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التاريخ والجغرافيا وتحليل الأحداث
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 أحداث 30 أبريل

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 3574
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/09/2008

أحداث 30 أبريل Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: أحداث 30 أبريل   أحداث 30 أبريل Icon_minitimeالإثنين نوفمبر 08, 2010 8:56 am

أحداث 30 أبريل :

موت (جايوس ماكسيموس )، امبراطور روما
Roman emperor Licinius unifies the entire Eastern Roman Empire under his rule.

نزول الفاتح العربي ( طارق بن زياد ) على شواطئ الأندلس وإحراقه سفن الجيش.
(توفي طارق بن زياد نحو عام 720)
Supernova SN 1006, the brightest supernova in recorded history, appears in the constellation Lupus.
Enguerrand de Marigny is hanged on the public gallows at Montfaucon.
Spain gives Christopher Columbus his commission of exploration.
طرد اليهود من أسبانيا بأمر من الملك ( تشارلز الرابع )
ملحوظة : كان اليهود يتمتعون بحقوقهم في ظل الدولة الإسلامية في الأندلس التي ظلت قائمة بأسبانيا حتى عام 1493

موت سيجموند الثالث، ملك السويد، عن 65 عاماً
1671-4-30 Petar Zrinski, the Croatian Ban from the Zrinski family, is executed.
Yellow Creek massacre, British settlers (soon to be American settlers) massacre family members of Chief Logan and spark off the conflict known as Lord Dunmore's War
تنصييب جورج واشنطن كأول رئيس للولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
On the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York City, George Washington takes the oath of office to become the first elected President of the United States.
George Washington gives first presidential inaugural address
On this day in 1789, George Washington is sworn in as the first American president and delivers the first inaugural speech at Federal Hall in New York City. Elements of the ceremony set tradition; presidential inaugurations have deviated little in the two centuries since Washington’s inauguration.
In front of 10,000 spectators, Washington appeared in a plain brown broadcloth suit holding a ceremonial army sword. At 6’ 3”, Washington presented an impressive and solemn figure as he took the oath of office standing on the second balcony of Federal Hall. With Vice President John Adams standing beside him, Washington repeated the words prompted by Chancellor Robert R. Livingston, kissed the bible and then went to the Senate chamber to deliver his inaugural address.
Observers noted that Washington appeared as if he would have preferred facing cannon and musket fire to taking the political helm of the country. He fidgeted, with his hand in one pocket, and spoke in a low, sometimes inaudible voice while he reiterated the mixed emotions of anxiety and honor he felt in assuming the role of president. For the most part, his address consisted of generalities, but he directly addressed the need for a strong Constitution and Bill of Rights and frequently emphasized the “public good.” He told the House of Representatives that he declined to be paid beyond “such actual expenditures as the public good may be thought to require.” In deference to the power of Congress, Washington promised to “give way to my entire confidence in your discernment and pursuit of the public good.”
After delivering his address, Washington walked up Broadway with a group of legislators and local political leaders to pray at St. Paul’s Chapel. Later, he made the humble and astute observation that his presidency, and the nation itself, was “an experiment
The Battle of Boulou is fought, in which French forces defeated the Spanish under General Union.
Louisiana Purchase: The United States purchases the Louisiana Territory from France for $15 million, more than doubling the size of the young nation.
تم شراء الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ولاية لويزيانا من فرنسا، والتي أصبحت سنة 1812 الولاية الثامنة عشر في الاتحاد الأمريكي

في30-4-1803، ممثلو الولايات المتّحدةِ وفرنسا النابليونية أنهوا المفاوضات لشراءِ لويزيانا , وهو صفقة بيع أرضِ هائلة المساحة ضاعفت حجمَ الجمهوريةِ الأمريكيةِ الناشئة
اقليم لويزيانا شَمل أرض معظم ارض الولايات بشكلها الحالي فيما بين نهر ميسيسيبي وجبال روكي بإستثناء تكساس،و أجزاء من نيو مكسيكو، وجيوب مِنْ الأرضِ تَحْتَ سَيْطَرَة الولايات المتّحدةِ.

