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اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عضو فعال

عدد المساهمات : 3882
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009

مُساهمةموضوع: UK GOVERNMENT (2010-PRESENT   UK GOVERNMENT  (2010-PRESENT Icon_minitimeالجمعة فبراير 13, 2015 12:05 am


Prime Minister

David Cameron (2010–present)
First Lord of the Treasury

Minister for the Civil Service

Deputy Prime Minister

Nick Clegg (2010–present)
Lord President of the Council

Chancellor of the Exchequer

George Osborne (2010–present)
Second Lord of the Treasury

Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

William Hague (2010–2014)
Philip Hammond (2014–present)
Secretary of State for the Home Department

Theresa May (2010–present)
Secretary of State for Justice

Kenneth Clarke (2010–2012)
Chris Grayling (2012–present)
Secretary of State for Defence

Liam Fox (2010–2011)
Philip Hammond (2011–2014)
Michael Fallon (2014–present)
Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills

Vince Cable (2010–present)
Secretary of State for Work and Pensions

Iain Duncan Smith (2010–present)
Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change

Chris Huhne (2010–2012)
Ed Davey (2012–present)
Secretary of State for Health

Andrew Lansley (2010–2012)
Jeremy Hunt (2012–present)
Secretary of State for Education

Michael Gove (2010–2014)
Nicky Morgan (2014–present)
Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government

Eric Pickles (2010–present)
Secretary of State for Transport

Philip Hammond (2010–2011)
Justine Greening (2011–2012)
Patrick McLoughlin (2012–present)
Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Caroline Spelman (2010–2012)
Owen Paterson (2012–2014)
Elizabeth Truss (2014–present)
Secretary of State for International Development

Andrew Mitchell (2010–2012)
Justine Greening (2012–present)
Secretary of State for Northern Ireland

Owen Paterson (2010–2012)
Theresa Villiers (2012–present)
Secretary of State for Scotland

Danny Alexander (2010)
Michael Moore (2010–2013)
Alistair Carmichael (2013–present)
Secretary of State for Wales

Cheryl Gillan (2010–2012)
David Jones (2012–2014)
Stephen Crabb (2014–present)
Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport

Jeremy Hunt (2010–2012)
Maria Miller (2012–2014)
Sajid Javid (2014–present)
Cabinet members not heading a ministry

Minister for the Cabinet Office

Francis Maude (2010–present)
Paymaster General

Minister of State for Policy

Oliver Letwin (2010–present)
Minister of State for Universities and Science

David Willetts (2010–2014)
Greg Clark (2014–present)
Leader of the House of Commons

George Young (2010–2012)
Andrew Lansley (2012–2014)
William Hague (2014–present)
Chief Whip in the House of Commons

Patrick McLoughlin (2010–2012)
Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury

Andrew Mitchell (2012)
George Young (2012–2014)
Michael Gove (2014–present)
Leader of the House of Lords

The Lord Strathclyde (2010–2013)
The Lord Hill of Oareford (2013–2014)
The Baroness Stowell of Beeston (2014–present)
Chief Secretary to the Treasury

David Laws (2010)
Danny Alexander (2010–present)
Minister without Portfolio

The Baroness Warsi

Kenneth Clarke

Grant Shapps

Attorney General for England and Wales

Dominic Grieve (2010–2014)
Advocate General for Northern Ireland

Jeremy Wright (2014–present)
Minister of State for Schools

David Laws (2012–present)
Minister of State for the Cabinet Office

Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

The Baroness Warsi

The Baroness Anelay of St Johns

Minister of State for Faith

The Baroness Warsi

Eric Pickles


Minister for Women and Equalities

Theresa May (2010–2012)
Maria Miller (2012–2014)
Nicky Morgan (2014–present)
Minister for Women

Nicky Morgan (2014)
Minister for Equalities

Sajid Javid (2014)
Minister of State for Cities and Constitution

Greg Clark (2013–present)
Minister of State for Employment

Esther McVey (2014–present)
Minister of State for Business and Enterprise

Matthew Hancock (2014–present)
Minister of State for Energy

Lord Privy Seal

George Young (2010–2012)
Andrew Lansley (2012–2014)
The Baroness Stowell of Beeston (2014–present)
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster

The Lord Strathclyde (2010–2013)
The Lord Hill of Oareford (2013–2014)
Oliver Letwin (2014–present)
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