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 A Summary for the period 4000BC TO 3000BC

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 3574
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/09/2008

A Summary for the period 4000BC TO 3000BC Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: A Summary for the period 4000BC TO 3000BC   A Summary for the period 4000BC TO 3000BC Icon_minitimeالخميس فبراير 26, 2009 2:39 pm

 The Supe people, a maritime farming community,was established about this time along the coast of Peru
   (SFC, 1/20/09, p.A13)
 In Ireland at Poulnabrone Dolmen in County Clare, one of some 120 wedge tombs, bodies were interred over a 600 year period that ended about 3200BC
   (SFEC, 11/12/00, p.T8)
   The Mesopotamian settlement of Nagar
(in northeastern Syria) grew to become one of the first large cities of
the Middle East. It began before 6,000BC and continued to about 1000BC
   (MT, summer 2003, p.11)
 The first year of the Jewish calendar that begins with Rosh Hashana.

[the year 5758 in Jewish calendar =1997 in Gregorian calendar]

   (SFC, 10/1/97, p.A16)(WUD, 1994, p.767)
 Archeologists found ears of popcorn 5,600 years old in the Bat Cave in New Mexico in 1948
   (HFA, '96, p.66)
  In 2005 a team working for five years in the
area of Kom El-Ahmar, Egypt, known in antiquity as Hierakonpolis,
excavated a complex thought to belong to a ruler of the ancient city
who reigned around this time. Archaeologists unearthed seven corpses
believed to date to the era, as well as an intact figure of a cow's
head carved from flint

   (AP, 4/22/05)
 In Washington state the Osceola mudflow from Mount Ranier covered an area from Rainier to Puget Sound
   (SFEC, 7/12/98, p.A22)
  The Supe people, a maritime farming community along the coast of Peru, disappeared about this time

In 2009 Researchers found their disappearance coincided with earthquakes and
landslides followed by massive flooding
   (SFC, 1/20/09, p.A13)
An Egyptian cemetery of working class inhabitants at Hierankopolis of this time showed evidence ofmummification
   (AM, 9/01, p.13)
 On Malta the Gantija phase saw the construction of the first megalithic temples
   (AM, Jul/Aug '97 p.43)
 Neolithic jade pieces represent some of the oldest of Chinese art
   (WSJ, 2/19/98, p.A20)
 Sumerians and Babylonians use a sexigesimal (base 60) number system according to historian Eric Temple Bell
 A linen shroud dating to this time was later put on display at the Egyptian museum in Turin, Italy
   (SSFC, 1/22/06, p.E6)
 In Egypt the "Knife of Gebel-el-Arak" was made with an ivory handle carved with hunting and battle scenes. It is now in the French Louvre
   (WSJ, 1/29/98, p.A16)
   In 2008 a team of German and Peruvian archaeologists reported the discovery of a ceremonial plaza near Peru's north-central coast dating to this period
   (AP, 2/27/08)
 The Tower of Babel was built during this period by people of one language who inhabited the land of Shinar in the kingdom of Nimrod
   (Econ, 4/26/08, p.108)
 The first cities appeared along the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates just north of what is now the Persian Gulf

The cities made up the Uruk culture named after the principal city of
Uruk, which corresponds to the Biblical Erech. The culture invented
writing, the lunar calendar, used metal and built monumental
architecture. The cities remained independent for almost a thousand
   (eawc, p.1)
3309BC    Mar 10
A primordial Maya god, named GI by scholars, began his mythical reign
   (AM, Jul-Aug/99, p.16)
The beginning date of the Mayan calendar
Around this time the inhabitants of Sumer in
present day Iraq adopted the practice of storing tokens in sealed clay
jars. The tokens represented the counts of foodstuffs, livestock , and
land. The stored tokens provided a more permanent record but required
that jars be broken in order to examine the record. Then someone hit on
the idea of making marks in the soft clay covers of the jars to
represent the tokens inside. Archeological evidence shows that the
marked jars led almost immediately to a system of marks on clay tablets
   (I&I, Penzias, p.42)

 Archaic cylinder seals [of Sumeria] of this
time were later collected by financier Pierpont Morgan.
   (SFC, 2/15/97, p.D1)