معاهدة رسمية لشراء لويزيانا،مؤرخة سلفا لتاريخ 30أبريل جري توقيعها بعد يومين.

في 1801، إسبانيا وقّعتْ معاهدة سرية مَع فرنسا لإرْجاع لويزيانا إلى فرنسا سبّبتْ عدم الإرتياح في الولايات المتّحدةِ لأنه منذ أواخر 1780،كان المستوطنون الامريكان يتحركون للغرب في أوهايو ووديان نهر تينيسي
هؤلاء المستوطنين كَانوا يعتمدون بشدّة على الوصول الحر إلى نهر ميسيسيبي والميناء الإستراتيجي (نيو أورلينز).
المسؤولون الأمريكان خَافوا ان فرنسا الجديدة بزعامة نابليون بونابرت ستحاول قريباً أَنْ تسيطرَ على نهرِ ميسيسيبي وتجاور خليج المكسيك.

الرّئيس توماس جيفرسون صرّحَ في رسالته إلى روبرت ليفنجستن، الوزير الأمريكي إلى فرنسا، "في اليوم الذي تأخذ فيه فرنسا نيو أورلينز. .يتوجب علينا أَنْ نَزوّجَ أنفسنا إلى الأسطول والأمة البريطانيينِ"

وجري اصدار أمر الي ليفنجستون للتَفَاوُض مَع الوزير تشارلز موريس دي تاليران لشراءِ نيو أورلينز

فرنسا كَانتْ بطيئةَ في السَيْطَرَة على لويزيانا،

لكن في 1802 السلطات الاسبانية ،على ما يبدو تحت ضغط أوامر فرنسيةِ، ألغت المعاهدة الإسبانية الأمريكية التي مَنحتْ الأمريكان الحقَّ في تخزين السلعِ في نيو أورليانز.

كرد فعل، أرسلَ الرّئيسَ جيفرسون السياسي جيمس مونرو (الذي صار رئيساً فيما بعد) إلى باريس لمُسَاعَدَة ليفنجستون في مفاوضات شراءِ نيو أورليانز

في 11-4-1803 اليوم السابق لوصول مونرو، فَاجأَ تاليران ليفنجستون بتساؤل عن المبلغ الذي ستدفعه الولايات المتحدة لفرنسا مقابل شراء اقليم لويزيانا كله.

ماأسباب هذا العرض ببيع لويزيانا من نابليون للأمريكان؟؟
المعتَقدُ أنها عدة أسباب هي :
فشلَ فرنسا في اخماد ثورة العبيد في هايتي
- الحرب الوشيكة مع بريطانيا
-ربما كان هناك حصار الأسطول الملكي لفرنسا،
- صعوبات مالية للحكومة الفرنسية
تَحرّكتْ المفاوضاتُ بسرعة شديدة، وفي 30-4-1803 وافق المبعوثون الأمريكيون من الولايات المتّحدة علي شراء أرضِ لويزيانا، ومساحتها حوالي 828,000 ميل مربع مقابل دفع مبلغ 11,250,000$ إلي فرنسا وتخصيص مبلغ 3,750,000$ لسداد (دعاوي مواطني لويزيانا المتضررين من الصفقة ضدّ فرنسا)

في أكتوبر1803م صادّقَ الكونجرسَ علي صفقة الشراءَ
في ديسمبر 1803 قامت فرنسا بتسليم السلطة رسمياً على المنطقةِ إلى الولايات المتّحدة.

