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التاريخ والجغرافيا وتحليل الأحداث
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 أحداث 22 أبريل

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 3574
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/09/2008

أحداث 22 أبريل  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: أحداث 22 أبريل    أحداث 22 أبريل  Icon_minitimeالأحد نوفمبر 07, 2010 9:14 pm

أحداث 22 أبريل :
مولد النبي محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم
هذا اليوم يوافق الاثنين 12 ربيع الأول لسنة 53 قبل الهجرة
وهذا العام يسمي عام الفيل ويوافق سنة 882 للاسكندر
المصدر :
مقال مؤيد بالأسانيد من الكتب التاريخية والفلكية لمفتي الديار المصرية (علي جمعة)بجريدة الأهرام عدد 20-2-2010
ومن قبله اختار  ذات التاريخ كل من :
1-جرجس العميد بن أبي الياس مؤلف مختصر التواريخ المعروف  لدي الأوروبيين باسم المكين
2- فلكي برلين الكبير المسيو إيدلر في رسالته عن  رسالة عن الكرتولوجية الرياضية ج2 ص498

الموافق 1-2-280للهجرة
العراق :  خرج المعتضد من بغداد، قاصداً بني شيبان في أرض الموصل، فأوقع بهم بأساً شديداً عند جبل يقال له (نوباذ)
موت ( إلينورا بلانتاغينت) إبنة الملك إدوارد الثاني.
ماتت وعمرها 36 سنة
مولد ملكة قشتالة ( ايزابيلا الأولى )
تزوجها الملك فرديناند الخامس ملك آراغون عام 1469
وبزواجها توحدت اسبانيا عام 1479 بعد القضاء على الحكم العربي الاسلامي فيها.
ماتت عام 1504
فتح المسلمون القسطنطينية
دخلها الأتراك مهللين الله أكبر الله أكبر.. لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
صاحب الفتح هو محل ثناء النبي محمد ( ص) في قوله: "لتفتحن القسطنطينية، فلنعم الأمير أميرها، ولنعم الجيش ذلك الجيش
اكتشاف البرازيل من قبل الرحالة البرتغالي بارتولوميو دياز (1450 - 1500).
توفي في تنبكتو (جمهورية مالي حالياً) الكاتب والمؤرخ الفقيه أحمد بابا، فقيه مالكي، ومن مؤرخي التراجم في السودان الغربي في القرن العاشر .

مولد الفيلسوف (إيمانويل كانت).
توفي 12-2-1804
وهو مؤسس فلسفة النقد الحديثة
المرادفات :
إيمانويل كانت = عمانويل كانط
خلال الثورة الأمريكية :
جون بول يقود غارة أمريكية علي (هوايت هيفن ) بانجلترا
John Paul Jones leads American raid on Whitehaven, England
موت ( جيمس هارغريفز )، مخترع انجليزي، له اختراعات عديدة في آلات الغزل، وكان يبيعها قبل أن يسجل اختراعاته باسمه.

نابليون يوجه نداء لليهود يعدهم فيه بوطن في فلسطين مقابل عونهم له في احتلال الشرق العربي.
تركيا تأمر باعدام بطريرك اسطنبول الأرثوذكسي ( غريغوريوس ) ردا على مذابح قامت بها اليونانيون ضد الاتراك في جزيرة المورة.
الدولة العثمانية أعدمت هذا البطريق لصلته بالثورة اليونانية التي راح ضحيتها آلاف الأتراك المدنيين.
موت ( ريتشارد ترافيتيك )، مهندس ميكانيكي انجليزي، اكتشف أول قاطرة بخارية في معامل كولبو كديل، وهو من مواليد سنة 1771.
@ الحرب الأهلية الأمريكية : غارة جريسون تقطع أسلاك التلغراف
Grierson's raid cuts telegraph wires near Macon
إعلان ( الميرزا حسين علي ) دعوته البهائية، وأنه الوريث الحقيقي للباب (علي بن محمد الشيرازي ) مؤسس فرقة البابية الضالة.
وقد ادعى البهاء النبوة ثم الألوهية!!!

1870 -4-22
مولد الزعيم الشيوعي (فلاديمير لينين ).

