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 Dates of Battles in the First World War

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عضو نشيط

عدد المساهمات : 68
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/09/2010

Dates of Battles in the First World War Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Dates of Battles in the First World War   Dates of Battles in the First World War Icon_minitimeالأحد مارس 24, 2013 5:42 pm

Dates of Battles in the First World War

Battle of Liege Opened 5 August 1914
Battle of the Frontiers Opened 5 August 1914
Battle of Mulhouse Opened 7 August 1914
Battle of Haelen Opened 12 August 1914
Invasion of Lorraine Opened 14 August 1914
Battle of Stalluponen Opened 17 August 1914
Battle of Gumbinnen Opened 20 August 1914
Battle of the Ardennes Opened 21 August 1914
Battle of Charleroi Opened 21 August 1914
Siege of Namur Opened 21 August 1914
Battle of Mons Opened 23 August 1914
Capture of Dinant Opened 23 August 1914
Siege of Maubeuge Opened 25 August 1914
Destruction of Louvain Opened 25 August 1914
Battle of Le Cateau Opened 26 August 1914
Battle of Tannenberg Opened 26 August 1914
Battle of Heligoland Bight Opened 28 August 1914
Battle of Guise Opened 29 August 1914
Siege of Tsingtao Opened 2 September 1914
First Battle of the Marne Opened 6 September 1914
First Battle of the Masurian Lakes Opened 9 September 1914
Battle of Bita Paka Opened 11 September 1914
First Battle of the Aisne Opened 12 September 1914
First Battle of Albert Opened 25 September 1914
Battle of Sandfontein Opened 26 September 1914
Siege of Antwerp Opened 28 September 1914
First Battle of Arras Opened 1 October 1914
First Battle of Ypres Opened 14 October 1914
First Battle of Ypres (Second Account), Opened 14 October 1914
Battle of the Yser Opened 18 October 1914
Battle of Coronel Opened 1 November 1914
Battle of Tanga Opened 3 November 1914
Capture of Basra Opened 5 November 1914
Battle of Qurna Opened 3 December 1914
Battle of the Falkland Islands Opened 8 December 1914
Raid on Scarborough and Hartlepool Opened 16 December 1914
Battle of Givenchy Opened 18 December 1914
First Battle of Champagne Opened 20 December 1914
Battle of Dogger Bank Opened 24 January 1915
Battle of Bolimov Opened 31 January 1915
Defence of the Suez Canal Opened 3 February 1915
Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes Opened 7 February 1915
Initial Dardanelles Bombardment Opened 19 February 1915
Battle of Neuve-Chapelle Opened 10 March 1915
Attempt to Force the Narrows Opened 18 March 1915
Battle of Shaiba Opened 11 April 1915
Second Battle of Ypres Opened 22 April 1915
Landings at Helles & Anzac Cove Opened 25 April 1915
First Battle of Krithia Opened 28 April 1915
Counter-attack at Eski Hissarlik Opened 1 May 1915
Second Battle of Krithia Opened 6 May 1915
Battle of Festubert Opened 15 May 1915
Turkish attack at Anzac Cove Opened 19 May 1915
Capture of Amara Opened 31 May 1915
Third Battle of Krithia Opened 4 June 1915
Battles of the Isonzo Opened June 1915-October 1915
First Battle of the Isonzo Opened 23 June 1915
Battle of Nasiriyeh Opened 27 June 1915
Battle of Gully Ravine Opened 28 June 1915
Attack on Achi Baba Opened 12 July 1915
Second Battle of the Isonzo Opened 18 July 1915
Landings at Suvla Bay Opened 6 August 1915
Battle of Lone Pine Opened 6 August 1915
Battle of Sari Bair Opened 6 August 1915
Battle of the Nek Opened 6 August 1915
Battle of Hill 60 Opened 21 August 1915