صفقة إمتلاك الولايات المتحدة لأرضِ لويزيانا كانت صفقةِ رائعة حيث ثمن الهكتار كان أقل مِنْ ثلاثة سنتاتِ َاعتب أنه أهم انجاز للرئيس توماس جيفيرسون

التمدد الأمريكي للغرب في الأراضي الجديدةِ بَدأ علي الفور
، وفي 1804 تم تأسيس حكومة اقليمية بالاقليم

بعد تسع سَنَواتِ من إتفاقيةِ شراءِ لويزيانا قي 30-4-1812 جري اقتطاع جزء من الاقليم باسم ولاية لويزيانا وضمه لاتحاد الولايات الأمريكية تحت اسم ولاية لويزيانا -- وإعترف بها الإتحاد كالولاية الأمريكية الثامنة عَشَرة.
وفيما بعد باقي مساحة الاقليم الأشعة انقسمت الي 12 ولاية أخري ضمن اتحاد الولايات الأمريكية!!
The Territory of Orleans becomes the 18th U.S. state under the name Louisiana.
Nicaragua declares independence from the Central American Federation.
إنشاء أول خط سكة حديد في البرازيل
Mexican forces attacked the French Foreign Legion in Hacienda Camarón, Mexico.
Battle of Jenkin's Ferry, Arkansas
Union troops under General Frederick Steele fight off a Confederate army under General Edmund Kirby Smith as the Yankees retreat towards Little Rock, Arkansas.
Jenkin's Ferry came at the end of a major Union offensive in Arkansas. While a Federal force under General Nathaniel Banks moved up the Red River in Louisiana towards Shreveport, Steele led his troops from Little Rock into southwestern Arkansas. The combined effort promised to secure northern Louisiana and southern Arkansas for the Union before the armies moved west to invade Texas. In April, however, the plans ran afoul when Banks was defeated at Mansfield, Louisiana, and Steele found himself dangerously low on supplies.
Steele occupied Camden, Arkansas, on April 15. Over the next ten days, Steele lost more than 400 supply wagons and 2,500 troops at the Battles of Poison Springs and Mark's Mills. Now, Steele was surrounded by hostile armies and running low on food. He headed back to Little Rock with Smith in hot pursuit. A heavy rain began to fall, lasting for nearly a day and bringing Steele's retreat to a grinding halt. At Jenkin's Ferry on April 30, Smith attacked Steele as the Yankees were trying to cross the flooded Saline River. General Samuel Rice directed the Union defense, and his men held off a series of Rebel attacks before Rice was mortally wounded. Fighting in knee-deep water, the Confederates could not penetrate the Union lines. Steele was able to remove his force across the Saline River. He destroyed the pontoon bridge and left Smith on the other side of the river before escaping to Little Rock.
The Union suffered 700 men killed, wounded, and missing out of 4,000, while the Confederates lost about 1,000 out of 8,000. Some of the Rebel dead included wounded troops who were killed by members of the 2nd Kansas Colored regiment, exacting a measure of revenge for dozens of comrades from the 1st Kansas Colored murdered on the battlefield at Poison Springs. When it was over, Smith and the Confederates controlled the field but they had failed to destroy Steele's army.
The Camp Grant Massacre takes place in Arizona Territory.
مجلس عسكري مصري برئاسة الفريق ( راشد باشا حسني) يحكم علي 40 ضابطا من (الشركس المتمصرين ) بالنفي المؤبد لأقاصي السودان لتآمرهم علي أحمد عرابي وقواده
Orange-sized hail reported in India
A hail storm devastates the farming town of Moradabad, India, killing 230 people and many more farm animals on this day in 1888. Sixteen others died in nearby Bareilly.
In the Central Plains region of Uttar Pradesh, March and April are the prime seasons for hail. However, the hail storm that struck on April 30, 1888, was far more intense than usual and is now the stuff of legend in India. The hail was accompanied by strong winds that toppled many structures and homes in the area.
Although it occurred at midday, the storm brought clouds that were so dark and thick that people reported that it seemed like night. There was no warning system in place at the time, so the area’s many farmers were out working their fields when the storm began. Most of the victims died instantly when hail the size of oranges rained down from the sky, striking them. There were reports that the hail accumulated up to 2 feet high in some spots. Thousands of farm animals were also killed by the sudden hail storm.
More advanced meteorology and advance-warning systems now help to prevent such storms from taking so many lives.