Ellen Glasgow, Pulitzer Prize-winning American novelist, is born
Seduction is made illegal
Ohio passes a statute that makes seduction unlawful. Covering all men over the age of 18 who worked as teachers or instructors of women, this law even prohibited men from having consensual sex with women (of any age) whom they were instructing. The penalty for disobeying this law ranged from two to 10 years in prison
Ohio's seduction law was not the first of its kind. An Virginia law made it illegal for a man to have an "illicit connexion (sic) with any unmarried female of previous chaste character" if the man did so by promising to marry the girl. An 1848 New York law made it illegal to "under promise of marriage seduce any unmarried female of previous chaste character." Georgia's version of the seduction statute made it unlawful for men to "seduce a virtuous unmarried female and induce her to yield to his lustful embraces, and allow him to have carnal knowledge of her
These laws were only sporadically enforced, but a few men were actually prosecuted and convicted. In Michigan, a man was convicted of three counts of seduction, but the appeals court did everything in its power to overturn the decision. It threw out two charges because the defense reasoned that the woman was no longer virtuous after the couple's first encounter. The other charge was overturned after the defense claimed that the woman's testimony--that they had had sex in a buggy--was medically impossible
On some occasions, women used these laws in order to coerce men into marriage. A New York man in the middle of an 1867 trial that was headed toward conviction proposed to the alleged victim. The local minister was summoned, and the trial instantly became a marriage ceremony
في أمريكا : آلاف المستوطنين البيض يندفعون بجنون نحو اقليم أوكلاهوما للسيطرة علي الأراضي به بعد فتحه للاستيطان
The Oklahoma land rush begins
At precisely high noon, thousands of would-be settlers make a mad dash into the newly opened Oklahoma Territory to claim cheap land
The nearly two million acres of land opened up to white settlement was located in Indian Territory, a large area that once encompassed much of modern-day Oklahoma. Initially considered unsuitable for white colonization, Indian Territory was thought to be an ideal place to relocate Native Americans who were removed from their traditional lands to make way for white settlement. The relocations began in 1817, and by the 1880s, Indian Territory was a new home to a variety of tribes, including the Chickasaw, Choctaw, Cherokee, Creek, Cheyenne, Commanche, and Apache
By the 1890s, improved agricultural and ranching techniques led some white Americans to realize that the Indian Territory land could be valuable, and they pressured the U.S. government to allow white settlement in the region. In 1889, President Benjamin Harrison agreed, making the first of a long series of authorizations that eventually removed most of Indian Territory from Indian control
To begin the process of white settlement, Harrison chose to open a 1.9 million-acre section of Indian Territory that the government had never assigned to any specific tribe. However, subsequent openings of sections that were designated to specific tribes were achieved primarily through the Dawes Severalty Act (1887), which allowed whites to settle large swaths of land that had previously been designated to specific Indian tribes
On March 3, 1889, Harrison announced the government would open the 1.9 million-acre tract of Indian Territory for settlement precisely at noon on April 22. Anyone could join the race for the land, but no one was supposed to jump the gun. With only seven weeks to prepare, land-hungry Americans quickly began to gather around the borders of the irregular rectangle of territory. Referred to as "Boomers," by the appointed day more than 50,000 hopefuls were living in tent cities on all four sides of the territory
The events that day at Fort Reno on the western border were typical. At 11:50 a.m., soldiers called for everyone to form a line. When the hands of the clock reached noon, the cannon of the fort boomed, and the soldiers signaled the settlers to start. With the crack of hundreds of whips, thousands of Boomers streamed into the territory in wagons, on horseback, and on foot. All told, from 50,000 to 60,000 settlers entered the territory that day. By nightfall, they had staked thousands of claims either on town lots or quarter section farm plots. Towns like Norman, Oklahoma City, Kingfisher, and Guthrie sprang into being almost overnight
An extraordinary display of both the pioneer spirit and the American lust for land, the first Oklahoma land rush was also plagued by greed and fraud. Cases involving "Sooners"--people who had entered the territory before the legal date and time--overloaded courts for years to come. The government attempted to operate subsequent runs with more controls, eventually adopting a lottery system to designate claims. By 1905, white Americans owned most of the land in Indian Territory. Two years later, the area once known as Indian Territory entered the Union as a part of the new state of Oklahoma
في تشاد :
استشهاد القائد المسلم الأمير ( رابح بن الزبير) الذي أقام مملكة إسلامية في منطقة "تشاد"، كانن عاصمتها مدينة "ديكوا" بعد قيام الفرنسيين بغزو مملكته والدخول إلى العاصمة "ديكوا".
تأسيس "الجمعية الزراعية" في مصر بمبادرة مجموعة من كبار الملاك بعد دعوة الأمير "حسين كامل" الذي كان يسمى "أبو الفلاح"،
وكانت الجمعية تهدف إلى النهوض بالزراعة على أسس فنية وعلى أفكار متنوعة.
رفض المجلس النيابي الألماني دفع أي تعويضات إلى الذين تضرروا من الثورة التي قامت بها القبائل المعروفة بأسم (هيريرو) في المستعمرات الألمانية في جنوب غرب أفريقيا.
مولد العالم الأمريكي أوبن هايمر في نيويورك، أحد أهم العلماء الأمريكيين الذين صنعوا القنبلة الذرية، حيث اختير في الفترة 1943-1945 للعمل في المجهود الحربي في أمريكا أثناء الحرب العالمية الثانية ومدير برنامج التصنيع الخاص بالقنبلة الذرية.
بدأت في أثينا دورة اللعاب الأولمبية العاشرة.تعتبر الألعاب الأولمبية أشهر الدورات الرياضية في التاريخ القديم. وسميت بهذا الاسم نسبة إلى  مدينة أولمبيا اليونانية،  
توفي هنري كامبيل، رئيس وزراء بريطانيا بالفترة (1905-1908).

