century divine James Ussher, Archbishop of Armagh, and Dr. John Lightfoot of Cambridge, the world was created on this day, a Sunday, at 9 a.m. "If you grew up with the King James edition of the Bible that I did, you learned that the world was created in 4004 BC."
(NG, Nov. 1985, edit. p.559)(HN, 10/23/98)

ق م 4000
نزوح الكنعانيين من شبه الجزيرة العربية إلى فلسطين (أرض كنعان).
People in the Yellow River Valley switched from hunting and gathering to agriculture.
(SFC, 3/4/02, p.A3)
Apples (Malus Sieversii) similar to modern day varieties began to appear around Almaty, Kazakhstan. These ultimately produced the Red Delicious and Golden Delicious in America. The Red Delicious was hybridized into the Fuji and the Empire. The Golden Delicious was hybridized into the Gala, the Jonagold, the Mutsu, Pink Lady and Elstar.
(WSJ, 7/3/03, p.A1)
The Hittites settled around Cappadocia in present day Turkey.
(Smith., 5/95, p.25)
Skilled goldsmiths [proto-Thracians] lived in the area of Varna, now in Bulgaria, on the Black Sea.
(SFEC, 2/1/98, p.T3)(SFEC, 8/2/98, DB p.22)

Stone tablets show cheese as early as this time.
(HFA, '96, p.121)
Evidence of tuberculosis was found in a Neolithic burial ground near Heidelberg, where the skeleton of a young man showed fusion of the fourth and fifth dorsal vertebrae.
(WP, 1951, p.5)
Circumcision was part of religious rites in Egypt and Greece dating back to this time.
(SFC, 5/19/96, p.A-10)
In Malta the Hypogeum, a complex of rock-cut chamber tombs, dated to this time. They were discovered in 1902.
(SFEC, 9/17/00, p.T3)

The Orkney Islands were inhabited at least since this time.
(SFEM, 10/10/99, p.23)

In Poland the archeological site at Oslonki uncovered some 30 longhouses and 80 graves.
(AM, Mar/Apr 97 p.73)
Chiefdoms of northern Europe were trading in amber.
(PacDis, Winter/'97, p.10)
The comet Hale-Bopp visited the inner solar system about this time. It next appeared in 1997.
(SFC, 3/28/97, p.A2)
The Pistol Star, located between the Earth and center of the Milky Way, was first seen with infrared equipment in the early 1990s. It was measured to be 25,000 light-years away with a radius of 93-140 million miles. It was estimated to have formed 1-3 million years ago and shed much of its mass in violent eruptions estimated to have occurred about 6,000 years ago.
(USAT, 10/8/97, p.3A)
The last wooly mammoths, Mammuthus primigenius, went extinct on Wrangel Island, north of the Arctic Circle.
(NH, 12/98, p.78)
The Indo-European language group divided into different branches.
(DrEE, 9/21/96, p.1)
A rock painting from this time in Tassili n'Ajjer, southeastern Algeria, illustrates a battle between 2 prehistoric groups armed with bows and arrows.
(NH, Jul, p.29)

Southern Britain was settled by emigrants from what is now the Netherlands and the French province of Brittany. They started farming, herding and burying their dead and are called the "beaker people" after a distinctive drinking vessel found in chambered mounds called "barrows." It is speculated that these people and their descendants began worshiping inside "henges," circular areas enclosed by big ditches and small banks of dirt. Four phases of development at Stonehenge in the Salisbury plain have been defined.
(HT, 3/97, p.20,22)

في حدود 4000 ق.م
كان الأكاديون يسكنون مناطق الربع الخالي شمال عمان وفي حدود 4000ق.م هاجر الأكاديون إلى العراق، في حين من بقى منهم بالربع الخالي المعروفين تاريخاً باسم الشحره هاجروا إلى أرض ظفار واختلطوا مع الفيديد الهنود وتعلم الهنود لغة الشحره.
في حدود 4000 ق.م
هجرة المعينيين الثموديين من موطنهم بالربع الخالي  إلى شمال اليمن واقاموا مملكة معين
تعقيب : فيما بعد هاجر قسم اخر منهم إلى الحجاز واقاموا مملكة تابعة في مدينة الحجر مملكة ديدان وكانوا ينحتون الجبال.