Coxey's Army reaches Washington, D.C. to protest the unemployment caused by the Panic of 1893.
أعلن العالم الفيزيائي الانجليزي السير (جوزف جون طومسون) عن اكتشاف (الالكترونات)
(هاواي) تصبح أحد أقاليم الولايات المتحدة. و(ستانفورد دول )يصير حاكماً عليها.
Hawaii becomes a territory of the United States, with Sanford B. Dole as governor.
Casey Jones dies in a train wreck in Vaughn, Mississippi, while trying to make up time on the Cannonball Express.
The Louisiana Purchase Exposition World's Fair opens in St. Louis, Missouri.
في احصاء رسمي صدر اليوم ذكر أن الخسائر البشرية التي تكبدتها اليابان في حربها مع روسيا بلغت 457ألف و35 شخص
قطعت اليابان العلاقات الدبلوماسية مع روسيا في 6 -2-1904م. وبعدها بيومين هاجم .
بدأت ( الحرب الروسية اليابانية) في 8-2-1904م عندما هاجم نائب الأدميرال (هيها تشيرو توجو ) بأسطوله السفن الروسية في لوشون دون تحذير، وأعلنت اليابان الحرب على روسيا في 10-2-1904 في منشوريا، وانتهت الحرب في 5-9-1905م بتوقيع (معاهدة بورتسموث) و انتصار اليابان مما أكسبها احترام الدول لليابان لكونها بينت أنها قوة عالمية ثقيلة الوزن .أما هزيمة روسيا في الحرب فأدت إلي تذمر الشعب الروسي من فساد الإدارة الحكومية للقيصر مما أدَّى إلى اندلاع الثورة الروسية عام 1905م.
مرادفات :
ليشون = لوشون =بورت آرثر
Honolulu, Hawaii becomes an independent city.