 In 1991 German hikers Erica and Helmut
Simon found a well-preserved prehistoric corpse, dated to about this
time. He was later named Oetzi (Frozen Fritz). He was found on Sep 19,
1991, in a glacier on the Hauslabjoch Pass, about 100 yards from
Austria in northern Italy. It was kept at the Univ. of Innsbruck for
study. In 1998 analysis indicated that the Ice Man had internal
parasites and carried the woody fruit of a tree fungus as a remedy.
Tattoos on the body were also found to be placed over areas of active
arthritis. A flint arrow was also found in his back. In 2007 forensic
researchers said he died either from hitting his head on a rock when he
passed out or because his attacker hit him in the head.
   (SFC, 12/25/98, p.A4)(SFEC, 5/7/00, p.T4)(WSJ,
2/3/04, p.A1)(AP, 8/29/07)
In 1998 clay tablets were reported from this date
from the tomb of an Egyptian king named Scorpion. The tablets had
writing that recorded linen and oil deliveries as a tithe to the king.
The tomb was in a cemetery at Gebel Tjauti in Suhag province, some 250
miles south of Cairo. Egyptologists John Coleman Darnell and wife
Deborah discovered the tableau in 1995.
   (SFC, 12/15/98, p.C5)(SFC, 4/16/02, p.A4)
The earliest known civilizations
occupied the Aegean world. The Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations rose
and fell over this period.
   (eawc, p.1)
   King Scorpion ruled Upper (southern) Egypt

Evidence of wine was found in his tomb and scientists believed it was
produced in Jordan and transported by donkey and boat to Egypt
   (AM, 5/01, p.54)(SFC, 10/27/05, p.A2)
 Semitic people come to the area around Byblos,Lebanon. It was then called Gebal and the people Giblites, who with flat axes cut timber from the mountains.
   (NG, Aug., 1974, p.174)
  A white limestone vase was made depicting
Sumerians offering gifts to the goddess Innin along with scenes of
daily life in Uruk. It survived for thousands of years and came to be
called the Sacred Vase of Warka.
   (SFC, 6/13/03, p.A12)(WSJ, 9/18/03, p.D6)
  Archeological evidence indicates that the Sumerians used wheeled transportation
   (eawc, p.1)
The Sumerians developed pictographic writing about this time
   (SFEC, 11/14/99, p.A6)
The National Museum of the American Indian in New York City has Valdivian female figurines from Ecuador that date back to 3200BC
   (SFC, 12/4/94, p.T-3)
 Henges, enormous ditches enclosing circular constructs dating to this period, were enigmatic features of Neolithic and Bronze age Britain. In 2008 researchers dating cremated bones concluded that Stonehenge was initially established as a “domain of ancestors,” and that burials were a major  component in all its stages

   (SFC,11/11/97, p.A12)(SFC, 5/30/08, p.A6)
 The Orkney Island village of Skara Brae
was inhabited during this period. A huge storm in 1850 revealed its
ruins. Inhabitants were settled farmers who ate sheep, cattle, grain
and fish