صدور أول عدد من جريدة ( القطر المصري )
وكانت جريدة أسبوعية يصدرها الحزب الوطني
توقف جريدة "أبو نواس" الفكاهية التونسية التي يصدرها الشيخ سليمان الجادوي بعد صدور 15 عددا منها.

صدور العدد الأول من ( صحيفة برافدا ) في روسيا

استخدم الحلفاء للمرة الأولى الأقنعة الواقية من الغازات السامة، التي أطلقها الألمان خلال الحرب العالمية الأولى في معركة إيبر،  

German forces shock Allied soldiers along the western front by firing more than 150 tons of lethal chlorine gasagainst two French colonial divisions at Ypres, Belgium.
This was thefirst major gas attack by the Germans, and it devastated the Allied line
Toxic smoke has been used occasionally in warfare since ancient times,and in 1912 the French used small amounts of tear gas in police operations.
At the outbreak of World War I, the Germans began actively to develop chemical weapons. In October 1914, the Germans placed some small tear-gas canisters in shells that were fired at Neuve Chapelle,France, but Allied troops were not exposed. In January 1915, the Germans fired shells loaded with xylyl bromide, a more lethal gas, at Russian troops at Bolimov on the eastern front. Because of the wintry cold, most of the gas froze, but the Russians nonetheless reported more than 1,000 killed as a result of the new weapon
On April 22, 1915, the Germans launched their first and only offensive of the year. Known as the Second Battle of Ypres, the offensive began with the usual artillery bombardment of the enemy's line
When theshelling died down, the Allied defenders waited for the first wave of German attack troops but instead were thrown into panic when chlorine gas wafted across no-man's land and down into their trenches.
The Germans targeted four miles of the front with the wind-blown poison gas and decimated two divisions of French and Algerian colonial troops.
The Allied line was breached, but the Germans, perhaps as shocked as the Allies by the devastating effects of the poison gas failed to take full advantage, and the Allies held most of their positions
A second gas attack, against a Canadian division, on April 24, pushed the Allies further back, and by May they had retreated to the town of Ypres.
The Second Battle of Ypres ended on May 25, with insignificant gains for the Germans. The introduction of poison gas, however, would have great significance in World War I
Immediately after the German gas attack at Ypres, France and Britain began developing their own chemical weapons and gas masks.
With the Germans taking the lead, an extensive number of projectiles filled with deadly substances polluted the trenches of World War I. Mustard
gas, introduced by the Germans in 1917, blistered the skin, eyes, and lungs, and killed thousands. Military strategists defended the use of poison gas by saying it reduced the enemy's ability to respond and thus saved lives in offensives. In reality, defenses against poison gas usually kept pace with offensive developments, and both sides employed sophisticated gas masks and protective clothing that essentially negated the strategic importance of chemical weapons
The United States, which entered World War I in 1917, also developed and used chemical weapons. Future president Harry S. Truman was the captain of a U.S. field artillery unit that fired poison gas against the Germans in 1918. In all, more than 100,000 tons of chemical weapons agents were used in World War I, some 500,000 troops were injured, and almost 30,000 died, including 2,000 Americans
In the years following World War I, Britain, France, and Spain used chemical weapons in various colonial struggles, despite mounting international criticism of chemical warfare
In 1925, the Geneva Protocol of 1925 banned the use of chemical weapons in war but did notoutlaw their development or stockpiling.
Most major powers built up substantial chemical weapons reserves. In the 1930s, Italy employed chemical weapons against Ethiopia, and Japan used them against China.
In World War II, chemical warfare did not occur, primarily because all the major belligerents possessed both chemical weapons and the defenses--such as gas masks, protective clothing, and etectors--that rendered them ineffectual. In addition, in a war characterized by
lightning-fast military movement, strategists opposed the use of anything that would delay operations. Germany, however, did use poison
gas to murder millions in its extermination camps
Since World War II, chemical weapons have only been used in a handful of conflicts--the Yemeni conflict of 1966-67, the Iran-Iraq War of
1980-88-- and always against forces that lacked gas masks or other simple defenses. In 1990, the United States and the Soviet Union signed an agreement to cut their chemical weapons arsenals by 80 percent in an effort to discourage smaller nations from stockpiling the weapons. In 1993, an international treaty was signed banning the production, stockpiling (after 2007), and use of chemical weapons. It took effect in 1997 and has been ratified by 128 nations