أصدرت المحكمة الدستورية في البرتغال قرارها بأن للنساء الحق في الاشتراك في الانتخابات التشريعية
Battle of the Boot
On this day in 1917, the so-called Battle of the Boot marks the end of the British army’s Samarra Offensive, launched the previous month by Anglo-Indian forces under the regional commander in chief, Sir Frederick Stanley Maude, against the important Turkish railroad at Samarra, some 130 kilometers north of Baghdad, in Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq).
Fresh from the triumphant capture of Baghdad, Maude decided not to hesitate before moving to consolidate the Allied positions to the north, where Turkish commander Khalil Pasha’s forces had retreated from Baghdad to await reinforcements sent from Persia. In the Samarra Offensive, begun on March 13, 1917, some 45,000 Anglo-Indian frontline troops were sent up the Tigris River towards the railway at Samarra; on March 19, Maude’s forces seized Falluja, preventing the Turks from flooding the Euphrates River onto the plains and hampering the British advance. Though an attempt on March 25 to intercept the Turkish reinforcement troops, led by Ali Ishan Bey, met with failure, the British were able to capture another city, Dogameh, by the end of March.
As the Samarra Offensive continued into April, the Turks had backed up to positions between the Tigris and the Al Jali Canal; the Samarra railway itself lay in between. Heavy fighting beginning on April 21 resulted in a Turkish defeat two days later and they were forced to cede Samarra to the British. Less than a week later, Ishan suddenly reappeared with the majority of his troops at Dahubu in an attempt to surprise the British forces; they were aware of his movements, however, and the Turks were met by several infantry brigades, commanded by General William Marshall, and forced to retreat to prepared positions in the foothills that spanned the river at Band-i-Adhaim. The subsequent action that took place, beginning early the morning of April 30, became known as the Battle of the Boot, for the boot-shaped peninsula of high ground on which it was fought.
Marshall began his infantry attack early in the morning of April 30; his forces advanced quickly, taking 300 Turkish prisoners and two lines of trenches within a short time. A sandstorm subsequently halted British operations, and the Turks were able to call on reserve forces for a successful counter-attack. By the time the sandstorm cleared, in the late afternoon, Isha and his men had taken 350 British prisoners and begun a retreat into the mountains; the punishing heat prevented Marshall’s troops from pursuing them.
The Battle of the Boot effectively ended the Samarra Offensive, as Maude decided to pause in order to regroup and give his forces the chance to recover their strength. Casualties in the offensive numbered some 18,000, with losses due to illness running more than twice that number. Ishan and his Turkish forces remained in the mountains, preparing for the renewal of hostilities on the Mesopotamian front that would begin that fall.
بيع شركة دودج لصناعة السيارات بمبلغ 146 مليون دولار
The Dodge heirs sold Dodge Brothers Inc to the New York City banking firm of Dillon, Read & Company for $146 million plus $50 million for charity. At the time the sale was reported to be the largest single cash sale in the history of USA.
The sale of Dodge was not the result of a downturn in the company's fortune as Dodge still enjoyed a firm position in the marketplace due to their reputation for quality and reliability.
Dodge cars contained more heavy steel by percentage than did the cars of their competitors.
Dodges were prized by doctors and traveling salesmen, who couldn't afford a breakdown during the long trips that were often called upon them.
The sale of the company was rather the result of the unwillingness of the Dodge Brothers' offspring to manage the company's affairs.
Both Horace and John Dodge died in 1920.
During their lifetimes, they had run the company personally, explicitly excluding their family members from participation in the company's management.
After the brothers' deaths a brief depression in the stock market in 1921 scared the family members into "cashing out" of the company's affairs.
Peru becomes a signatory to the Buenos Aires copyright treaty.
Automaker Dodge Brothers, Inc is sold to Dillon, Read & Company for $146 million plus $50 million for charity.
The Federal Industrial Institute for Women, opens in Alderson, West Virginia, as the first women's federal prison in the United States.
افتتاح المعهد الصناعي الفيدرالي للنساء أول سجن فيدرالي للنساء في امريكا ، في الدرسون بولاية وست فيرجينيا.
Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford become the first celebrities to leave their footprints in concrete at Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood.

الولايات المتحدة - افتتاح أول سجن فيدرالي للنساء
The first federal prison for women opens
The Federal Industrial Instituttion for Women, the first women's federal prison, opens in Alderson, West Virginia. All women serving federal sentences of more than a year were to be brought here.
Run by Dr. Mary B. Harris, the prison's buildings, each named after social reformers, sat atop 500 acres. One judge described the prison as a "fashionable boarding school." In some respects the judge was correct; the overriding purpose of the prison was to reform the inmates, not punish them. The prisoners farmed the land and performed office work in order to learn how to type and file. They also cooked and canned vegetables and fruits.
Other women's prisons had similar ideals. At Bedford Hills in New York, there were no fences, and the inmates lived in cottages equipped with their own kitchen and garden. The prisoners were even given singing lessons.
Reform efforts had a good chance for success since the women sent to these prisons were far from hardened criminals. At the Federal Industrial Institute, the vast majority of the women were imprisoned for drug and alcohol charges imposed during the Prohibition era.