3/23/97,  p.T3)
The Cycladic culture, a network of small, sometimes
fortified farming and fishing settlements that traded with mainland
Greece, Crete and Asia Minor, flourished during this period. It is best
known for the elegant figurines: mostly naked, elongated figures with
arms folded under their chests. It was eclipsed by Crete and Mycenaean
   (AP, 12/31/06)
 The Indus Valley civilization grew up
along the banks of the Indus River in what is now Pakistan. The cities
of Harappa and Mohenjo-Dara showed the development of multi-level
houses and city-wide plumbing. A natural disaster that altered the
course of the Indus River appears to have brought about the collapse of this civilization.
   (eawc, p.1)
 Menes, the legendary first pharaoh of Egypt,
ruled upper Egypt from Nekhen before he conquered lower Egypt and moved
his capital to Memphis
   (NG, May 1985, p.586)
The upper and lower kingdoms were united to
form the 1st Dynasty of Egypt. The fertile Nile Valley and prevailing
environmental conditions led to the formation of villages along the
river—Upper Egypt in the south and Lower Egypt in the north. These
villages grew into 'kingdoms' centered around Naqadah (later
Hierakonopolis) in the south and Behdet (later Buto) in the delta.
According to tradition, the upper and lower kingdoms were united into
one centralized government by King Menes around 3100BC. However, modern
scholars are unsure whether King Menes was actually several kings,
including Narmer and Aha. Menes' reign lasted a substantial 62 years
before being killed by a hippopotamus (again according to
tradition).  The 1st dynasty lasted until about 2890BC
   (HNQ, 11/2/00)
c 3100BC  
 In the protodynastic period of Egypt
"Scorpion" ruled  and was followed by Narmer. In 2002 Jan Assmann
authored "The Mind of Egypt: History and Meaning in the Time of the
   (R4,1998)(SSFC, 4/28/02, p.M4)
 Cuneiform writing emerged in Mesopotamia. The
wedge-shaped characters were used to record the first epics in world
history, including "Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta," and the first
stories about "Gilgamesh."
   (eawc, p.1)
Writing was related to Sumerian language
 The first known incarnation of Stonehenge, the
ancient stone monument in the south of England, is thought to have been
built by native Neolithic peoples around this time. Archaeological
interpretation of the site is primarily based on a series of modern
excavations carried out since 1919. The studies have concluded that
there were three different building periods representing markedly
different materials and methods. Stonehenge I was primarily an earthen
structure built by native Neolithic peoples using deer antlers as
picks. Two entry stones were also placed to the northeast of the
circle, one of which (the "Slaughter Stone") survives in the latest
   (HNQ, 3/3/01)
The Archaic Period of Egypt.   Narmer united Egypt and hieroglyphic writing developed
   (eawc, p.1)
 In Egypt the limestone "Stele of the Serpent King" has a bas-relief of a falcon in profile above a nearly abstract curving stroke of a snake. It is now in the French Louvre

   (WSJ, 1/29/98, p.A16)
In Egypt Hor-Aha ruled and was followed by Djer, Djet, Den, Anedjib, Semerkhet, and Qa'a. These rulers comprised the 1st dynasty


عدل سابقا من قبل الأستاذ في الجمعة نوفمبر 07, 2014 9:45 am عدل 1 مرات
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عدد المساهمات : 3574
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/09/2008

A Summary for the period 4000BC TO 3000BC Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: 3000BC   A Summary for the period 4000BC TO 3000BC Icon_minitimeالخميس فبراير 26, 2009 2:48 pm


Evidence of human habitation in the Yosemite Valley of California.
(SFEC, 5/18/97, Z1 p.4)
In California radiocarbon tests indicated human habitation at the SF bay side foot of San Bruno Mountain back to this time.
(SFEC,12/29/97, p.A13)
"Bison Hunter" villages around Middle Lake in Modoc Ct., Ca., were carbon-dated to this time.
(SFEC, 5/10/98, p.T9)
An earthen mound at what later was known as Watson Brake, La. in the US was dated to this time.
(SFC, 9/19/97, p.A3)
Maize and other crops were introduced in the lowlands of what is now northern Belize.
(AM, May/Jun 97 suppl. p.A)
The use of coca in Bolivian culture can be traced back to at least this time. It is commonly called hoja sagrada, or sacred loaf.
(SFC, 6/29/00, p.A12)
In Britain timber temples were constructed prior to stone circles. Remains of one was found in 1997 at Stanton Drew in Somerset that measured 443 feet on the outer diameter.
(SFC,11/11/97, p.A17)
Chur, the capital of the Swiss canton of Graubunden, dates back to this time.
(Wired, Dec. '95, p.76)
The fishing village of Daixi at the eastern end of the Qutang Gorge in China is the site of a Neolithic culture from this time.
(NH, 7/96, p.58)

Ships transported timber from Byblos to Egypt.
(NG, Aug., 1974, p.156)
Thoth developed the Egyptian calendar whose year begins with the autumn equinox. The year was divided into 12 months of 30 days with 5 or 6 days added at the end but not counted as a part of any month.
The Egyptians used reed brushes on papyrus to write hieroglyphics.
(SFC, 7/26/04, p.F4)(K.I.-365D.p.31)
Ayurveda, a holistic Indian science, had its beginnings. It later taught that the balancing of the mind, spirit and body is the secret of health, vitality, longevity and beauty.
(SFC, 4/25/00, p.C6)