لم تستعمل الأسلحة الكيماوية منذ الحرب العالمية الثانية إلا في عدة حروب هي الحرب الأهلية اليمنية 66-1967 والحرب العراقية الإيرانية 88-1980
بداية معركة إبريس الثانية
Second Battle of Ypres begins
German forces shock Allied soldiers along the Western Front by firing more than 150 tons of lethal chlorine gas against two French colonial divisions at Ypres in Belgium.
Toxic smoke had been used occasionally in warfare since ancient times, and in 1912, the French used small amounts of tear gas in police operations. At the outbreak of World War I, however, the Germans began to actively develop chemical weapons. In October 1914, small tear-gas canisters were placed in shells that were fired at Neuve Chapelle, France, but Allied troops were not exposed. In January 1915, the Germans fired shells loaded with xylyl bromide, a more lethal gas, at Russian troops at Bolimov on the Eastern Front. Because of the wintry cold, most of the gas froze, but the Russians nonetheless reported more than 1,000 killed as a result of the new weapon
On April 22, 1915, the Germans launched their first and only offensive of the year
. Now referred to as the Second Battle of Ypres, the offensive began with the usual artillery bombardment of the enemy's line. When the shelling died down, the Allied defenders waited for the first wave of German attack troops but instead were thrown into panic when chlorine gas wafted across no-man's land and down into their trenches. The Germans targeted four miles of the front with the wind-blown poison gas, decimating two divisions of French and Algerian colonial troops. The Germans, perhaps as shocked as the Allies by the devastating effects of the poison gas, failed to take full advantage, and the Allies managed to hold most of their positions.
A second gas attack, against a Canadian division, on April 24, pushed the Allies further back, and, by May, they had retreated to the town of Ypres. The Second Battle of Ypres ended on May 25, with insignificant gains for the Germans. The introduction of poison gas, however, would have great significance in World War I
Immediately after the German gas attack at Ypres, the French and British began developing their own chemical weapons and gas masks. With the Germans taking the lead, an extensive number of projectiles filled with deadly substances polluted the trenches during the next several years of war. Mustard gas, introduced by the Germans in 1917, blistered the skin, eyes and lungs, and killed thousands. Military strategists defended the use of poison gas by saying it reduced the enemy's ability to respond and thus saved lives in offensives. In reality, defenses against poison gas usually kept pace with offensive developments, and both sides employed sophisticated gas masks and protective clothing that eventually negated the strategic importance of chemical weapons
The United States, which entered World War I in 1917, also developed and used chemical weapons
Future President Harry S. Truman was the captain of a U.S. field artillery unit that fired poison gas against the Germans in 1918. In all, more than 100,000 tons of chemical weapons agents were used in World War I, some 500,000 troops were injured from their use and almost 30,000 died, including 2,000 Americans.
In the years following World War I, Britain, France, and Spain used chemical weapons in various colonial struggles, despite mounting international criticism of chemical warfare. In 1925, the Geneva Protocol of 1925 banned the use of chemical weapons in war but did not outlaw their development or stockpiling. Most major powers built up substantial chemical weapons reserves. In the 1930s, Italy employed chemical weapons against Ethiopia, and Japan used them against China. In World War II, chemical warfare did not occur, primarily because all the major belligerents possessed both chemical weapons and the defenses--such as gas masks, protective clothing, and detectors--that rendered them ineffectual. In addition, in a war characterized by lightning-fast military movement, strategists opposed the use of anything that would delay operations. Germany, however, did use poison gas to murder millions in its extermination camps