مصرع ( سانشيرو تشيرو) ، رئيس جمهورية بيرو
اغتيل على يد هورتادو دو مندوزا
أصبح للجمهورية النمساوية دستور جديد
عقد الاتحاد الدولي لمنح المرأة حق الاقتراع في اسطنبول اجتماعاً لمناقشة هذه القضية
The Philippines holds a plebiscite for Filipino women on whether they should be extended the right to suffrage; over 90% would vote in the affirmative.
The animated cartoon short Porky's Hare Hunt debuts in movie theaters, introducing Happy Rabbit.
The first televised FA Cup Final takes place between Huddersfield Town and Preston North End.
World's Fair: NBC inaugurates its regularly scheduled television service in New York City, broadcasting President Franklin D. Roosevelt's opening day ceremonial address.
1939 بدء الناقلة د0 جي مكوفيلد في نقل الزيت الخام من رأس تنورة الى الاسواق العالمية بحضور الملك عبدالعزيز.
افتتاح معرض نيويورك، القائم في لونغ آيلاند، وقد استقبل في اليوم الأول مليون زائر
World War II: Operation Mincemeat: The submarine HMS Seraph surfaces in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Spain to deposit a dead man planted with false invasion plans and dressed as a British military intelligence officer.
World War II: Fuehrerbunker: Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun commit suicide after being married for one day. Soviet soldiers raise the Victory Banner over the Reichstag building.
انتحار الزعيم النازي أدولف هتلر (56عاماًُ) (مع عشيقته إيفا براون (33عاماً) بتناول السم القاتل في ملجأ المستشارية في برلين عقب هزيمته أمام الحلفاء واجتياح قوات الحلفاء للأراضي الألمانية في الحرب العالمية الثانية .
1945 : Adolf Hitler commits suicide in his underground bunker
Der Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, dictator of Germany, burrowed away in a refurbished air-raid shelter, consumes a cyanide capsule, then shoots himself with a pistol, on this day in 1945, as his "1,000-year" Reich collapses above him.
Hitler had repaired to his bunker on January 16, after deciding to remain in Berlin for the last great siege of the war. Fifty-five feet under the chancellery (Hitler's headquarters as chancellor), the shelter contained 18 small rooms and was fully self-sufficient, with its own water and electrical supply. He left only rarely (once to decorate a squadron of Hitler Youth) and spent most of his time micromanaging what was left of German defenses and entertaining such guests as Hermann Goering, Heinrich Himmler, and Joachim von Ribbentrop. At his side were Eva Braun, whom he married only two days before their double suicide, and his dog, an Alsatian named Blondi.
Warned by officers that the Russians were only a day or so from overtaking the chancellery and urged to escape to Berchtesgarden, a small town in the Bavarian Alps where Hitler owned a home, the dictator instead chose suicide. It is believed that both he and his wife swallowed cyanide capsules (which had been tested for their efficacy on his "beloved" dog and her pups). For good measure, he shot himself with his service pistol.
The bodies of Hitler and Eva were cremated in the chancellery garden by the bunker survivors (as per Der Fuhrer's orders) and reportedly later recovered in part by Russian troops. A German court finally officially declared Hitler dead, but not until 1956.

In Nevada, the Boulder Dam is renamed Hoover Dam a second time.
In Bogotá, Colombia, the (Organization of American States) is established.

