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 Canada 2000

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 3574
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/09/2008

Canada 2000 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Canada 2000   Canada 2000 Icon_minitimeالإثنين أغسطس 12, 2013 8:32 pm

Canada 2000


 Doug Henning, Canadian-born magician, died in Los Angeles at age 52 from liver cancer.
    (SFC, 2/9/00, p.C5)(AP, 2/7/01)
 Canada passed the Clarity Act, which set out a procedure for the government to negotiate with any province that votes for independence by a clear majority.
    (www.cric.ca/en_html/guide/clarity/clarity_act.html)(Econ, 1/14/06, p.18)

 The Reform Party entered the Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance to oppose the governing Liberal Party.
    (SFC, 3/27/00, p.A13)
March 2000 :
 Health Canada quarantined the country’s sperm banks after a woman contracted chlamydia from a donor sample.
    (SSFC, 3/25/01, p.C4)
 Wiebo Ludwig, an environmental radical, was convicted for bombing a gas well in 1998 and sentenced to prison
    (SFC, 4/20/00, p.C3)
 It was reported that the Molson Beer ad, "Joe’s Rant" featuring Jeff Douglas , had become a national phenomenon for Canadian pride
    (SFC, 4/29/00, p.A13)

 In Canada an outbreak of E. coli in Walkerton, Ontario, left 5 people dead and made over 1,000 very ill. The local water system had become contaminated
    (SFC, 5/27/00, p.A13)

 Maurice "Rocket" Richard, hockey star, died at age 78. He led the Canadiens to 8 Stanley Cups.
    (WSJ, 5/30/00, p.A1)

 A 3-day meeting on trade of the 34-nation OAS, Organization of American States, began in Windsor, Canada. Police arrested 41 protesters
    (SFEC, 6/4/00, p.A20)(SFC, 6/5/00, p.A9)

 In Canada demonstrators in Toronto protested cuts in social programs and clashed with police
    (SFC, 6/16/00, p.A19)

 A bill that erased virtually all legal distinctions between heterosexual marriages and same-sex unions went into effect
    (SFC, 7/3/00, p.A12)
Jun 2000 
 British Columbia created a publicly funded day care program
    (SFC, 6/9/00, p.A17)
 In Vancouver Dr. Garson Romalis was stabbed outside his abortion clinic by a suspected anti-abortion extremist. In 1994 Romalis was shot at his home by an anti-abortion sniper from Vermont
    (SFC, 7/15/00, p.A14)
 A tornado hit the Green Acres campground near Red Deer, Alberta, and 9 people were killed. A 10th camper died the next day
    (SFEC, 7/16/00, p.A2)(SFC, 7/17/00, p.A13)
July 2000 ,
 Stockwell Day, a Conservative from Alberta, was elected leader of the Canadian Conservative Alliance over founder Preston Manning
    (SFC, 7/22/00, p.A10)
 Canadian sailors dropped from helicopters and took over the GTS Katie, a private American freighter, that held 3 Canadian soldiers and $250 million in military equipment that was being returned from Kosovo. The freighter had refused to dock over a payment dispute
    (SFC, 8/4/00, p.A17)
 In Canada Pierre Trudeau, 2-time former premier, died at age 80. He led Canada from 1968-1979 and from 1980-1984
    (SFC, 9/29/00, p.D7)

 Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau (10/18/1919-09/28/2000) was buried in Montreal. The spring of 1968 a wave of "Trudeaumania" swept Canada and Trudeau became a star (and Prime Minster) until he lost eleven years later. He won parliament election again in 1980-1984. Trudeau was noted for legislation that shaped Canada's future including supporting many women entering into political positions. On a personal note Trudeau was noted for taking a swing at the press either physically or verbally. While quite dapper with his trade mark rose in the lapel and his sexy style, Trudeau had a comical side sliding down banisters, and doing pirouettes behind the Queen's back at Buckingham Palace. Pierre Elliott Trudeau was named top Canadian newsmaker of the 20th century
    (MC, 10/3/01)
 Canada’s Prime Minister Jean Chretien called for new elections in an attempt to increase his parliamentary majority
    (SFC, 10/23/00, p.A10)
27-10-2000        Oct 27,
 Canadian authorities arrested the men they say masterminded the 1985 bombing of an Air India jumbo jet near Ireland that claimed the lives of all 329 people aboard.
 The men were acquitted at trial in March 2005.
    (AP, 10/27/05)

Oct 2000
Ron and Loren Koval disappeared and were soon accused of stealing over $50 million as directors of a financial company and health center in Toronto
    (SFC, 11/4/00, p.A12)
 In Calgary Samer Jaber , a student at Lester B. Pierson High School, was stabbed to death over a $30 debt
    (SFC, 11/21/00, p.A14)
 Canadian authorities apprehended Lai Changxing, a fugitive smuggler from Fujian province of China
    (SFC, 12/27/00,

 Prime Minister Jean Chretien (66) led the Liberal Party to a 3rd consecutive majority government in parliamentary elections with 41% of the popular vote and increased their seats in parliament to 173 of 301. The 63% turnout was a record low
    (SFC, 11/28/00, p.A16)(SFC, 11/29/00, p.A16)(WSJ, 11/29/00, p.A1)

 Toronto Mayor Melvin Lastman was re-elected. In Dec. it was revealed that Lastman had engaged in a 14-year affair with Grace Louie that ended in 1971. Louie had just filed suit and alleged that Lastman fathered her 2 youngest sons.
    (SFC, 1/5/01, p.D6)
 Pres. Putin said he would follow the recommendation of the pardons commission and free Edmond Pope. It was later reported that Pope’s efforts to buy technology ran parallel to Canadian efforts to buy advanced Shkval torpedoes from a defense plan in Kyrgyzstan.
    (SSFC, 12/10/00, p.A27)(SFC, 1/3/01, p.A10)

 In Canada Pres. Putin of Russia met with Prime Minister Chretien and together supported existing nuclear arms accords. Chretien did not join Putin’s opposition to a US missile defense plan
    (SFC, 12/19/00, p.B4)

   In Canada Mike Lazaridis, co-founder of Research In Motion (RIM), founded the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics just outside Ontario’s Waterloo Univ. His initial support included a donation of C$100 million.
    (Econ, 3/19/05, p.68)(Econ, 9/23/06, TQ p.36)
Canadian researchers began pancreatic islet transplants to patients with diabetes with 70-80% success to eliminate insulin shots.
    (WSJ, 4/10/02, p.A1)


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Canada 2000
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