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 the year 1553

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 3574
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/09/2008

the year 1553 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: the year 1553   the year 1553 Icon_minitimeالأحد أكتوبر 05, 2008 9:26 pm

1553 )- The rulers of the World

Middle East and North Africa

* Ottoman Empire - Suleiman the Magnificent, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (1520-1566)
* Safavid Empire - Tahmasp I Shah of Iran (1524-1576)


* China (Ming Dynasty) - Jiajing, Emperor of China (1521-1567)
* Japan
o Monarch - Go-Nara, Emperor of Japan (1526-1557)
o Shogun (Ashikaga) - Ashikaga Yoshiteru, Shogun of Japan (1546-1565)
* Korea (Joseon Dynasty) - Myeongjong, King of Joseon (1545-1567)
* Mughal Empire - Ibrahim Sur, Emperor of the Mughal Empire (1545-1555)
* Ryūkyū Kingdom - Shō Sei, King of Ryūkyū (1527-1555)


* Denmark-Norway - Christian III, King of Denmark and Norway (1534-1559)
* England
1. Edward VI, King of England (1547 - 1553)
2. Jane, Queen of England (1553)
3. Mary I, Queen of England (1553 - 1558)
* France - Henry II, King of France (1547-1559)
* Holy Roman Empire - Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (1519 - 1556)
* Hungary -
o Ferdinand I, Rival King of Hungary (1526-1564)
o John II Zapolya, Rival King of Hungary (1540-1571)
* Lithuania-Poland - Sigismund II, Grand Duke of Lithuania (1544-1572) and King of Poland (1548-1572)
* Moldavia - Alexandru Lapusneanu, Voivode of Moldavia (1552-1561)
* Navarre - Henry II d'Albret, King of Navarre (1516-1555)
* Papal States - Julius III, Bishop of Rome (1550-1555)
* Portugal - John III the Pious, King of Portugal (1521-1557)
* Russia - Ivan IV the Terrible, Grand Prince of Moscow (1533-1547) then Tsar of Russia 1547-1584)
* Scotland - Mary I, Queen of Scotland (1542-1567)
* Sweden - Gustav I Vasa, King of Sweden (1521-1560)
* Venice -
1. Francesco Donato, Doge of Venice (1545-1553)
2. Marcantonio Trivisan, Doge of Venice (1553-1554)
* Wallachia - Radu Ilie Haidaul, Voivode of Wallachia (1552-1553)


* Ethiopia - Gelawdewos, Emperor of Ethiopia (1540-1559)
* Kongo - Diogo I, Manikongo (1545 - 1561)
* Sennar - Abd al-Qadir I (1550/1 - 1557/8)
* Songhai Empire - Askia Daoud, Askia of the Songhai Empire (1549-1582)
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عدد المساهمات : 3574
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/09/2008

the year 1553 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: the year 1553   the year 1553 Icon_minitimeالأحد أكتوبر 05, 2008 11:19 pm

in Japan:
he 1553 siege of Katsurao was one of many sieges undertaken by the warlord Takeda Shingen in his bid to gain control of Japan's Shinano province. He successfully took the fortress from Murakami Yoshikiyo, and seized three more minor fortresses over the next four months, at Wada, Takashima and Fukuda.

In England
Parliamentary constituencies of the British House of Commons established in 1553.

Events in Ireland

* Marian reaction in Ireland: restoration of Papal authority (until 1558).[1]

*Death of Edward VI, King of Ireland (b. 1537)

* 19 July - Mary I becomes Queen of England and Ireland upon the death of Edward VI.[u]

Deaths of 1553
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
the year 1553
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