اختتام مؤتمر لوكارنو للدول الاوروبية التي اتفقت خلاله اللجوء الى التحكيم لتسوية اي نزاع
وقعت كل من إيران وتركيا وأفغانستان معاهدة أمن متبادلة
حدثت هزة أرضية في اليونان دمرت مدينة كورنثيا.
وقعت الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، وبريطانيا العظمى، واليابان في لندن اتفاقية المؤتمر البحري .
توقيع معاهدة صداقة بين مصر والعراق وهي أول حلقة في سلسلة ربط مصر بالبلاد العربية الأخرى بقصد توحيد موقفها من المسائل التي تمس العالم العربي.

الأمريكيون يشنون عملية عسكرية في الباسيفيك
Americans launch Operation Persecution in the Pacific
Allied forces land in the Hollandia area of New Guinea. The Japanese occupiers, only 15,000 in number, many of whom were on administrative duty, fight for more than three months against ludicrous odds at great cost: When the battle for the northern coast of New Guinea was finally won by the Allies, 12,811 Japanese were dead, compared with 527 Americans.

استولت قوات الحلفاء على يولونيا في إيطاليا خلال الحرب العالمية الثانية
اعتراف هتلر بالهزيمة
Hitler admits defeat

On this day in 1945, Adolf Hitler, learning from one of his generals that no German defense was offered to the Russian assault at Eberswalde, admits to all in his underground bunker that the war is lost and that suicide is his only recourse. Almost as confirmation of Hitler's assessment, a Soviet mechanized corps reaches Treuenbrietzen, 40 miles southwest of Berlin, liberates a POW camp and releases, among others, Norwegian Commander in Chief Otto Ruge

استيلاء عصابة الهاجاناه الصهيونية على مدينة حيفا الفلسطينية بعد مذابح مروعة.
. وقد ارتكبت هذه العصابة العديد من المذابح في أنحاء عديدة من فلسطين
مولد رئيس الوزراء الأردني فيصل الفايز
إيران تحتج لدى بريطانيا على تدخلها في شئون البحرين باعتبار البحرين أرض إيرانية
McCarthy Army hearings begin
Senator Joseph McCarthy begins hearings investigating the United States Army, which he charges with being "soft" on communism. These televised hearings gave the American public their first view of McCarthy in action, and his recklessness, indignant bluster, and bullying tactics quickly resulted in his fall from prominence
In February 1950, Senator McCarthy charged that there were over 200 "known communists" in the Department of State. Thus began his dizzying rise to fame as the most famous and feared communist hunter in the United States. McCarthy adeptly manipulated the media, told ever more outrageous stories concerning the communist conspiracy in the United States, and smeared any opponents as "communist sympathizers" to keep his own name in the headlines for years. By 1954, however, his power was beginning to wane. While he had been useful to the Republican Party during the years of the Democratic administration of President Harry S. Truman, his continued attacks on "communists in government" after Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower took over the White House in 1953 were becoming political liabilities.
In an effort to reinvigorate his declining popularity, McCarthy made a dramatic accusation that was a crucial mistake: in early 1954, he charged that the United States Army was "soft" on communism. McCarthy was indignant because David Schine, one of his former investigators, had been drafted and the Army, much to McCarthy's surprise, refused the special treatment he demanded for his former aide. In April 1954, McCarthy, chairman of the Government Operations Committee in the Senate, opened televised hearings into his charges against the Army
The hearings were a fiasco for McCarthy. He constantly interrupted with irrelevant questions and asides; yelled "point of order" whenever testimony was not to his liking; and verbally attacked witnesses, attorneys for the Army, and his fellow senators. The climax came when McCarthy slandered an associate of the Army's chief counsel, Joseph Welch. Welch fixed McCarthy with a steady glare and declared evenly, "Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness...Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?" A stunned McCarthy listened as the packed audience exploded into cheers and applause. McCarthy's days as a political power were effectively over. A few weeks later, the Army hearings dribbled to a close with little fanfare and no charges were upheld against the Army by the committee. In December 1954, the Senate voted to censure McCarthy for his conduct. Three years later, having become a hopeless alcoholic, he died
بدء العمل بالاتفاقية الدولية بشأن وضع اللاجئين التي تم وضعها عام 1951.
اغتيال العقيد عدنان المالكي في دمشق، ولد في دمشق ودرس فيها. تخرج من الكلية العسكرية في حمص عام 1939. ساهم في تأسيس الجيش السوري بعد الجلاء.  
بدأت وكالة أنباء الشرق الأوسط المصرية عملها كأول وكالة أنباء في أفريقيا