وقد ورد اسم قبيلة ثمد/ثمود/ثمادي على ان المعينيين ينتمون إلى هذه القبيلة.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عضو فعال

عدد المساهمات : 3882
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009

أهم أحداث الألف الخامسة قبل الميلاد Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: أهم أحداث الألف الخامسة قبل الميلاد   أهم أحداث الألف الخامسة قبل الميلاد Icon_minitimeالخميس أغسطس 04, 2011 9:06 am

من سنة 4999 ق م  
حتي سنة 4000 ق م
الصين :
تواجد زراعة  الأرز وحبوب الدخن التي زرعها الإنسان وأدوات زراعية في أطلال خمودو في يويتاو بمقاطعة تشجيانغ وبانبوه في شيآن بمقاطعة شنشي
عثر عليها الآثاريون وقدروا تاريخها  إلى الفترة  ما قبل 7000 – 6000 عام.
من سنة 4800 ق م  
حتي سنة 4600 ق م

تم بناء أكثر من 150 معبد ضخم  في تلك الفترة في حقول ومدن ألمانيا والنمسا وسلوفاكيا
استطاع المنقبون الكشف عن وجودها تحت الأرض  مؤخراً بالتحديد في الفترة 2002-2005
وتم استكشاف قرية عند إيثرا قرب ليبزيج بألمانيا الشرقية كانت مأوي 300 شخص يعيشون في عشرين مبني كبير حول المعبد
More than 150 large temples, constructed between during this period, were unearthed in fields and cities in Germany, Austria and Slovakia in 2002-2005. A village at Aythra, near Leipzig in eastern Germany, was home to some 300 people living in up to 20 large buildings around the temple.
(AP, 6/12/05)

من سنة 4999 ق م  
حتي سنة 4000 ق م
الصين :
تواجد زراعة  الأرز وحبوب الدخن التي زرعها الإنسان وأدوات زراعية في أطلال خمودو في يويتاو بمقاطعة تشجيانغ وبانبوه في شيآن بمقاطعة شنشي
عثر عليها الآثاريون وقدروا تاريخها  إلى الفترة  ما قبل 7000 – 6000 عام.
من سنة 4800 ق م  
حتي سنة 4600 ق م

تم بناء أكثر من 150 معبد ضخم  في تلك الفترة في حقول ومدن ألمانيا والنمسا وسلوفاكيا
استطاع المنقبون الكشف عن وجودها تحت الأرض  مؤخراً بالتديد في الفترة 2002-2005
وتم استكشاف قرية عند إيثرا قرب ليبزيج بألمانيا الشرقية كانت مأوي 300 شخص يعيشون في عشرين مبني كبير حول المعبد
More than 150 large temples, constructed between during this period, were unearthed in fields and cities in Germany, Austria and Slovakia in 2002-2005. A village at Aythra, near Leipzig in eastern Germany, was home to some 300 people living in up to 20 large buildings around the temple.
(AP, 6/12/05)
4713 ق م
The most recent time that the three major chronological cycles (28 year solar, 19 year lunar, and 15 year Roman Indication) began on the same day as determined by Joseph Scaliger in 1582.
(CFA, '96,Vol 179, p.23)
4500  ق م
فى عمان :
سكان شمال عمان بدأ لديهم تقليد استعمال السيراميك
4500  ق م
استئناس الخيول في أوكرانيا بعدما اكتشف الصياد الذي كان يصيد الفرس ليأكلها  إمكانية حلبها لشرب لبنها وإمكان ترويضها علي أن يمتطي الصياد ظهرها للتحرك  حيثما شاء
حوالي 4500 ق.م.
جنوب شرق أوربا يصبح مركزاً لإنتاج المشغولات الذهبية والنحاسية.
4500 – 3500. ق. م
ق.م. عصر النحاس المبكر في أوربا.