تم تأليف منظمة الدول الأمريكية في بوغوتا، عاصمة كولومبيا

The United States and 20 Latin American nations sign the charter establishing the Organization of American States (OAS). The new institution was designed to facilitate better political relations between the member states and, at least for the United States, to serve as a bulwark against communist penetration of the Western Hemisphere.
The OAS was established just a year after the Rio Pact was signed. The Rio Pact set up a defensive military alliance between the United States and the nations of Latin America. The Latin American republics, however, wanted something more substantial than a mere military alliance. In response to Latin American demands for a summit to discuss economic and political relations with the United States, American delegates traveled to an Inter-American Conference in Bogota, Colombia in April 1948. Among other things, the Latin American delegates wanted a political institution to deal with intra-hemispheric disputes-this request was based on the fear that the United States, intent on its anticommunist crusade, might engage in unilateral interventions against suspected Latin American governments. The United States grudgingly gave its assent to the establishment of the OAS, but insisted that the charter include a statement condemning "international communism or any totalitarianism" as "irreconcilable with the tradition of the American countries." For the Latin American delegates, the key article of the OAS charter stated that, "No State or group of States has the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, for any reason whatever, in the internal or external affairs of any other State."
The OAS never truly functioned as either the United States or the Latin American members had hoped. For the United States, the OAS proved a disappointment since the other member states did not seem to share its own Cold War zeal. In a number of cases--most notably Castro's Cuba--the OAS refused to give its approval of direct action to remove what the United States felt were "communist threats." In other cases, such as the U.S. intervention in the Dominican Republic in 1965, the OAS gave only grudging support after the fact. For their parts, the Latin American member states have also been disappointed in the OAS. The U.S.-orchestrated overthrow of the government of Guatemala in 1954, the failed Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba in 1961, the intervention in the Dominican Republic in 1965, and other examples of the unilateral use of force by the United States indicate that it had not given up its "gunboat diplomacy" in Latin America.
The OAS continues to function, though the end of the Cold War has dramatically lessened its importance in intra-hemispheric affairs
وفاة نبوية موسي رائدة من رواد تعليم المرأة في مصر عن 61 سنة
Former Vice President and Senator Alben Barkley dies during a speech in Virginia. He collapsed after proclaiming " I would rather be a servant in the house of the lord than sit in the seats of the mighty."

دخول الأسطول الأمريكي السادس لبنان ونزوله على شواطئه بناءً على طلب رئيسه كميل شمعون.
عدن تشهد إضرابا عاما عشية ذكرى عيد العمال العالمي احتجاجا على
الوجود الاستعماري البريطاني في جنوب الوطن اليمني .

أُنجز أعلى برج تلفزيوني و يُعرف ببرج اوستانيكنو، ويقع هذا البرج في موسكو، ويبلغ ارتفاعه 537 متراً
سحب لقب ( بطل العالم في الملاكمة للوزن الثقيل ) من الملاكم الأمريكي المسلم ( محمد علي كلاي ) بسبب رفضه بعد اسلامه أداء الخدمة العسكرية مع الجيش الأمريكي في فيتنام !
اجتياح الجيش الأمريكي دولة (كمبوديا) وذلك في عهد الرئيس الأمريكي (ريتشارد نيكسون) .
موت المؤرخ والكاتب (جاكوب بريسر ) عن 71 عاماً
Watergate Scandal: U.S. President Richard Nixon announces that top White House aids H.R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, and others have resigned.
سلّم الرئيس ريتشارد نكسون الأشرطة المسجلة المتعلقة بفضيحة ووترغيت الى لجنة التحقيق
Fall of Saigon: Communist forces gain control of Saigon. The Vietnam War formally ends with the unconditional surrender of South Vietnamese president Duong Van Minh.
نهاية الحرب في فيتنام
سقوط عاصمة فيتنام الجنوبية ( سايجون ) أمام القوات الشيوعية القادمة من فيتنام الشمالية
South Vietnam surrenders
By dawn, communist forces move into Saigon, where they meet only sporadic resistance. The South Vietnamese forces had collapsed under the rapid advancement of the North Vietnamese. The most recent fighting had begun in December 1974, when the North Vietnamese had launched a major attack against the lightly defended province of Phuoc Long, located due north of Saigon along the Cambodian border, overrunning the provincial capital at Phuoc Binh on January 6, 1975. Despite previous presidential promises to provide aid in such a scenario, the United States did nothing. By this time, Nixon had resigned from office and his successor, Gerald Ford, was unable to convince a hostile Congress to make good on Nixon's earlier promises to rescue Saigon from communist takeover.
This situation emboldened the North Vietnamese, who launched a new campaign in March 1975. The South Vietnamese forces fell back in total disarray, and once again, the United States did nothing. The South Vietnamese abandoned Pleiku and Kontum in the Highlands with very little fighting. Then Quang Tri, Hue, and Da Nang fell to the communist onslaught. The North Vietnamese continued to attack south along the coast toward Saigon, defeating the South Vietnamese forces at each encounter.
The South Vietnamese 18th Division had fought a valiant battle at Xuan Loc, just to the east of Saigon, destroying three North Vietnamese divisions in the process. However, it proved to be the last battle in the defense of the Republic of South Vietnam. The South Vietnamese forces held out against the attackers until they ran out of tactical air support and weapons, finally abandoning Xuan Loc to the communists on April 21.
Having crushed the last major organized opposition before Saigon, the North Vietnamese got into position for the final assault. In Saigon, South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu resigned and transferred authority to Vice President Tran Van Huong before fleeing the city on April 25. By April 27, the North Vietnamese had completely encircled Saigon and began to maneuver for a complete takeover.
When they attacked at dawn on April 30, they met little resistance. North Vietnamese tanks crashed through the gates of the Presidential Palace and the war came to an end. North Vietnamese Col. Bui Tin accepted the surrender from Gen. Duong Van Minh, who had taken over after Tran Van Huong spent only one day in power. Tin explained to Minh, "You have nothing to fear. Between Vietnamese there are no victors and no vanquished. Only the Americans have been beaten. If you are patriots, consider this a moment of joy. The war for our country is over."
أعلنت الملكة جوليانا تخليها عن عرش هولندا لابنتها بياتريس
وتولي بياتريس عرش هولندا
Accession of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands.

