دولة بني مروان في شمال سوريا وجنوب الأناضول (990-1084)
بنو مروان أو المروانيون هم سلالة كردية حكمت دولة مستقلة في ديار بكر وملاذكرد أي بشمال سوريا وجنوب الأناضول، في الفترة (990-1084 )
الأمراء المروانيون لاسيما نصر الدولة شجعوا حركة التعمير وبناء المدن، كما شجعوا العلماء والأدباءوكانت عاصمتهم هي (آمد ) .
وفاة عضد الدولة البويهي ،من سلالة بني بويه الحاكمة
ومن بعده بدأت الدولة البويهية في الانحلال.
Abu Shujā' Badh bin Dustak
استولي علي ميافارقين
أمير دولة بني مروان = أبو علي الحسن بن مروان
سنة 990
قام أحد قادة العشائر الكردية واسمه أبو علي بن مروان (990-997 م) بإنشاء إمارة مستقلة في ديار بكر وملاذكرد.
بعد موتأبو شجاع جاء الابن الأكبر لمروان إلي حصن كيفا ، وتزوج أرملة أبو شجاع
وحارب الحمدانيين المتأخرين ، واستعاد كل القلاع
After the death of his uncle Badh, the elder son of Marwan came back to Hisn-Kayfa, married the widow of the old warrior chief. He fought the last Hamdanids, confused them and took again all the fortresses
Elias of Nisibis, Syriac chronicler
قام البيزنطيون بغارات عقابية حول بحيرة فان
وتمكن الامبراطور البيزنطي باسيل الثاني (976-1025) من التفاوض مع هذه الإمارة الكردية علي سلام دائم
after Bad's death and a series of Byzantine punitive raids around Lake Van, Basil II was able to negotiate a lasting peace with the Kurdish emirate
مقتل أبوعلي بن مروان في آمد علي يد سكانها المتمردين
وخلفه أخوه أبو منصور سعيد وتلقب بلقب ممهد الدولة
أمير دولة بني مروان = ممهد الدولة أبو منصور سعيد بن مروان
بسبب الحروب المتواصلة مع جيرانهم، وضع المروانيون أنفسهم تحت حماية الفاطميين.
Mumahhid, a skilful diplomat, could make use of the Byzantines'ambitions, who were present in Northern-Anatolia. The relations of this prince with the Emperor Basil II (976–1025) were quite friendly. When Basil learnt the murderer of the Georgian potentate David III of Tao, who had left by testament his kingdom to the Byzantine empire, he stopped the campaign that he had begun in Syria for making sure of Arabian emirs' obedience and he crossed the Euphrates. He annexed David's state, received Mumahhid ed Daula merrily and made peace with him. Mumahhid ed Daula took advantage of peace for restoring the walls of his capital Maïpherqat (Mayyafarikin), the siege of his sovereignty, and made inscribe on it his name, that is still shining nowadays.
In 1000 when Basil II travelled from Cilicia to the lands of David III Kuropalates (Akhlat and Manzikert), Mumahhid al-Dawla came to offer his submission to the emperor and in return he received the high rank of magistros and doux of the East.
J. C. Cheynet, Basil II and Asia Minor, pp.71-108 in Byzantium in the Year 1000 edited by Paul Magdalino, International Congress of Historical Sciences, 284 pp., Brill Publishers, 2003, ISBN 90-04-12097-1, p.98
مصرع ممهد الدولة علي يد أحد عبيده وإسمه شرفين بن محمد الذي اغتصب السلطة وتولي الحكم لفترة قصيرة خلالها تم سك العملات بإسمه
Mumahhid al-Dawla was assassinated by his ghulam, slave, Sharwin ibn Muhammad, who assumed rulership. Sharwin was soon overthrown
أمير دولة بني مروان = نصر الدولة أبو نصر أحمد بن مروان
عرفت الدولة أوجها السياسي أثناء عهده
He was the third Marwan's son, acceded to the throne. As a clever politician, he could skillfully impose on the Buyid emir Sultan al-Dawla, the Fatimid caliph of Egypt Al Hakim and on the Byzantine Emperor Basil II. All of them sent him congratulations. They represented the great powers that surrounded the state-plug of Mayyafarikin. Elias of Nisibis has written that Nasr al-Dawla Ahmad bin Marwan, "the victorious emir", subdued Ibn Dimne, his vassal in Diyarbakır, in 1011. He signed with the Empire of Constantinople, a pact of mutual non-aggression, but violated it once or twice. The renown of this Kurdish Muslim prince grew so much that the inhabitants of al-Ruha, (Edessa)(present-day Sanli Urfa), at the west, called him for being released of an Arabian chief. Nasr al-Dawla b. Marwan took the city of Edessa in 1026, and added it to his possessions. This event has been reported by the famous western-Syriac author Abu’l Faradj Bar Hebraeus (1226–1286). So Nasr al-Dawla annexed Edessa, but the city was retaken by the Byzantine Empire in 1031. In 1032 he sent an army of 5000 horsemen, under the command of the his general Bal, to re-take the town from Arab tribes supported by Byzantium. The Kurdish commander Bal took the city and killed the Arab tribal chief, then he wrote to his lord Nasr-ad-Daula asking for reinforcements "if you want to save your Lordship on Kertastan (Kurdistan)".