من سنة 4500 ق م  
حتي سنة4200  ق م

The Skorba phase on Malta was marked by a growing population, with increased forest clearance for agriculture and grazing that may have led to erosion. Obsidian on Malta from the islands of Lipari and Panteleria indicate links to the outside world.
(AM, Jul/Aug '97 p.40)
من سنة 4500 ق م  
حتي سنة2000 ق م

A sacrificial dump in Guanghan, Sichuan Province, in China was uncovered in 1976. Large quantities of elephants tusks reveal that elephants roamed the area. Human figures, monster masks, and tree fragments made of bronze tubes were also found.


4431 ق م
Timbers of a possible ship of this time were found off Hayling Island near Portsmouth, England, in 1997. The structure might also have been a causeway.
(AM, Jul/Aug '97 p.13)

4200   ق م
3800 ق م
إنشاء مدافن جماعية في مالطة
On Malta the Zebbug phase indicated evidence of collective burials.
(AM, Jul/Aug '97 p.40)

4241 ق م
إنشاء التقويم المصري  
Establishment of  Egyptian Calendar .

23-10-4004     ق م

According to 17th century divine James Ussher, Archbishop of Armagh, and Dr. John Lightfoot of Cambridge, the world was created on this day, a Sunday, at 9 a.m. "If you grew up with the King James edition of the Bible that I did, you learned that the world was created in 4004 BC."
(NG, Nov. 1985, edit. p.559)(HN, 10/23/98)

ق م 4000
نزوح الكنعانيين من شبه الجزيرة العربية إلى فلسطين (أرض كنعان).
People in the Yellow River Valley switched from hunting and gathering to agriculture.
(SFC, 3/4/02, p.A3)
Apples (Malus Sieversii) similar to modern day varieties began to appear around Almaty, Kazakhstan. These ultimately produced the Red Delicious and Golden Delicious in America. The Red Delicious was hybridized into the Fuji and the Empire. The Golden Delicious was hybridized into the Gala, the Jonagold, the Mutsu, Pink Lady and Elstar.
(WSJ, 7/3/03, p.A1)
The Hittites settled around Cappadocia in present day Turkey.
(Smith., 5/95, p.25)
Skilled goldsmiths [proto-Thracians] lived in the area of Varna, now in Bulgaria, on the Black Sea.
(SFEC, 2/1/98, p.T3)(SFEC, 8/2/98, DB p.22)

Stone tablets show cheese as early as this time.
(HFA, '96, p.121)
Evidence of tuberculosis was found in a Neolithic burial ground near Heidelberg, where the skeleton of a young man showed fusion of the fourth and fifth dorsal vertebrae.
(WP, 1951, p.5)
Circumcision was part of religious rites in Egypt and Greece dating back to this time.
(SFC, 5/19/96, p.A-10)
In Malta the Hypogeum, a complex of rock-cut chamber tombs, dated to this time. They were discovered in 1902.
(SFEC, 9/17/00, p.T3)

The Orkney Islands were inhabited at least since this time.
(SFEM, 10/10/99, p.23)

In Poland the archeological site at Oslonki uncovered some 30 longhouses and 80 graves.
(AM, Mar/Apr 97 p.73)
Chiefdoms of northern Europe were trading in amber.
(PacDis, Winter/'97, p.10)

The comet Hale-Bopp visited the inner solar system about this time. It next appeared in 1997.
(SFC, 3/28/97, p.A2)
The Pistol Star, located between the Earth and center of the Milky Way, was first seen with infrared equipment in the early 1990s. It was measured to be 25,000 light-years away with a radius of 93-140 million miles. It was estimated to have formed 1-3 million years ago and shed much of its mass in violent eruptions estimated to have occurred about 6,000 years ago.
(USAT, 10/8/97, p.3A)
The last wooly mammoths, Mammuthus primigenius, went extinct on Wrangel Island, north of the Arctic Circle.
(NH, 12/98, p.78)
The Indo-European language group divided into different branches.
(DrEE, 9/21/96, p.1)
A rock painting from this time in Tassili n'Ajjer, southeastern Algeria, illustrates a battle between 2 prehistoric groups armed with bows and arrows.
(NH, Jul, p.29)