تعديل الدستور المصري
افتتاح الملك فهد بن عبدالعزيز منجم مهد الذهب الجديد.
توقيع أول اتفاق للتعاون الاقتصادي بين الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والصين الشعبية
رشيد كرامي يشكل حكومة وحدة وطنية في لبنان.
السعودية : وضْع الملك فهد حجر الأساس لكلية الملك فهد الأمنية بالرياض وافتتاحه طريق الرياض - الدمام السريع.
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II officially opens World Expo '88, Brisbane, Australia.
إعصار عنيف يضرب بنجلاديش يودي بحياة ما يزيد عن125 ألف شخص
صدور توجيهات ملك السعودية ( فهد بن عبد العزيز ) بصرف المبالغ المترتبة على إصلاح وترميم قبة الصخرة.
بريطانيا- فتح قصر باكينجهام للجمهور للمرة الأولي
The World Wide Web is born at CERN.
Virgin Radio broadcasts for the first time in the United Kingdom.
U.S. President Bill Clinton became the first President to visit Northern Ireland.
موت الشاعر السوري (نزار قباني) في لندن عن عمر يناهز 75 عاماً
ونقل جثمانه بطائرة خاصة إلى سوريا حيث وورى الثرى بناء على وصية له.
وفاة عثمان أحمد عثمان عن 82 عاماً
مؤسس شركة المقاولون العرب
وهو مقاول تنفيذ السد العالي في أسوان بمصر في عهد جمال
ووزير وملياردير في عهد السادات وقد تزوج ابنه ببنت أنور السادات
Cambodia joins the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) bringing the total members to 10.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عدد المساهمات : 3574
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/09/2008

أحداث 30 أبريل Empty
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نشر تقرير ميتشيل حول النزاع العربي الاسرائيلي
The Mitchell Report on the Arab-Israeli conflict is published.
A referendum in Pakistan overwhelmingly approves the Presidency of Pervez Musharraf for another five years.
السعودية : رعاية الامير نايف بن عبدالعزيز ال سعود تخريج الدفعة الاولى من متدربي برامج التنظيم الوطني للتدريب المشترك المرتبط بالتوظيف والبالغ عددهم 140 خريجا وذلك في مقر الكلية التقنية بالرياض.
U.S. media release graphic photos of American soldiers abusing and sexually humiliating Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison.
Two skeletal remains found near Ekaterinburg, Russia were confirmed by Russian scientists to be the remains of Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia and one of his sisters

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