Hatha Yoga, a combination of mind and body exercises, began in India about this time.
(SSFC, 4/18/04, p.D16)
The earliest 6-sided dice date to about this time from a site in northern Iraq.
(WSJ, 10/27/06, p.W5)
In the area of present Lithuania at the end of the 3rd millennium a new wave of nomadic cattle-raisers moved in from the south and south-west and brought with them a corded pottery culture.
(DrEE, 10/12/96, p.2)


In Macedonia the town of Ohrid was established on Lake Ohrid, the 2nd deepest lake in the world.
(SFC, 8/9/99, p.A8)

A Neolithic temple at Mnajdra, Malta, dates to this time.
(AM, 7/01, p.15)
The aspect of goddess as a cultural figure began losing power about this time as the process of reading and writing developed. In 1998 Dr. Leonard Shlain published "The Alphabet Versus the Goddess: The Conflict Between Word and Image."
(SFC, 1/19/99, p.B1)

On the Orkney mainland the 12 Stones of Stennes were built about this time.
(SFEC, 3/23/97, p.T3)

Gold and silver began to be refined via cupellation, a process that produces 300 parts lead for every part silver.
(NH, 7/96, p.50)

Bituminous surface deposits were exploited in the Near East as early as this time.
(AM, Mar/Apr 97 p.56)


It is suspected by Earth scientists that the sun shone particularly brightly about this time. This episode is called the Altithermal, and may have contributed to the rise of the early civilizations. Another similar high heat episode occurs around 1000 CE.
(NOHY, 3/90, p.127)

Scientists say that the weather changed about this time and that the first El Nino Pacific Ocean temperature flip occurred. Analysis of Peruvian coastal middens of this period indicated a diet change from tropical mollusks to cold water mollusks. The idea was first proposed in 1983 and evidence was added from Japan and Greenland. Skeptics claim that the change was due to mollusks harvested from now vanished warm water lagoons.
(SFC, 9/13/96, p.E2)

Urartu existed in eastern Anatolia starting about his time until it was defeated and destroyed by the Medes.

The Osceola mudflow from Mt. Rainier, Wa., struck. It was estimated to have been 60 times as massive as the 1985 mudflow in Columbia that killed 23,000 people.
(SFEC, 11/10/96, p.A16)


On Malta the Tarxien phase is marked by the collapse of the temple culture.
(AM, Jul/Aug '97 p.44)

Bronze might have been invented in ancient Afghanistan around this time. True urban centers rose in two main sites in Afghanistan--Mundigak, and Deh Morasi Ghundai. Mundigak (near modern day Kandahar) had an economic base of wheat, barley, sheep and goats. Also, evidence indicates that Mudigak could have been a provincial capital of the Indus valley civilization. Ancient Afghanistan was a crossroads between Mesopotamia, and other Civilizations.
(www.afghan, 5/25/98)

Early Minoan civilization, centering around Crete, named after the legendary Cretan king. Early, middle, and late are periods divided by Sir Arthur Evans. Pottery was decorated with incised or pricked patterns filled in with white powdered gypsum to make a pattern on a black background up to this time. Early Minoan I began to make colored decoration. Ornament was restricted to simple geometrical patterns. The pottery was made without a wheel. In this period short, triangular daggers in copper are found. In Early Minoan II Pottery designs are more free and graceful, simple curves appear. The potter's wheel was introduced. Rude and primitive idols in marble, alabaster, and steatite are found, but the use of flint and obsidian was not wholly abandoned. Early Minoan III begins to show seals with a kind of hieroglyphic signs upon them, apparently imitated from Egyptian seals.


In Scotland the Clava cairns, a mile from Culloden, are 3 sizable stone burial chambers encircled by stone monoliths.
(SFEC,12/797, p.T4)

Ebla, Syria, was a commercial capital of this era. In 1975 tens of thousands of cuneiform tablets were found that supported Ebla's role.
(WSJ, 9/30/99, p.A26)


In China’s Late Neolithic, Longshan period, a walled settlement existed at what was later called the Puchengdian Ruins of Henan province.
(Arch, 1/05, p.12)


The city of Harappa flourished as part of the Indus Valley civilization in Pakistan.
(AM, Mar/Apr 97 p.A)



The Bronze Age.
(MT, 3/96, p.5)

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
A Summary for the period 4000BC TO 3000BC
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