Southern Britain was settled by emigrants from what is now the Netherlands and the French province of Brittany. They started farming, herding and burying their dead and are called the "beaker people" after a distinctive drinking vessel found in chambered mounds called "barrows." It is speculated that these people and their descendants began worshiping inside "henges," circular areas enclosed by big ditches and small banks of dirt. Four phases of development at Stonehenge in the Salisbury plain have been defined.
(HT, 3/97, p.20,22)

في حدود 4000 ق.م
كان الأكاديون يسكنون مناطق الربع الخالي شمال عمان وفي حدود 4000ق.م هاجر الأكاديون إلى العراق، في حين من بقى منهم بالربع الخالي المعروفين تاريخاً باسم الشحره هاجروا إلى أرض ظفار واختلطوا مع الفيديد الهنود وتعلم الهنود لغة الشحره.
في حدود 4000 ق.م

هجرة المعينيين الثموديين من موطنهم بالربع الخالي  إلى شمال اليمن واقاموا مملكة معين
تعقيب : فيما بعد هاجر قسم اخر منهم إلى الحجاز واقاموا مملكة تابعة في مدينة الحجر مملكة ديدان وكانوا ينحتون الجبال.

وقد ورد اسم قبيلة ثمد/ثمود/ثمادي على ان المعينيين ينتمون إلى هذه القبيلة.

The most recent time that the three major chronological cycles (28 year solar, 19 year lunar, and 15 year Roman Indication) began on the same day as determined by Joseph Scaliger in 1582.
(CFA, '96,Vol 179, p.23)

من سنة 4500 ق م  
حتي سنة4200  ق م

The Skorba phase on Malta was marked by a growing population, with increased forest clearance for agriculture and grazing that may have led to erosion. Obsidian on Malta from the islands of Lipari and Panteleria indicate links to the outside world.
(AM, Jul/Aug '97 p.40)
من سنة 4500 ق م  
حتي سنة2000 ق م

A sacrificial dump in Guanghan, Sichuan Province, in China was uncovered in 1976. Large quantities of elephants tusks reveal that elephants roamed the area. Human figures, monster masks, and tree fragments made of bronze tubes were also found.


4431 BC
Timbers of a possible ship of this time were found off Hayling Island near Portsmouth, England, in 1997. The structure might also have been a causeway.
(AM, Jul/Aug '97 p.13)

4200   ق م

On Malta the Zebbug phase indicated evidence of collective burials.
(AM, Jul/Aug '97 p.40)

4241    ق م

إنشاء التقويم المصري  
Establishment of  Egyptian Calendar .

4004BC Oct 23
٢٣-١٠- ٤٠٠٤ق م
According to 17th century divine James Ussher, Archbishop of Armagh, and Dr. John Lightfoot of Cambridge, the world was created on this day, a Sunday, at 9 a.m. "If you grew up with the King James edition of the Bible that I did, you learned that the world was created in 4004 BC."
(NG, Nov. 1985, edit. p.559)(HN, 10/23/98)

ق م 4000
نزوح الكنعانيين من شبه الجزيرة العربية إلى فلسطين (أرض كنعان).
People in the Yellow River Valley switched from hunting and gathering to agriculture.
(SFC, 3/4/02, p.A3)
Apples (Malus Sieversii) similar to modern day varieties began to appear around Almaty, Kazakhstan. These ultimately produced the Red Delicious and Golden Delicious in America. The Red Delicious was hybridized into the Fuji and the Empire. The Golden Delicious was hybridized into the Gala, the Jonagold, the Mutsu, Pink Lady and Elstar.
(WSJ, 7/3/03, p.A1)
The Hittites settled around Cappadocia in present day Turkey.
(Smith., 5/95, p.25)
Skilled goldsmiths [proto-Thracians] lived in the area of Varna, now in Bulgaria, on the Black Sea.
(SFEC, 2/1/98, p.T3)(SFEC, 8/2/98, DB p.22)