انفجر مكوك الفضاء الأمريكي "تشالنجر" بعد لحظات من انطلاقه وقتل أفراد طاقمه السبعة (بينهم امرأتان).
قام المكوك تشالنجر قبل تفجره بعشر رحلات، دار خلالها 987 دورة حول الأرض، ومكث 69 يوماً في الفضاء.

تشالنجر = كلمة انجليزية تعنى بالعربية :المتحدي
انقلاب في الجزائر يقوم به الجنرالات الفرنسيون المعارضون لاستقلال الجزائر عن الاستعمار الفرنسي
موت اللورد (جون ماينارد كينز ) صاحب كتاب النظرية العامة والربح والفائدة ولة اسهام فى مكافحة الكساد والركود .
موت الأديب اللبناني كرم البستاني،
لمحة عنه :
ولد في قرية دير القمر في لبنا عام 189، تعلّم بها المبادئ الدراسية في مدرسة للآباء اليسوعيين، ودرّس في عدة مدارس، وكتب في بعض الجرائد، من كتبه: (أساطير شرقية)(المجاني الحديثة)(أميرات لبنان)(النساء العربيات)(حكايات لبنانية)، ووقف على طبع عدة دواوين قديمة، وترجم عن الفرنسية (مشاهدات في لبنان)، وشرح ورتّب (العقد الفريد) و(قطوف الأغاني).

Vietnam War
South Vietnamese have increased combat capabilities
The First Earth Day is celebrated
أول مرة يتم الاحتفال ب (يوم كوكب الأرض)
صدور جريدة الاتحاد في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة.
مظاهرات ضد حرب فيتنام

في زغرتا بشمال لبنان: عملية تصفية طوني فرنجية وعائلته على يد قوات الكتائب
نجا من هذه العملية نجله سليمان، الذي كان يومها في بيت جده، رئيس الجمهورية الأسبق الراحل سليمان فرنجية.