The long rule of Nasr al-Dawla Ahmad meaning the apogee of Marwanids' power. He built a new citadel on a hill of Mayyafariqin where stood the Church of Virgin, he built bridges and public baths. He restored the observatory. Some libraries fit out the mosques of Mayyafarikin and Amed. He invited well-known scholars, historians and poets to his royal court, among them Ibn al-Athir, ‘Abd Allah al-Kazaruni (poet), al-Tihami. He sheltered political refugees as the future Abbassid caliph Al-Muqtadi(1075–1099). Nasr al-Dawla b. Marwan, in 1054, had to acknowledge as his own liege Toghrul Beg the Seljuq, who ruled on the largest part of Jazira, but he kept his territories. This fine period of peace and good feelings between Kurds and Syriacs was rich in creations in the field of cultural life. It was dense for trade, active for arts and crafts, impressive in short.
ويكيبيديا الانجليزية
سنة 1042
قام المروانيون بصد غزوة لإحدى قبائل الغز (الأغوز) التركمانية في المنطقة
سنة 1061
وفاة نصر الدولة أبو نصر أحمد بن مروان
و بدأ أفراد الأسرة في التناحر وأخذت الدولة تضعف.
أمير دولة بني مروان = نظام الدولة نصر بن أحمد بن مروان
وهو الابن الثاني لأبيه
منذ 71/1070 م
وضع المروانيون أنفسهم تحت وصاية السلاجقة .
سنة 1084
قام السلاجقة بطرد المروانيين وأجلوهم عن منطقة ديار بكر نهائيا
أمير دولة بني مروان = ناصر الدولة منصور بن نصر بن مروان
خيانة الوزير السابق ابن جهير كانت سبب انتهاء دولة بني مروان حيث استثار الهجوم السلجوقي الساحق من بغداد علي ميافارقين
. Ibn Jahir, a former vizir, left the Diyarbakır, and went to Baghdad. There, he could convince the sultan Malik Shah I (1072–1092), a grand-nephew of Toghrul Beg, and the famous vizir Nizam al-Mulk, to allow him for assaulting Mayyafarikin. When the city was taken, Ibn Jahir took off the great treasures that belonged to the Marwanids and detained them greedily for himself. Since and after, the Diyarbakır fell almost entirely under the direct rule of Seljuqids. The last emir, Nasir al-Dawla Mansur, kept only the city of Jazirat Ibn ‘Umar
. سنة 1096
القضاء على (منصور بن نصر ) آخر الحكام من الأسرة المروانية
مرادفات :
المروانيون = Marwanids
سلالة كردية = Kurdish dynasty
ديار بكر = Diyar Bakr = Dīārbakr
آمد = Amid
أرزان =Arzan
ميافارقين = Mayyāfāriqīn = today: Silvan
حصن كيفا = Hisn Kayfa = Hasankeyf
أخلاط = Khilāt
منزكرت = Manzikart
جزيرة ابن عمر بالجنوب الشرقي من تركيا = شيزر Jazirat Ibn ‘Umar = present-day :Cizre
أبو شجاع باز بن دستك = Abu Shujā' Badh bin Dustak
أبو علي الحسن بن مروان =Abu‘Ali al-Hasan ibn Marwān
ممهد الدولة سعيد بن مروان = Mumahhid al-Dawla Sa’īd ibn Marwān
نصر الدولة أحمد بن مروان = Nasr al-Dawla Ahmad ibn Marwān
نظام الدولة نصر بن مروان = Nizām al-Dawla Nasr ibn Marwān
ناصر الدولة منصور بن نصر = Nasir al-Dawla Mansur ibn Nasr
سلالة بني بويه = dynasty of Buyid
عضد الدولة = Adud al-Dawla
الحمدانيين = Hamdanids
الامبراطور باسيل الثاني = the Emperor Basil II
شرفين بن محمد = Sharwin ibn Muhammad
المتغلب أو مغتصب السلطة = usurper