Stone tablets show cheese as early as this time.
(HFA, '96, p.121)
Evidence of tuberculosis was found in a Neolithic burial ground near Heidelberg, where the skeleton of a young man showed fusion of the fourth and fifth dorsal vertebrae.
(WP, 1951, p.5)
Circumcision was part of religious rites in Egypt and Greece dating back to this time.
(SFC, 5/19/96, p.A-10)
c 4000BC
In Malta the Hypogeum, a complex of rock-cut chamber tombs, dated to this time. They were discovered in 1902.
(SFEC, 9/17/00, p.T3)

The Orkney Islands were inhabited at least since this time.
(SFEM, 10/10/99, p.23)

In Poland the archeological site at Oslonki uncovered some 30 longhouses and 80 graves.
(AM, Mar/Apr 97 p.73)
Chiefdoms of northern Europe were trading in amber.
(PacDis, Winter/'97, p.10)
The comet Hale-Bopp visited the inner solar system about this time. It next appeared in 1997.
(SFC, 3/28/97, p.A2)
The Pistol Star, located between the Earth and center of the Milky Way, was first seen with infrared equipment in the early 1990s. It was measured to be 25,000 light-years away with a radius of 93-140 million miles. It was estimated to have formed 1-3 million years ago and shed much of its mass in violent eruptions estimated to have occurred about 6,000 years ago.
(USAT, 10/8/97, p.3A)
The last wooly mammoths, Mammuthus primigenius, went extinct on Wrangel Island, north of the Arctic Circle.
(NH, 12/98, p.78)
The Indo-European language group divided into different branches.
(DrEE, 9/21/96, p.1)
A rock painting from this time in Tassili n'Ajjer, southeastern Algeria, illustrates a battle between 2 prehistoric groups armed with bows and arrows.
(NH, Jul, p.29)

Southern Britain was settled by emigrants from what is now the Netherlands and the French province of Brittany. They started farming, herding and burying their dead and are called the "beaker people" after a distinctive drinking vessel found in chambered mounds called "barrows." It is speculated that these people and their descendants began worshiping inside "henges," circular areas enclosed by big ditches and small banks of dirt. Four phases of development at Stonehenge in the Salisbury plain have been defined.
(HT, 3/97, p.20,22)

في حدود 4000 ق.م
كان الأكاديون يسكنون مناطق الربع الخالي شمال عمان وفي حدود 4000ق.م هاجر الأكاديون إلى العراق، في حين من بقى منهم بالربع الخالي المعروفين تاريخاً باسم الشحره هاجروا إلى أرض ظفار واختلطوا مع الفيديد الهنود وتعلم الهنود لغة الشحره.
في حدود 4000 ق.م

هجرة المعينيين الثموديين من موطنهم بالربع الخالي  إلى شمال اليمن واقاموا مملكة معين
تعقيب : فيما بعد هاجر قسم اخر منهم إلى الحجاز واقاموا مملكة تابعة في مدينة الحجر مملكة ديدان وكانوا ينحتون الجبال.

وقد ورد اسم قبيلة ثمد/ثمود/ثمادي على ان المعينيين ينتمون إلى هذه القبيلة.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أهم أحداث الألف الخامسة قبل الميلاد
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» أهم أحداث الألف الرابعة قبل الميلاد
» أهم أحداث الألف الرابعة قبل الميلاد - رابط مناقلة
» تاريخ أمريكا الجنوبية قبل الميلاد
» موجز تاريخ إيطاليا قبل الميلاد
» مراحل الهند أو تقسيم تاريخ الهند

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