Battle of Scimitar Hill Opened 21 August 1915
Battle of Loos Opened 25 September 1915
Capture of Kut-al-Amara Opened 28 September 1915
Battle of Es Sinn Opened 28 September 1915
Third Battle of the Isonzo Opened 18 October 1915
Fourth Battle of the Isonzo Opened 10 November 1915
Battle of Ctesiphon Opened 2 November 1915
Siege of Kut-al-Amara Opened 7 December 1915
Evacuation of Gallipoli Opened 18 December 1915
Battle of Sheikh Sa'ad Opened 6 January 1916
Battle of the Wadi Opened 13 January 1916
Battle of Hanna Opened 21 January 1916
Battle of Verdun Opened 21 February 1916
Battle of Dujaila Opened 8 March 1916
Fifth Battle of the Isonzo Opened 9 March 1916
Battle of Lake Naroch Opened 18 March 1916
First Battle of Kut Opened 5 April 1916
Battle of Asiago Opened 15 May 1916
Trentino Offensive Opened 15 May 1916
Battle of Jutland Opened 31 May 1916
Battle of Lutsk Opened 4 June 1916
Battle of Khanaqin Opened June 1916
Battle of the Somme Opened 1 July 1916
Battle of Bazentin Ridge Opened 14 July 1916
Battle of Delville Wood Opened 15 July 1916
Battle of Pozieres Ridge Opened 23 July 1916
Battle of Romani Opened 3 August 1916
Sixth Battle of the Isonzo Opened 6 August 1916
Battle of Gorizia Opened 6 August 1916
Battle of Guillemont Opened 3 September 1916
Seventh Battle of the Isonzo Opened 14 September 1916
Battle of Flers-Courcelette Opened 15 September 1916
Eighth Battle of the Isonzo Opened 10 October 1916
Ninth Battle of the Isonzo Opened 1 November 1916
Second Battle of Kut Opened 13 December 1916
Battle of Khadairi Bend Opened 9 January 1917
Battle of Nahr-al-Kalek Opened 26 February 1917
Capture of Baghdad Opened 11 March 1917
Samarrah Offensive Opened 13 March 1917
Seizure of Falluja Opened 19 March 1917
First Battle of Gaza Opened 26 March 1917
Battle of Jebel Hamlin Opened 25 March 1917
Battle of Vimy Ridge Opened 9 April 1917
Battle of Shiala Opened 11 April 1917
Second Battle of the Aisne Opened 16 April 1917
Second Battle of Gaza Opened 17 April 1917
Battle of Istabulat Opened 21 April 1917
Battle of the Boot Opened 30 April 1917
Tenth Battle of the Isonzo Opened 12 May 1917
Battle of Otranto Straits Opened 14 May 1917
Battle of Messines Opened 7 June 1917
Third Battle of Ypres Opened 31 July 1917
Third Battle of Ypres (2) Opened 31 July 1917
Battle of Passchendaele Opened 31 July 1917
Eleventh Battle of the Isonzo Opened 19 August 1917
Battle of Ramadi Opened 28 September 1917
Twelfth Battle of the Isonzo Opened 24 October 1917
Battle of Caporetto Opened 24 October 1917
Third Battle of Gaza Opened 31 October 1917
Battle of Beersheba Opened 31 October 1917
Capture of Tikrit Opened 5 November 1917
Battle of Mughar Ridge Opened 13 November 1917
Battle of Cambrai Opened 20 November 1917
Fall of Jerusalem Opened 8 December 1917
Raid on Zeebrugge Opened 23 April 1918
Third Battle of the Aisne Opened 27 May 1918
Battle of Cantigny Opened 28 May 1918
Battle of Chateau-Thierry Opened 3 June 1918
Battle of Belleau Wood Opened 6 June 1918
Battle of the Piave River Opened 15 June 1918
Battle of Le Hamel Opened 4 July 1918
Second Battle of the Marne Opened 15 July 1918
Battle of Havrincourt Opened 12 September 1918
Battle of Epehy Opened 18 September 1918
Battle of Vittorio Veneto Opened 23 October 1918
Battle of Sharqat Opened 29 October 1918
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Dates of Battles in the First World War
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