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 Famous Wars in World History

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عضو فعال

عدد المساهمات : 3882
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009

Famous Wars in World History Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Famous Wars in World History   Famous Wars in World History Icon_minitimeالأربعاء يوليو 18, 2012 12:49 pm

Famous Wars Across History



Old Wars  before 1BC
BC1274     Battle of Kadesh
BC1046   Shang-Zhou War in China.
580 BC - 265 BC  Greek Punic Wars
499 BC - 448 BC  Persian Wars
431 BC - 404 BC  Peloponnesian War
395 BC - 387 BC  Corinthian War
343 BC - 290 BC  Samnite Wars between Rome and Samnium
334 BC - 323 BC  Wars of Alexander the Great
274 BC - 200 BC  Syrian Wars
264 BC - 146 BC  Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage
215 BC - 168 BC  Macedonian Wars
205 BC - 201 BC  Cretan War
191 BC - 188 BC  Roman-Syrian War
135 BC - 71 BC  Roman Servile Wars
    89 BC - 63 BC  Mithridatic Wars
    58 BC - 50 BC  Julius Caesar's Gallic Wars
    55 BC - 54 BC  Julius Caesar's Roman invasion of Britain
    53 BC - 51 BC  Parthian War of Marcus Licinius Crassus
    49 BC - 45 BC  Caesar's civil war
    44 BC - 30 BC  Roman Civil War
      34 BC-22 BC   Chinese War

 Wars : AD 1 - 999
    43 96 Roman conquest of Britain
    60  61 Boudica's Uprising  
184 205 Yellow Turban Rebellion
533 534 Vandal War
772 804 Saxon Wars

Wars :  AD 1 - 1199
1066 1088 Norman conquest of England
1096 1099 First Crusade
1145 1149 Second Crusade
1189 1192 Third Crusade

 Wars :1200 - 1299
1202 1204 Fourth Crusade
1206 1324 Mongol wars and conquests
1213 1221 Fifth Crusade
1215 1217 First Barons' War (England)
1248 1254 Seventh Crusade
1270 1270 Eighth Crusade
1271 1272 Ninth Crusade
1296 1328 First War of Scottish Independence

 Wars : 1300 - 1399
1323 1328 Peasant revolt in Flanders
1326 1332 Polish–Teutonic War
1337 1453 Hundred Years' War

Wars :   1400 - 1499
1419 1434 Hussite Wars
1425 1454 Wars in Lombardy
1454 1466 Thirteen Years' War
1455 1485 Wars of the Roses

 Wars : 1500 - 1599
1509 1512 Ottoman Civil War
1519 1521 Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire
1529 1532 Inca Civil War
1531 1572 Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire
1537 1548 Conquistador Civil War in Peru
1554 1557 Russo-Swedish War
1563 1564 Burmese–Siamese War
1568 1648 Eighty Years' War
1570 1573 Ottoman–Venetian War
1571 1571 Russo-Crimean War


 Wars : 1600 - 1699
1600 1611 Polish–Swedish War
1602 1661 Dutch–Portuguese War
1618 1648 Thirty Years' War
1634 1638 Pequot War
1635 1659 Franco-Spanish War
1640 1701 Beaver Wars (Iroquois)
1642 1646 First English Civil War
1648 1649 Second English Civil War
1649 1651 Third English Civil War
1652 1654 First Anglo-Dutch War
1654 1660 Anglo-Spanish War
1655 1655 Peach Tree War (Susquehannock)
1675 1676 King Philip's War
1683 1699 Great Turkish War
1688 1697 Nine Years' War including King William's War
1689 1692 Jacobean Rising in Scotland

Wars : 1700 - 1799
1700 1721 Great Northern War
1711 1715 Tuscarora War
1712 1716 First Fox War
1715 1717 Yamasee War
1721 1763 Chickasaw Wars
1728 1733 Second Fox War
1739 1748 War of Jenkins' Ear
1744 1748 King George's War
1754 1763 French and Indian War (Part of the Seven Years' War)
1756 1763 Seven Years' War
1758 1761 Anglo-Cherokee War
1763 1766 Pontiac's War
1775 1783 American Revolutionary War
1776 1794 Chickamauga Wars
1779 1783 Anglo-Spanish War
1785 1795 Northwest Indian War
1789 1799 The French Revolution
1791 1804 Haitian Revolution

 Wars : 1800 - 1899
1803 1815 Napoleonic Wars
1804 1813 Russo-Persian War
1808 1810 Rum Rebellion
1808 1833 Spanish American wars of independence
1810 1821 Mexican War of Independence
1812 1815 War of 1812
1813 1814 Creek War
1817 1858 Seminole Wars
1818 1828 Zulu Wars of Conquest
1820 1875 Texas–Indian wars
1821 1832 Greek War of Independence
1821 1848 Comanche–Mexico War
1825 1830 Java War
1827 1827 Winnebago War
1832 1832 Black Hawk War
1835 1836 Texas Revolution
1839 1842 First Opium War
1846 1864 Navajo Wars
1846 1848 Mexican-American War
1849 1924 Apache Wars
1850 1865 California Indian Wars
1853 1856 Crimean War
1861 1865 American Civil War
1864 1868 Snake War
1866 1868 Red Cloud's War
1867 1875 Comanche Campaign
1876 1877 Great Sioux War (Black Hills War)
1877 1877 Nez Perce War
1878 1879 Cheyenne War
1879 1879 Sheepeater Indian War
1879 1880 Victorio's War
1899 1901 Boxer Rebellion
1899 1902 Second Boer War


 Wars :1900 - 1999
1905          Russian Revolution
1910 1921 Mexican Revolution
1914 1918 World War I
1917 1923 Russian Civil War
1919 1923 Turkish War of Independence
1919 1921 Irish War of Independence
1927 1949 Chinese Civil War
1936 1939 Spanish Civil War
1939 1945 World War II
1946 1949 Greek Civil War
1948 1949 1948 Arab–Israeli War
1950 1953 Korean War
1952 1960 Mau Mau Uprising
1953 1959 Cuban Revolution
1954 1962 Algerian War
1955 1975 Vietnam War
1961 1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion

Arab-Israeli War 1967 1973
1979 1989 Soviet war in Afghanistan
1980 1988 Iran–Iraq War
1982 1982 Falklands War
1990 1991 Gulf War
1991 1995 Croatian War of Independence
1992 1995 Bosnian War
1998 1999 Kosovo War


 Wars :  2000 - To Date
2001 War in Afghanistan
2003 2011 Iraq War
2006 2009 War in Somalia
2008 2009 War on Gaza 

Battle of Kadesh= معركة قادش
1046  Shang-Zhou War = حرب شانج زو
 Punic Wars = الحروب البونية
Peloponnesian War =الحروب البيلوبوتيزية
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Famous Wars in World History
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