استلمت مصر موقع محطة الانذار المبكر في أم خشيب
وكان هذا تطبيقاً لاتفاقية فض الاشتباك الثاني بين مصر وإسرائيل
22-4-1985 OR 1984
قطع بريطانيا علاقتها الدبلوماسية مع ليبيا.
عودة العلاقات بين سوريا ومنظمة التحرير الفلسطينية بعد 5 سنوات من القطيعة
إطلاق سراح رهينة أمريكي في لبنان يُدعى الدكتور روبرت بولهيل
لمحة عن روبرت بولهيل : كان يعمل أستاذاً في دراسات الأعمال في بيروت عندما اختطف عام 1987
مات سنة 1999 عن عمر يناهز 65 عاماً
اتفاق قيادتي شطري اليمن الشمالي والجنوبي في صنعاء على قيام الجمهورية اليمنية (وحدة اندماجية بين جمهورية اليمن الديمقراطية الشعبية “عدن” والجمهورية العربية اليمنية “صنعاء”)، وتضمن الاتفاق كذلك عملية تنظيم الفترة الانتقالية من وضع الدولتين لوضع الدولة الواحدة بين شطري الوطن اليمني .
Disaster : Sewers explode in Guadalajara
القوى السياسية الفلسطينية في قطاع غزة تتوصل الى تفاهم بينها لاعتماد الحوار وسيلة لإنهاء المشكلات البينية، وتفادي العنف، وذلك بعد قيام السلطة الفلسطينية.
القوى الفلسطينية في قطاع غزة تعقد اتفاقا بينها لوقف العنف واعتماد وسائل الحوار.
موت الرئيس الأمريكي ريتشارد نيكسون عن 81 عاما
لمحة عنه :
ولد في 9-1-1913 في يوربا لنده كاليفورنيا، و ينحدر من عائلة متدينة ذات أصول المانية كانت تعرف بإسم ميلهاوزن،
وكان نائب الرئيس الأمريكي السادس والثلاثين
وصار الرئيس الأمريكي السابع والثلاثين
فاز في انتخابات الرياسة الأمريكية لولايتين رئاسيتين وترأس أمريكا بالفترة ( 1969-1974)، ارتبط اسمه بفضيحة ووترجيت المشهورة. فاستقال في  فترة رئاسته الثانية تحت وطأة تهديد الكونجرس خشية المحاكمة.

[left][left]Former President Richard M. Nixon dies after suffering a stroke four days earlier.

In a 1978 speech at Oxford University, Nixon admitted he had “screwed up” during his presidency but predicted that his achievements would be viewed more favorably with time. He told the young audience, “You'll be here in the year 2000…see how I am regarded then
Nixon is most often remembered for his involvement in the Watergate scandal as president and for his Cold War-era persecution of suspected communists while serving as a U.S. senator. However, Nixon left a legacy as complex as his personality
Nixon did not owe his success in politics to personality or charm: in fact, even many of his staunch supporters described him as cold, aloof, crude, arrogant and paranoid. President Dwight D. Eisenhower himself, whom Nixon served as vice president, claimed that Nixon would never win the presidency because “the people don’t like him.” After proving his former boss wrong, Nixon left the office in disgrace, resigning in the face of impending impeachment. His paranoia of political sabotage by his opponents had inspired him to authorize the wire-tapping of enemies and supporters alike. Ironically, it was the conversations he taped in his own office that led to his ultimate downfall
Despite the immense disappointment and distrust in government that the Watergate scandal inspired in most Americans, Nixon was correct in assuming that some aspects of his leadership would be judged favorably with the passage of time. These include his bold efforts to improve diplomatic relations with China and Russia, as well as pushing lasting and influential legislation through Congress. Nixon’s legislative legacy includes the National Environmental Policy Act, passed in 1969, which created the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Clean Water Act of 1972 and the Endangered Species Act of 1973. He also lowered the voting age to 18, established Amtrak, launched the space-shuttle program and authorized the formation of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). During his retirement, several subsequent presidents consulted Nixon for his expertise in international affairs
Nixon and his wife Pat are both buried on the grounds of his birthplace in Yorba Linda, California. The site is also the home of the Richard Milhous Nixon Presidential Library

موت ( هيتشاور سايكيا ) رئيس وزراء الولاية الهندية أسام بالفترة (1991-1996).

بيرو : رئيس بيرو يأمر بهجوم كوماندوز شنّه الجيش البيروفي علي منزل سفير اليابان (موريهيسا أوكي )علي أمل تحرير 72 رهينة احتجزت لمدة 4 شهور بواسطة أعضاء مسلحين من منظمة يسارية تسمي توباك أمارو
فإنتهت  عملية إحتجاز الرهائن المستمرة منذ السابع عشر من  شهر كانون الأول-ديسمبر، بهجوم على مقر إقامة السفير الياباني، حيث  قتل في الهجوم 17 شخصاً هم احد الرهائن وجنديان ومحتجزو الرهائن كلهم.

ujimori orders assault on Japanese ambassador's home
In Lima, Peru, Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori orders a commando assault on the Japanese ambassador's home, hoping to free 72 hostages held for more than four months by armed members of the Tupac Amaru leftist rebel movement
On December 16, 1996, 14 Tupac Amaru terrorists, disguised as waiters and caterers, slipped into the home of Japanese Ambassador Morihisa Aoki, where a reception honoring the birthday of the Japanese emperor was being held. The armed terrorists took 490 people hostage. Police promptly surrounded the compound, and the rebels agreed to release 170 women and elderly guests but declared they would kill the remaining 220 if their demands were not met
The Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA) was founded in 1984 as a militant organization dedicated to communist revolution in Peru. A few days after the hostage crisis at the Japanese ambassador's home began, the rebels released all but 72 hostages and demanded the release of 400 MRTA members imprisoned in Peru. Among the important officials held hostage in the Japanese ambassador's home were the brother of President Fujimori, Foreign Minister Francisco Tudela; supreme court judges; members of the ruling party; and a number of foreign ambassadors from Japan and elsewhere. President Fujimori, who was known for taking a hard-line stance against leftist guerrillas in Peru, did not give in to the key points of the rebels' demands and in April 1997 ordered an assault on the complex by a 140-man special forces team
After secretly warning the hostages 10 minutes before the attack, the special forces team set off a blast in a tunnel underneath the building, which surprised the rebels and killed eight of the 14 immediately. The rest of the elite soldiers attacked from several other directions, overwhelming the remaining terrorists. All 14 rebels were killed in the assault, including the leader, Nestor Cerpa, who was shot multiple times. Only one hostage, Supreme Court Justice Carlos Giusti, was killed in the attack, and of the several soldiers wounded during the rescue operation, two later died from their injuries

أرسل العراق طائرات مروحية إلى منطقة عرعر في المملكة العربية السعودية، لنقل الحجاج العراقيين العائدين من مكة المكرمة، بعد أدائهم فريضة الحج، منتهكين بذلك الحظر الجوي الذي أقامته دول التحالف الغربية في جنوب العراق وشماله، على الرغم من تحذيرات الولايات المتحدة الأميركية.
1997 -4-22
محكمة الجنايات الأردنية تصدر حكماً بالسجن ثلاث سنوات بحق قنصل سريلانكا الفخري السابق توفيق أبو خليل، إثر إدانته بالمتاجرة بالأطفال.
قلّد السفير الفرنسي في بيروت جان بيار لافون المطربة اللبنانية فيروز، وسام الشرف الفرنسي من رتبة فارس.
وقع ثلاث وتسعين قروياً جزائرياً، بينهم ثلاث وأربعين إمرأة وثلاث أطفال، ضحية مجزرة ارتكبها مسلحون في قرية بالقرب من الجزائر العاصمة.

وفاة المصور السينمائي المصري ( وحيد فريد )
ولد عام 1923 و كرّمته جامعة الدول العربية
الدول العربية توقع في إطار جامعة الدول العربية أول اتفاقية عربية لمكافحة الإرهاب.

مائة وستون برلمانيا يمنيا يوقعون عريضة تتضمن “مطالبة الحكومة بطرد السفير الأمريكي في اليمن ادموند هول، وقطع العلاقات الدبلوماسية مع الولايات المتحدة، على اعتبار أنها شريك كامل في مذابح جنين ونابلس ورام الله وبيت لحم وبقية المناطق الفلسطينية”.
أكد الأمين العام لحزب الله حسن نصر الله، ان الحزب يملك إرادة "الصمود والقتال أكثر من أي وقت مضى"، داعياً العرب إلى الدفاع عن سوريا في كل المواقع والمحافل "لأن المعركة هي معركة الجميع". وأوضح ان ما يطمح إليه الأميركيون "أكبر مما حققوه حتى الآن"، كاشفاً انه تم تجاوز خطر تحوّل الحرب على العراق حرباً مسيحية ـ إسلامية بفضل مواقف الفاتيكان والمرجعيات الإسلامية.
إصطدام قطارين محمّلين بالوقود في كوريا الشمالية يُسفر عن 3000 قتيل وجريح.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحداث 22 أبريل
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» أحداث 13 أبريل
» أحداث 28 أبريل
» أحداث 11 أبريل
» أحداث 29 أبريل
» أحداث 12 أبريل

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدي لآلـــئ :: الأرشيف :: بعض :: من أرشيف 2010-
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